In the week since President Donald Trump fired FBI Director James Comey, politicians have been grappling with an investigation that routinely is being compared to Watergate.
President Trump is even seeing GOP support for him wane, with House and Senate Republicans calling for a special prosecutor.
Despite the rocky road ahead for Trump, Jacksonville Republican Rep. John Rutherford stands by the President in his decision to dump Comey and replace him with someone.
“The FBI is our premier law enforcement agency, and it is the President’s prerogative to have a director who can faithfully execute the FBI’s critical missions. It was necessary for the president to take this step, new leadership will restore confidence in the FBI and their hardworking agents who continue to investigate the possibility of Russian efforts to interfere in our elections. These are important allegations and I believe we need to gather the facts,” Rutherford said in a statement.
Rutherford’s position is diametrically opposed to that of Rep. Al Lawson, a Democrat representing North Florida (including Jacksonville).
Lawson spox Mara Sloan noted that Lawson has called for a special prosecutor on both May 9 and May 16.
“Reports of President Trump sharing highly sensitive information with Russian officials is extremely concerning. This underscores the need for a Special Prosecutor to investigate this administration’s ties to Russia,” Lawson posted to Facebook on May 16.
Lawson, thus far, has not called for Impeachment — and we asked him about it on Wednesday.
Linda Green
May 18, 2017 at 4:36 pm
Mr. Rutherford, your naiveté is astounding. Stop drinking the Kool Aid and wake up to the danger this POTUS presents to our country.
Mitch Marcus
May 20, 2017 at 8:53 am
John Rutherford is a Trump stooge who has betrayed the people he has been sent to represent. As a law enforcement professional for decades he should know more than most laymen when somebody presents lies after lies after lies. Supporting someone who has divulged America’s most secure secrets to adversaries who are coincidentally Trump closest associates.
Rutherford must be defeated in 2018 along with all the other Trumplicans.
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