Joe Scarborough and his Morning Joe sidepiece Mika Brzezinski certainly deserve each other, but viewers deserve better from NBC News.
The left wing’s answer to Fox & Friends took their relationship “to the next level” by admitting that their “crackling chemistry” has moved them to make marital plans.
After being scooped on the story by Page Six, Scar ‘n Mika copped to being shacked up in the south of France when Joe popped the question. But nobody gets fired at NBC for getting scooped on their own story. Competence is optional, and so is ethics. That’s right, Brian Williams, we have not forgotten about you.
Morning Joe’s audience is not surprised by today’s “reveal.” In recent years, as Joe and Mika lightened their spousal baggage, NBC beefed up its Morning Joe photography budget. You could hire a few real reporters for what the network spends on glamour shots of these pretend journalists. They are indeed an attractive couple, and could make an honest living pitching luxury cruises and Viagra to the Town & Country set.
Anyone who has ever worked anyplace where a blonde is bangin’ the boss knows that the difference between the Fox News Frat House and NBC is merely a matter of degree.
The NBC logo — a preening peacock — used to seem out of place at the network whose news division was run by giants like Reuven Frank and Michael Gartner.
But it’s just right for a network that starts its day with a blowhard “analyst” who talks over everybody, including his girlfriend, and ends with a pompous fabulist who “coulda been an actor, but he wound up” making too much money to be fired from the anchor chair where real reporters used to sit.
Scott McArthur
May 4, 2017 at 2:47 pm
Joe’s Nephew Miller Hawkins is the photographer. His son Joey works on the show too.
Ray Roberts
May 4, 2017 at 3:21 pm
MSNBC lost all credibility during the 2016 democratic primary.
May 4, 2017 at 6:06 pm
Good job Florence, great commentary!!
Dave DeBkander
May 5, 2017 at 8:10 am
You hit it right on. Being from Joe’s congressional district here in Pensacola, Joe always championed one thing…Joe Scarborough.
Stephen Trask
May 5, 2017 at 9:15 am
Couldn’t disagree more of your assessment of Lawrence O’Donnell.
Do some research on him sometime.
He actually worked in Washington as a legislative aide on Capitol Hill.
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