Paul Stanton resigns Libertarian Party sparking discussion of white supremacists


The Libertarian Party of Florida is struggling again with its own principal of inclusion, this time leading to the protest resignation Sunday night of Paul Stanton, last year’s U.S. Senate candidate.

Stanton submitted his resignation in a letter alleging that one of the rising stars in the state party is a white supremacist leader who had made threats of violence against him and other Libertarians, and that the party was doing nothing about it.

“I can no longer in good faith continue to ask other Libertarians to support a party which allows its leaders to threaten and intimidate members while repeating violent white supremacist and anti-Semitic rhetoric,” Stanton wrote.

Stanton, of Deland, made those charges against Ryan Ramsey, a Libertarian Party of Florida Regional Representative for Region 4 in North Florida, and Libertarian candidate for the Florida House of Representatives in House District 19 in North Florida.

In speaking with Florida Politics, Ramsey, of Lawtey, unequivocally denied Monday that he is a white supremacist, racist, anti-Semite, or any other form of hate-filled bigot, and also equally denied that he has ever made any threats against Stanton or other party members.

Libertarian Party of Florida Chairman Marcos Miralles of Miami sided Monday with Ramsey, charging that Stanton’s accusations were false and out of line.

All of it has at least some roots in past events, behaviors, rhetoric, and associations, some of it involving former Libertarian and ultranationalist Augustus Sol Invictus, who also ran for the U.S. Senate last year [Stanton beat him in the party primary.] Invictus, of Orlando, was a featured speaker at the Charlotesville alt-right demonstrations in August that attracted supremacists and neo-Nazis, and led to violence in which one woman was killed.

Ramsey and Invictus had been close. Ramsey campaigned for Invictus and shoveled dirt on Stanton’s campaign.

Ramsey also is a leader in a group called American Guard Florida, an affiliate of a national right-wing organization that some critics of the alt-right, notably the Southern Poverty Law Center, have reported has at least roots in the white supremacist movement.

And Ramsey openly acknowledges that he once was a member of white supremacist groups himself, groups he joined, he said, for self protection.

But all of that is past tense he said. Ramsey said he grew up, came to terms, and swore off racism and anti-Semitism, and moved on with an organization that he said has done likewise, American Guard, which he said has a diverse membership, including a gay, black state president in North Carolina.

“There are a number of people who’ve grown up and abandoned this stuff, myself being one of them,” Ramsey said of racist beliefs.

American Guard does have some unabashedly hard-line positions against immigrants, and for guns; declares itself to be “A Pro-American, Constitutional Nationalist community service and action group;” provides security services at some alt-right events; and uses symbology of William “Bill the Butcher” Poole, the brutal, 19th-century New York City street gang leader and radical political figure portrayed by Daniel Day-Lewis in the 2002 movie “Gangs of New York.”

But American Guard’s bylaws state the organization to be open to all, and opposed to tyranny on both sides of the political spectrum. The group argues that its security services are not unlike the litigation services that the American Civil Liberties Union provides, done for the protection of rights.

Invictus quit the Libertarian Party of Florida in the spring and joined the Republican Party. After Charlottesville, American Guard expelled Invictus for extremist views and associations with racists. Ramsey also publicly disavowed Invictus.

The Libertarian Party, he insisted, has plenty of room for both right-wing Libertarians from rural areas such as himself, and what he called left-wing Libertarians from more urban areas, such as Stanton and Ramsey’s other critics.

Stanton, Ramsey charged, went after him for personal reasons. Ramsey contended he couldn’t get over his support for Invictus last year, especially Ramsey’s attacks alleging irregularities in Stanton’s campaign finances, and is making false accusations about American Guard or who Ramsey is now.

“I think he was robbed of his identity [as a party conscious opposing Invictus] when Augustus left the party,” Ramsey said. “Now he realizes he has no purpose in life, so he’s just got to quit and take his ball and go home, which is probably better for everybody.”

The Libertarian Party has strongly condemned racism, white supremacy, and anti-Semitism, and its national leader told anyone holding such views to quite the party. Miralles said neither he nor the state party’s executive committee believes Ramsey is a racist or anti-Semite, and said he was “disheartened” that Stanton would make the accusations.

“My role is to represent a very diverse group of people,” Miralles said.

Stanton’s not buying it though, saying Ramsey has numerous associations with others who’ve been identified as white supremacists and has himself posted what Stanton called “crazy conspiracy theories” on his blog,

“Libertarians deserve better than the Libertarian Party of Florida,” Stanton declared in his letter.

Ramsey also points to his blog as evidence that he is not racist or anti-Semitic, including posts that disavow Richard Spencer, the Charlottesville rallies, and others advocating racism.

Scott Powers

Scott Powers is an Orlando-based political journalist with 30+ years’ experience, mostly at newspapers such as the Orlando Sentinel and the Columbus Dispatch. He covers local, state and federal politics and space news across much of Central Florida. His career earned numerous journalism awards for stories ranging from the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster to presidential elections to misplaced nuclear waste. He and his wife Connie have three grown children. Besides them, he’s into mystery and suspense books and movies, rock, blues, basketball, baseball, writing unpublished novels, and being amused. Email him at [email protected].


  • Larry Gillis (Cape Coral)

    October 23, 2017 at 6:55 pm

    I am used to the ups-and-downs of Florida’s Libertarian Party politics. Usually, it’s good clean fun, and very instructive; then, we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and start all over again. This one, however, hurts badly. Paul Stanton is a major asset of the LPF, and has been in the trenches for us when it really mattered (e.g., his Senatorial campaign in last year’s contested primary, and after). I can only hope that Paul is having a really bad-hair day, and that he will back to where he is needed. [polysyllabic middle-English barnyard utterance deleted].

  • Thomas L. Knapp

    October 23, 2017 at 7:29 pm

    Stanton gave the LPF numerous opportunities to stop serving as a runoff annex to the “white nationalist” sewer.

    So far it’s taken none of those opportunities, much of its executive committee choosing instead to pillory the messenger every time he speaks inconvenient truth.

    It’s gone way past LPF merely not being part of the solution and well into the question of whether LPF actively prefers to be part of the problem.

  • Ken Willey

    October 23, 2017 at 8:46 pm

    Paul Stanton has been peddling the story of Ramsey’s single handed takeover of the state party for months. If you aren’t sufficiently hysterical after hearing his claims you get labeled as an enabler. If you have the nerve to defend Ramsey you might get outed as a white supremacist on an anonymous Facebook page. He has managed to convince only a small handful of people. Mostly Stanton has just managed to alienate himself, and now that he has run out of people to alienate in the party he is going to take his show on the road. So far he has had the most success with people completely outside the Libertarian Party of Florida. Let me warn you now that he will not offer any evidence to support his claims. Any insistence on providing in-context proof will only make him mad.

  • Brandi

    October 23, 2017 at 10:03 pm

    It is a relief to see Stanton go. He has been a thorn in the Libertarian Party of Florida’s side for far too long, and his elementary whining about seeing Nazis and fascists around every corner (basically anyone that sides with Ryan) is pathetic and a huge distraction from actual progress. Good riddance.

    • Carol Moore

      November 2, 2017 at 3:17 pm

      Brandi – admit your conflict of interest. You are (one of or the only?) women supplying Ryan Ramsey with white babies so the white race doesn’t go extinct. Since he’s a HEATHEN I’m sure he believes in polygamy like a lot of us more libertine libertarians. I’m sure he’d be honest with you if he was making white babies with other women. And I’m sure YOU know better than to fall for those smears of garbage like what he posts below, so you’d know if he was NOT being honest with you, right??

      Be a real helpmate, get him a second woman willing to bear his children and you all can make lots of white babies. Don’t forget to make enough money to support them up through college!

      Maybe better end all this political nonsense that’s just getting a lot of legal attention from the deep state…. Can the infiltrating provocateurs setting you all up for a fall be far behind? (Assuming you’re not already in bed with one, of course…)

  • James M. Ray

    October 23, 2017 at 10:40 pm

    “Quite the party”??? This article needed proofreading.

  • Preston

    October 23, 2017 at 10:47 pm

    I am embarrassed and saddened by Stanton’s obsession with the Ramsey’s. Given what their family has had to endure, I think the only honorable decision would have been to leave the demonization game and grant the family some peace. That’s not what happened, and for me, solely as a man let alone a Libertarian, it was appalling to see the attacks continue
    and in some cases ramp up.

  • Jennifer Davis

    October 23, 2017 at 10:55 pm

    The Ramseys are not white supremacists. If they were they would not be friends with me being that my children are mixed. It’s really a shame that someone is working so hard to negate the work these people are trying to do. The whole family puts their hearts and their all into the liberatarian party.
    People can change. Young people make mistakes. I don’t feel Ramsey is in anyway still tied to that lifestyle. I will tell you what lifestyle Ramsey is tied to. He is dedicated to his work, his family, and the people. He has through all of this continuously taken the high road instead of slinging mud with the politician.
    You see
    Ryan isnt a politician. He’s a person just like the rest of us. However, he is a good person who’s out there working for Floridians. I stand behind Ryan and his family.

  • Caren Smith

    October 23, 2017 at 11:04 pm

    Allegations have been made by Paul against anyone that doesn’t totally agree with him. Using passive aggressiveness in statements filled with inaccuracies. Tactics used by tyrants during interrogations obsessed with getting a confession. This didn’t work out for Paul within the party. Failure to receive even a handful supporters during the never ending filings of motions to remove members it seems that Paul finally figured out one of the principles of libertarianism: Freedom of association. No one prevented him to leave the party where many did not dance to his tune at his command, which was highly suspicious in Paul’s eyes. Of course he couldn’t just leave and had to get his last 15 seconds of shaming in. Ryan Ramsey, is a straight forward guy with some different affiliations in the past who is embracing libertarianism to the fullest with a positive outlook for his family, area and state of Florida including all genders, races and ethnicities, whom we consider a friend.

  • Bill

    October 24, 2017 at 11:25 am

    Stanton has set back the liberty movement by at least 5 years with his antics.

  • Karl Dickey

    October 24, 2017 at 4:22 pm

    You know who else has its roots in white supremacy? The Democratic Party.

  • Caren

    October 24, 2017 at 4:56 pm

    Thank you for an objective article on a story based on so many false allegation.

  • Doug

    October 24, 2017 at 5:18 pm

    The Paul Stanton’s of this world are why I refuse to involve myself with direct support to any political organisation. From imagination which hunts to pathetic tricks to hounding people who have genuinely moved on with life from whatever adolescent mistakes that adolescents generally make, thought crimes at best. Good to see such a destructive and counter productive force removed from the party but I for one will say I find his actions alienating to the point that I’d rather not involve myself if this is the kind of treatment and scrutiny honest supporters can expect for donating their time and efforts.

    Congrats to the Ramsey family for remaining positive throughout this nonsense.

  • Ashley

    October 24, 2017 at 7:59 pm

    I have loosely followed this drama for a long time. From what I understand, the Ramsey’s are good people – I don’t know them myself but I have a lot of the friends in the liberty movement that do know them, and every single person I’ve talked to about it says they are nice people who have never come across racist. Paul Stanton, on the other hand, does not have the best reputation among Florida libertarians. Most people agree that his antics are borderline obsessive and always destructive. I hope he finds something better to spend his time on.

  • Ryan Ramsey

    October 25, 2017 at 2:57 pm

    Any members of the LPF, media, or public with any questions will find me very approachable and happy to clear up any concerns.

    My path to liberty and rejection of hate and violence is something that should inspire people, and the worst part about Stanton’s witch hunts are that they send a message to people that even if they abandon those groups and ideas they will never be forgiven.

    Redemption is an important concept to honor, and if we cannot offer a doorway to a better life, we betray the spirit of one the best components of American culture and heritage.

    Thank you all for the support. I will have even more time now to get positive work accomplished, and look forward to future success with the LPF!

  • Ryan Ramsey

    October 27, 2017 at 9:05 am

    My Response to Commie Paul and his nonsense:

    Ladies and Gentleman,

    As far as what I have read, consider the source.

    Paul Frankel is a fraud and criminal, and is upset that I documented his crimes after a hit piece he wrote on me in the Republican owned rag IPR, which exists solely to sabotage the Libertarian Party, and has been the source for every negative article ever written about the LPF, from John Wayne Smith, to Alexander George, Franklin Perez, Augustus, and myself. Redich was/is on the Broward Repubican EC, now suppoosedly a Democrat, but a rival in any case. He threatened me with calling law enforcement when I asked him to take down the ANTIFA terrorist threats that doxxed my pregnant wife and threatened to “burn down our convention” from his website. Like most of what I have read here it is projecting their misconduct onto me.

    Here is an article on who Paul Frankel really is, and some of his shenanigans with Paul. If anyone is an embarrassment to the LNC it is a guy convicted of election related felonies who still has not paid the fines for the crimes, and an open member of the Marxist terror organization collectively known as ANTIFA. He kidnapped a rivals dog, tortured it, and killed it. I can never be that evil.

    Before you look at who represents Florida you should look into your own glass house and ask why he is using official LNC email on his non-party website to undermine the LPF.

    Stanton has broken campaign finance laws, and I filed one of multiple complaints. He and his supporters are responsible for voter fraud according to the evidence I have. He wants to discredit me, because I raised the concerns last year as an EC member. As far as Stanton’s latest barrage, he dredged up an old friend I had a falling out with. This article details my evidence against him and the story behind Dave Champion.

    I stand by my statements about Commissar Sarwark. I know many of you like and respect him. I do not like or respect him. He was a guest at our 2016 Convention in Florida. He saw me walk by at the bar, and launched into a bigoted tirade about my religious tattoos without having the slightest idea who I was. I was unaware at the time

    I went to the speech that morning, prior to my first unanimous election as Region 4 Representative. He spoke of the imperative not to attack other libertarians. It was inspirational. I tried to speak to him after and he all but ran away. I was incredulous, but another Region Rep explained that he was at the bar that night and heard his bigoted remarks towards me. Like “why get celtic tattoos, just admit you’re a Nazi”. “I was a lawyer for skinheads”, he said, “look at that Nazi fuck”.

    I emailed him the following week, and the little rat denied it. I sent him a bunch of video of me in the legislature and documented what I have done for the movement and he made a snarky comment about…wow ..I cant believe you did all that looking like you do.

    When he came out in support of ANTIFA after the first Berkely riot, I wrote the quoted article. I am glad it was brought up, as this is DANGEROUS territory. Fascism is societies immune response to Communism. Just as an immune response can make you sick, so it is with society. Democracy is the road to socialism. The rule of law is a principled evaluation respecting the individual. Democracy is mob rule, and there are always more poor than rich. Class division can be exploited, and soon you have Socialism. We are the Weimar, and anyone who wishes to dispute it may call or email to discuss.

    A people used to collectivism, by the desensitization that Democratic Socialism provides, confronts Communism with a Fascist Strongman. Every time. Germany, Italy, and Argentina…you name it. I challenge any of you to show me a fascist movement that did not start with an opposition to Marxist uprising.

    Marxism is the dominant collectivist ideology on earth and it should be our focus to oppose it. Again, prove it if you want to challenge it.

    So if Nick Sarwark is publicly sympathetic to Marxist ANTIFA, then he is directly contributing to the rise of Fascism. I am actually having more difficulty fighting Fascism because of people like Sarwark. If the chair of America’s 3rd biggest party is so ignorant of how Fascism works, and is also Jewish…I would say he is a disgrace. His hypocrisy to trash me without knowing me, the night before delivering a speech about not attacking other Libertarians is pure hypocrisy. Personal character trumps all for me.

    So fuck Nick Sarwark, and I am approaching enough likely delegates to unseat him in June, and it aint even Christmas. I reserve the right to believe the LNC can do better than 3.6%. Being a con-man is great at the used car lot, it is where he belongs. He refused a peace offer a few months ago, he’s smug and confident in his BS, let that beef settle with delegate counts in June. I will buy the asshat a shot of whiskey if he wins, as a show of honor. Just understand the backdrop, and that Nick started it, and has had multiple opportunities to fix it. When he goes the way of Adrian, Stanton, Augustus, and Char-Lez, it’s his own damn fault.

    I personally think Nick is racially insensitive and wrote about it a few months ago.

    I also advocated for a black man to replace him, and supported the Cuban for Chair, while Stanton backed the white guy.

    As far as racism, I risked my life multiple times to leave, and help others leave, racist groups. The American Guard exists as a means to divert people away from ethnic nationalism, the fact that some of us were far right in the past is a testament to their honor. It is taking responsibility for the past and deflating that balloon. I think our position is clear when reading our reasons for ejecting Augustus. When the LPF attacked him it was BS. They kept it up so long Augustus said..”screw it, might as well hang out with nazis since they always call me that”.

    That is weak. The American Guard ejected him by unanimous vote of the state presidents in less than 48 hours post Charlottesville. The LPF could not do it in 2 years. Maybe we should give the LPF Affiliation to the AG? Read it and decide if we just have black gay guys and latino state leaders as “Tokens”, what Tom Knapp called them in a racist tirade.

    A note on Knapp, I point blank asked him if rumors of his involvement in child porn with Free Talk Live staff was true, he blocked me. He did vote for me in May as his Region Rep though, he knows goddamn well I am not a Nazi. He did defend Brad Spangler and FTR for their sex crimes which is weird. Speaking of pubic perception.

    My views on race do not require looking for secret meaning, I did a video a couple months ago called “Race and the Libertarian”.

    I did a round table with a Conservative Republican and a Democrat state level NAACP leader in PA recently:

    The rest of it is out of context, outright lies, or obsessive digging for something. I dont have 1920’s nazi propaganda books. I do have google, where I saw an image of Harvey Weinstein Groping Emma Watson coupled with a pic of a top hat wearing industrialist abusing a woman, I thought it showed how the powerful take advantage of women throughout the ages, This fool saw nazis. Why? You can find anything if you look for it with enough bias.

    The reason the LPF EC has refused to entertain Stanton’s numerous attacks, is because everyone here knows he’s lying. They actually live and work here. Stanton’s short reign saw a refusal to affiliate new counties because he did not want to lose power. An At-Large Director called Stanton out for attempting to make himself Affiliate Chair without quorum, and subsequently this EC member was doxxed and called a Nazi. Stanton lost a county due to ineptitude, which we had to re-affiliate, and other counties asked to be moved to other regions because he is such an asshat.

    Meanwhile, here is what I have done in a 9 county region that was devoid of LPF activity 24 months ago.

    Listen to my arguments in the legislature:

    As far as this issue, Florida Politics did a sort of fair write up, read the comments, after this Stanton bots may flood, but you can see the general public reaction:

    If you judge me by my deeds I pass muster. If you have a question about my beliefs, call me or email me. I’ve been unanimously elected twice by a diverse group of Libertarians, in the largest region of the LPF. I came here to get a body camera bill passed for a dead gay man, Jason Westcott. I pushed my first bill through in the Florida Senate in 2010. I am hated by the Alt-Right and the Commies like Stanton and Frankel. That means I am doing a great job. I am not quitting but advancing liberty.

    Hell, Cantwell wants to sue me for this viral video now, read the description:

    Since we’re on a big email chain, Caryn Harlos, I want to talk to you about pro-life Libertarianism on my show.

    I am here in deep red bible belt building a Libertarian machine. Some of you are in blue areas. I bet you have a different tactic. You may have different opinions on something, that is fine with me. It wasn’t fine with Paul, so good riddance.

  • Ryan Ramsey

    October 27, 2017 at 9:05 am

    A note on Nationalism,, the move to create a global dictatorship must be opposed by all Libertarians. Nationalism is the belief in having a nation.

    Everyone who is not an Anarchist is a Nationalist. Whether Nationalism is toxic depends on what principles are used to found the nation. Myself and the AG support Constitutional Nationalism, a nation founded on the principles expressed in the Bill of Rights. Reality is that Anarchy in the US would not result in liberty, it would result by co-option into the Globalist New World Order, representing everything Libertarians oppose. While I understand Anarchism and believe the day of the sovereign individual will come, it wont be in my lifetime. We must first restore the Bill of Rights, autonomy of states, and local control. I did not join a philosophy club but a political party, this is the political reality.

    It boils down to definitions, the definition used to define Nationalism expressed by Stanton and his ilk is Orwellin “Newspeak” and I do not accept it.

    I think a good analogy to help you understand is the way we treat the word liberal. The negative reaction to the term “Nationalism” by many Libertarians is akin to the reaction by a Republican to the word “liberal”, invoking Marxist economics and other leftist beliefs. Meanwhile I consider myself a classical liberal, as were most of the founding fathers.

    Attacking me for “Nationalism” would display the same ignorance as a Republican who attacked me for being a “liberal”, and both are gross misrepresentations of what I believe, based on false pretense.

    My band does cover a Skrewdriver song. It is probably my favorite song in the world, and will be played at my funeral. Rock Against Communism is not racist, it is music opposing Marxism. I suspect quite a few in this party of being Marxist sympathizers, if they have a problem with RAC that is likely why.

    You can read more about RAC and ANTIFA here:

    When I cover a Greatful Dead song I am not necessarily supporting everything they ever did or said, and the same with Skrewdriver. Here are the lyrics to the song, and a video of me performing it. I played it on the beach with Matt Welch from Reason last may, he seemed to dig it.

    Skrewdriver Suddenly Lyrics
    We live in changing times
    When certain thoughts are now a crime
    Power flows through an evil pen
    And freedom’s light in growing dim

    One day if suddenly, I’m forced to take my leave
    Will you still carry on, with the things that we believe?
    One day if suddenly, they take my life away
    Will you still be fighting to win a bright new day?

    The people who’ve stood against us
    They seem to be above the law
    With the power to listen into private moments in our lives
    And the power to come kick down your door


    Our strength has come from ideals many years’ old
    A strength that has survived within our blood
    A strength our foe has recognised, and sworn to drag it down
    He wants to drag our people through the mud

    (chorus) x2

    This business of calling people Nazis is a joke at this point. This trash of an article is par for the course and indicative of what it is like to be a Libertarian in the toxic environment Stanton created in Florida, and Cultural Marxists are creating nationwide.

    Tom DiLorenzo gave a great talk at our last convention on the subject. If you are unfamiliar, Cultural Marxism was born in the 1920’s after attempts at making western countries Communist failed. The Frankfurt School was founded to determine how to bring the west under Communism. They found that it was our culture of individualism that prized personal achievement and rights of the individual, as well as our religious concept of an individual relationship with God.

    They determined that the culture must be attacked, and then we could be made to accept Socialism. They fled Germany in the 30’s and set up shop at Columbia University. Their graduates founded the political polling groups, headed the 3 big networks for decades, founded the big marketing firms of the 20th century, as well as radically changed the social sciences, and were the priniple force in changing America from a Republic into a Social Democracy.

    Here is a great documentary on the subject featuring Ron Paul:

    Here is an article if you do not have time for the movie:

    This should clarify why Sarwark and Stanton are so dangerous for the party and liberty in general.

Comments are closed.


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