Steve Andrews could be just a little more helpful.
Andrews, the Tallahassee-based defense attorney, is representing Jack Latvala against allegations of sexual harassment.
Recently, he claimed a desire to work with the Florida Senate’s lead investigator, attorney Gail Holtzman of Tampa, to prevent any potential conflicts of interest in Latvala’s case.
“We want to work out the procedural process with her without getting the courts involved,” Andrews told Ana Ceballos of Florida Politics this week.
So far, so good.
“I think this girl will do a good job and she will be remembered,” Andrews added.
This “girl?”
While you may think it was a compliment, Steve, “girl” may not the best choice of words, particularly when you are defending a powerful state Senator accused of several counts of sexual harassment – with a workplace environment Latvala continues to insist he was not aware he was creating.
And that may be the problem.
Using dismissive language like “this girl” about a legal colleague – especially one that can make Latvala’s life a degree more difficult — is exactly what most women point to when they talk of an uncomfortable, sexually-charged workplace. It’s not only demeaning, but insensitive.
You’re not helping things, Steve. A word of advice; keep it professional.