Mark Twain is credited by some as saying: A lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes.
Live greyhound racing is good for Florida and good for the greyhounds!
Over $80 million was bet on live greyhound racing at the tracks last year, with no reported compulsive gambling. Over $2 billion was bet at out-of-state Advanced Deposit Wagering (ADW) facilities, untaxed and unregulated, a portion on live greyhound racing in Florida.
Eleven million dollars was generated in state revenue, over 3,000 Florida jobs, and over 8,000 beautiful greyhounds with over 95 percent adopted to loving families or returned to the farms to live out their lives.
These are the standards for the “no kill” animal movement.
The “false” information is being put forth by very radical out-of-state animal rights (AR) groups and their misinformed supporters, that take care of NO animals in Florida. They are the same groups that put on the sad puppy commercials over the holidays. They use this “false” information for fundraising, not to take care of any animals in Florida!
These groups support the high-kill animal shelters in Florida that will kill 250,000 pets this year, that is over 700 TODAY.
Greyhounds are well trained and well treated. Greyhound owners do not get paid unless the greyhound comes in first, second, third or fourth in a race. Therefore, greyhound owners take immense pride in ensuring that greyhound athletes receive the very best treatment.
Everything from the size of the crate, the quantity and quality of food, veterinary care to the amount of walking, exercises and play time is closely monitored for optimum athletic performance. The greyhound’s performance puts food on the tables for the trainers, owners and breeders and their families. Some of the greyhound men and women have been in the industry for generations. They love their animals and love their jobs.
The State of Florida inspects all greyhound kennels at all tracks. The Florida Greyhound Association and the National Greyhound Association have “0” tolerance for any animal abuse.
One animal dying prematurely is too many, but all athletes, human or animal can get injuries and even die. In order to avoid this, the greyhound owners have proposed a 3-point safety bill that would have eliminated the vast majority of deaths and injuries at the track, but the hypocritical AR people oppose it.
John Adams, the second president of the U.S. said: “Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence.”
Jack Cory is with Public Affairs Consultants Inc. in Tallahassee. He represents members of the Florida Greyhound Association.
Fred Barton
November 28, 2017 at 5:10 pm
Come on Jack. Those are the same tired old arguments I’ve been hearing from the racing industry since I started working in greyhound rescue over 20 years ago.
Generate jobs? Yeah, mostly low wage, part-time and with very little if any benefits. And if you economic impact is so great why did it cost the state of Florida about $3.3 million more to regulate racing than it received in revenue?
Your industry has been trying to change the subject and make it about the people who oppose you for a long time now and guess what? More and more people are opposing greyhound racing as they learn what happens to these poor dogs trapped in racing gulags. Might want to reevaluate the effectiveness of the name calling approach.
If greyhounds are well trained and well treated why are they fed 4D meat which is full of pathogens? Why are they injected with steroids when even your own American Greyhound Council’s handbook Care of the Racing & Retired Greyhound says it’s harmful? Why are they abandoned as soon as they aren’t fast enough to make money for their owners? And yes, Jack they are abandoned. Don’t pat yourself on the back for increasing adoption programs. That’s just the industry making a virtue out of necessity when they dump unwanted dogs on people who are afflicted with terminal empathy. Those dogs would be gone one way or another if and you know it.
I’m getting a little tired of the greyhound athlete-human athlete comparison too. I have yet to see an professional football player euthanized because he broke his leg, but if you want to go that way, let’s compare retirement plans for these two groups. Or if you don’t want to do that, what about medical plans when they are injured?
Yes Jack, facts are stubborn things and it is a fact the greyhound racing industry kills and injures innocent, helpless greyhounds for profit.
I am a Board member of GREY2K USA Worldwide, an organization that fights to save these marvelous creatures all over the globe. (you can learn more about us here: http://www.grey2kusa.org.) I have fostered and adopted rescued racing greyhounds since 1995. I cannot imagine abandoning any of them when they become injured, old or sick and yet this is routinely what happens to them at operating tracks and will continue to happen as long as racing is allowed to exist.
Fred Barton
Board Member
GREY2K USA Worldwide
November 28, 2017 at 8:38 pm
Amen! Well said!
December 4, 2017 at 11:13 am
Please Mary, the only thing Fred saves is widows from their pensions- his organization does nothing- just lie,cheat and steal- they interned at the Clinton Foundation -take bribes do nothing
Jim Simpson
November 28, 2017 at 11:34 pm
Mr Barton,
You have some points but of course are way off on others. Greyhounds are not ‘dumped off’ on empathetic folk. I’m in the Chicago area and there are more people looking for greuhounds than are available for adoption. Also maybe horse racing should be banned as it costs more state dollars for purses but I don’t see anyone going after them! I assume it’s because horse owners have very deep pockets and would keep you quiet pretty quickly. If grey2k loved greys so much, why won’t you put the donations you receive to good use, like helping adoption groups. I hear you top guys at grey2k make an extremely nice living from donations. Why can’t done of that get to actually help dogs?
Eric Jackson
November 29, 2017 at 10:54 pm
Jim, you’ve been lied to about many things, including how much the “top guys” at GREY2K USA Worldwide make. Did you know that our board of directors are all volunteers? We get not a single penny in salary or benefits. In fact, many of us are financial supporters of the organization. As I’ve stated in other comments, GREY2K USA Worldwide has consistently donated money to adoption groups across the country and in other countries. I know the pro-racing folks won’t tell you any of that, though, as it doesn’t their narrative.
November 30, 2017 at 3:54 pm
Jim Simpson here’s some numbers to ponder -Per Grey2K USA tax documents 990s for 2016 and 2015, the organization gave money to adoption groups or charitable organizations. Consider the revenue dollars that were received and the amount they gave to “adoption” or “charitable” groups. For 2016, Total Revenue $594,553 and donations to adopt groups $5889. For 2015, Total Revenue $608,079 and Charitable Contributions $19,025.
They are a lobbying group to end racing but they appear to use adoption promotion as a way to get donations. And not I don’t work in the industry but I’m a proud adopter of 2 “no longer profitable” greyhounds -one who is 12 years old -never raced and one who retired at age 4.
Jim Simpson
November 30, 2017 at 4:01 pm
Thanks for that info. No wonder they don’t want to share monetary donations to adoption groups. That’s a pitiful amount to donate. What a disgrace.
Fred Barton
November 30, 2017 at 4:42 pm
Well, Jim “I’m on the fence.” You haven’t made up your mind, but as soon as money gets mentioned you’re ready to judge. See, this is how we tell an industry person even though he or she may claim to be neutral or even anti-racing. Money is the only parameter. Greyhound welfare doen’t enter into the equation because inside the industry it’s not a relevant issue. The dogs are commodities, much like a car or a toaster. Sure, you want to maintain them, but not if it costs too much.
The racing industry works very hard to besmirch Grey2K’s reputation, and you know why? They’re afraid. They know how effective we can be, and they know they have no real answer to the question: why do you put innocent greyhounds in harm’s way for a profit?
Name calling and trying to change the subject haven’t worked very well for you in the past if you look at the increasing number of legislatures and communities moving to end racing, but keep it up. You’ll make our job all that much easier.
Jim Simpson
November 30, 2017 at 5:11 pm
Fred. Let me be clear one last time and maybe you’ll grab your reading glasses to be sure you’ll understand. I’m not in the industry except having my pup at home in Chicago. No tracks within 1000 miles of me that I’m aware of except Dubuque. By insisting that I am something I’m not, tells me you are unable to get past your own opinion, and no one else needs a voice because you are too important to possibly be writing nonsense. Lol to that. Money comes into this in my thought process only, not others but just my own. When you pass on approx 1% of your donations received to aid greyhound adoption groups, it says the rest goes to the political arena and to nice paychecks. I find it difficult to see how you’re helping dogs at all, except to end racing. Why not just say that on your site. Just tell all potential donors that 1% of their money (per your tax documents ), will actually go to the adoption folk and the dogs. Ha, but let’s be honest, that will dry up the donations that you’ll be given right?
Fred barton
November 30, 2017 at 5:37 pm
There is no law that says you have to be “in” the industry to be pro racing. When you think of the issue more as a monetary one than a welfare one, which given your characterization of Grey2K it seems you do, you’re pro racing.
I notice you expressed far less interest in how we have helped liberate dogs from racing gulags over the country and the world than you did in our tax forms. Like I said, your priorities give you away.
Jim Simpson
November 30, 2017 at 5:53 pm
I do admit that when I’m in Florida, I do like to visit the track, just like I go to horse tracks because I like to wager on the races. If there’s no tracks left, then I’ll bet on football. So I would consider myself more pro gambling than pro racing, but take that any way you see fit, as you’ve already done so. I expect that’s why I’m more focused money wise than most, lol.
Ann-Marie Brown
November 29, 2017 at 6:31 am
Fred B.: you’re comment is nothing more than propaganda and the people of FL will not be your “willing Germans.” 4D meat is a lie and you know it. If you have a problem with food grade ground beef, take it up with the USDA. Steroids? Try birth control pills to prevent females from going into heat, not anabolic steroids, but it sounds scarier if you shout STEROIDS, huh? I’m an adoption coordinator for a greyhound adoption group, so I KNOW that greyhounds are adopted out, not euthanized if they get injured, so that’s another lie you told. Human athletes don’t get euthanized either, but they DO lose their scholarships or not get signed again. That’s life and it opens an opportunity for another athlete. Life isn’t stagnant; it changes. We will not succumb to your propaganda and lies, no matter how well you dress them up. They are still lies.
Fred Barton
November 29, 2017 at 12:19 pm
Birth control pills. That’s pretty funny. And why do greyhounds need birth control? So the industry can make more money off of them by disrupting their natural cycle. Maybe you’re right. You could say we don’t use steroids, we use birth control so we can exploit the dogs more efficiently. There’s a winning slogan for you.
Ruth Hagenbaugh
November 29, 2017 at 2:42 pm
And why do greyhounds need birth control? Because dumb Fred, females living in the same kennels with males that go into heat would be a disaster. The males would be going crazy trying to get to the females, the females couldn’t race for 3 to weeks until they came out of heat and the males couldn’t race because they would be too excited with the smell of the female in heat. Got it? Are you that stupid? You have to stop the females from going in heat. Just by you asking that question means you know absolutely NOTHING about racing greyhounds and the lives they live. You just showed how stupid you really are. Thank You for exposing the truth about yourself. Now go play in traffic.
Fred Barton
November 29, 2017 at 5:15 pm
“Because dumb Fred, females living in the same kennels with males that go into heat would be a disaster. The males would be going crazy trying to get to the females, the females couldn’t race for 3 to weeks until they came out of heat and the males couldn’t race because they would be too excited with the smell of the female in heat. ”
And we all know what that would do to our profit margin. Thanks for proving my point.
Eric Jackson
November 29, 2017 at 10:49 pm
These claims are all supported by industry and state documentation. 4D meat is a fact. It is not “food grade ground beef” – it’s specifically marked as unusable for human consumption. Steroids are a common practice at tracks. It’s not a secret. They are used for suppressing estrus. Dogs being killed on the track and euthanized because of injuries are documented in reports that are sent to the state. There are copies of all these documents available online.
Since you’re knowledgeable about adoption, perhaps you can tell us where that 95% number comes from. I know the answer is “thin air” – but can you provide any documentation to support the claim?
Jim Simpson
November 30, 2017 at 12:00 am
It appears that both sides of this issue have ‘facts ‘ but neither are backing them up. For example it would seem to me to be very simple for grey2k to provide paperwork confirming their monetary help to greyhound adoption folk. IF it’s true then you should be happy to share those documents, otherwise we can all assume it’s just bluster. I’m on the fence on this issue and would love one side to prover their comments, otherwise this is all a waste of time. I especially would like to hear from grey2k as I’m not sure if they are a responsible group in helping greys.
Fred Barton
November 30, 2017 at 8:57 am
Nice job pretending to be “on the fence.” The issue isn’t how much Grey2K contributes to adoption groups–which is considerable by the way. The issue in exploiting innocent living creatures for profit then discarding them when they can no longer make money for their owners. Trying to change the subject to the motivations of the groups trying to end racing is a common industry dodge.
Jim Simpson
November 30, 2017 at 11:00 am
Sorry but I’m not an industry person. I just have a grey at home. So please stop making assumptions. All I’m saying is prove the other wrong and be transparent with your monetary dealings. It appears that the industry people have offered for you to look at a kennel etc. Instead of blowing that off with words, why not accept the offer? In response, you could show them which GREYHOUND adoption places you have money to. Seems pretty simple.
Fred Barton
November 30, 2017 at 11:15 am
Your focus on money rather than welfare makes me suspicious. You don’t have to be in the industry to support racing. In an institution based on exploiting innocent living creatures for profit and then discarding those creatures when they are no longer profitable, money is always going to come before welfare. And as for the visit the track scam. It’s false. Those in the industry commonly challenge advocate to visit kennels, but if they do the offer is withdrawn as recently happened to a member of our Board at Sarasota. In fact, they had security escort her off the grounds. I suppose if she had given them two weeks notice she was coming so they could clean up the place they might have consented, but unannounced visits? No way.
Jim Simpson
November 30, 2017 at 11:42 am
By saying discarding, I assume you mean the adoption agencies that take the dogs and place them in homes like mine. My pup is a joy to be around. My only focus on money is that the industry obviously doesn’t pay well. I certainly (and I’m sure you too ) wouldn’t work those hours for that little money. Just seems sad that you get all those donations and say you help greyhounds, but adoption groups say you don’t help them at all in the most part. So I’m only guessing that all that money goes to politics, and not really where it’s really needed. My point being you’re really not helping the dogs at all. I did take a long look at your website and there are a lot of pics on there that seem to be decades old. I hear the greyhound industry was not great back in the day but appears to be so much better now, although still not perfect.
Eric Jackson
November 30, 2017 at 11:53 am
Jim, adoption groups aren’t saying GREY2K USA Worldwide don’t help them, Ruth is saying that. Pro-industry groups won’t accept donations from us because the industry will blacklist them for doing so. “Neutral” groups remain silent for the same reason. And the anti-racing groups are already blacklisted. That’s why we don’t publish the groups we help – we don’t give out information that will be used against groups and individuals working on behalf of the dogs.
Did you know that just being listed as an adoption group on the GREY2K USA Worldwide page is viewed as support for us? Pro-industry groups have demanded their names be removed from our directory.
Jim Simpson
November 30, 2017 at 12:30 pm
Then that’s a good point. I did not know that.
November 30, 2017 at 11:18 am
Fred can’t support the money they steal from widows- probably pays off the sexual abuse claims from the little boys he fondles
Eric Jackson
November 30, 2017 at 11:57 am
Jim, the facts on greyhound injuries and deaths are available on the GREY2K USA Worldwide website. There are copies of state and industry records available for you to see.
Jim Simpson
November 30, 2017 at 12:34 pm
I agree that of course dogs can get hurt during racing. It’s unfortunate. My friends poodle tore it’s acl on the beach at the lake here in Chicago just running around. Just like horse racing, injuries are going to happen. That is a downside, I agree.
Eric Jackson
November 30, 2017 at 1:33 pm
I would imagine your friend’s poodle received appropriate veterinary care. For too many greyhounds, an injury that will prevent them from racing results in immediate euthanasia. A dog that can’t race is viewed as a liability and therefore “worthless” to the industry. Some of those dogs will be handed off to adoption groups, but many will never leave the kennel.
November 30, 2017 at 4:00 pm
Jim Simpson -check out the video’s on this guy’s Facebook page. He is not affiliated with the industry and has nothing to hid. He videoed into a kennel and a greyhound farm. He wanted to find out the truth for himself and he is very straightforward with what he saw.
Jim Simpson
November 30, 2017 at 4:06 pm
Yes, I’ve seen that video set and shared it on my fb page
Fred Barton
November 30, 2017 at 4:44 pm
Google potemkin village
November 30, 2017 at 4:03 pm
Jim Simpson here’s some numbers to ponder -Per Grey2K USA tax documents 990s for 2016 and 2015, the organization gave money to adoption groups or charitable organizations. Consider the revenue dollars that were received and the amount they gave to “adoption” or “charitable” groups. For 2016, Total Revenue $594,553 and donations to adopt groups $5889. For 2015, Total Revenue $608,079 and Charitable Contributions $19,025.
They are a lobbying group to end racing but they appear to use adoption promotion as a way to get donations. And not I don’t work in the industry but I’m a proud adopter of 2 “no longer profitable” greyhounds -one who is 12 years old -never raced and one who retired at age 4.
Eric Jackson
November 30, 2017 at 6:35 pm
Patricia and Jim, complaining that GREY2K USA Worldwide doesn’t do enough for adoption is like arguing your local police department doesn’t put out enough fires. We’re not an adoption group. We make it perfectly clear that we are an advocacy group working to end commercial greyhound racing. Every one of our supporters knows that and they donate because they agree – commercial greyhound racing has to end.
Jim Simpson
November 30, 2017 at 7:39 pm
Eric, thanks for your claity, at least for me. Why couldn’t Fred have been more exacting instead of rambling on and on. You’re obviously far better at this than he. You may want to take point from now on and let Fred fumble around in the background.
Ruth Hagenbaugh
November 29, 2017 at 11:33 am
Fred, you are still spurting out the same old garbage from 30 years ago. It is not true at all. If you actually visited kennels and farms and volunteered for a few days you would know the real truth about greyhounds and their care. Just adopting greyhounds for years does not make you the expert know-it-all about greyhounds or the people who care for them. Stop acting like you know everything. You are calling the trainers and handlers all liars when they tell everyone about the love and care they give to the greyhounds they take care of 7 days a week, all year long with no holidays or vacation days. They are not lying. They have nothing to hide. Go visit the kennels and farms is you have the balls to do it. Your lies are getting old and boring already. Go after the puppy millers and get them closed down. There is where you will find the neglect and abuse. Grow some balls and go visit the kennels.
Ruth Hagenbaugh
November 29, 2017 at 6:57 pm
And we all know what that would do to our profit margin. Thanks for proving my point.
Your profit margin? Exactly what you grey2crazies do, make a nice profit from your lies and never give a red cent towards greyhounds or adoptions or help with hauls to adoption groups or help with vetting or food. Shall I go on? All you want is the money for yourselves while trashing racing and the people who are there for the greyhounds. Where were you during the hurricane in FL? Did you go to help? Did you send money or supplies? Nope. You just sat on your ass and didn’t give a damn. Thanks for proving my point there Freddie!
Eric Jackson
November 29, 2017 at 10:39 pm
GREY2K USA Worldwide supports a number of adoption groups across the US and internationally.
Ruth Hagenbaugh
November 29, 2017 at 10:47 pm
No adoption group here in the US has received any donations or help from grey2crazy, none. They never have and never will. Stop lying again.
Eric Jackson
November 29, 2017 at 10:51 pm
Ruth, you are unfortunately completely wrong. Again. Pro-racing groups have received support from GREY2K USA Worldwide, though some of them have returned those checks rather than put them to good use for greyhounds in need. Just because something is outside your personal experience doesn’t mean it isn’t true.
November 30, 2017 at 4:06 pm
Here’s some numbers to ponder -Per Grey2K USA tax documents 990s for 2016 and 2015, the organization gave money to adoption groups or charitable organizations. Consider the revenue dollars that were received and the amount they gave to “adoption” or “charitable” groups. For 2016, Total Revenue $594,553 and donations to adopt groups $5889. For 2015, Total Revenue $608,079 and Charitable Contributions $19,025. Even if you won’t release the names of the groups your organization gave donations, then at least give us a number of how many groups.
They are a lobbying group to end racing but they appear to use adoption promotion as a way to get donations.
November 28, 2017 at 5:49 pm
Those arguements are not only current they are correct. Fred B, your efforts have been only based on greed while hard working greyhound breeders, owners, trainers and helpers who love and care for these spledid animals do hard work for smal wages but love the greyhounds. With over several hundred thousand dogs of all breeds killed on the streets of Ameriaca due to neglect and over breeding I would suggest you put your efforts there and not on the Greyhound industry. I can see you understand very little about how the greyhound industry works.
Fred Barton
November 29, 2017 at 12:22 pm
Go visit the kennels and farms is you have the balls to do it.
I love it when industry folk challenge people to visit. Then when they do show up, especially unannounced and maybe bringing a reporter along with them, you’re all like “Sorry. Can’t come in today. We’re…uh…we’re washing the walls. Yeah that’s it. Washing the walls.”
Ruth Hagenbaugh
November 29, 2017 at 2:46 pm
Boy you are a real piece of crap aren’t you? No one is refused to enter the kennel area to observe or help with the greyhounds. This just proves you have never been to the kennels. Keep opening your mouth. You are exposing more of your true self every time you do. You know nothing about greyhounds. The more you speak, the dumber you become.
Fred Barton
November 29, 2017 at 5:23 pm
Interesting that you know what goes on at every kennel at every track in the country. Overcompensate much? As the Bard might say, “Methinks she doth protest too much.”
Ruth Hagenbaugh
November 29, 2017 at 7:03 pm
Interesting that you know what goes on at every kennel at every track in the country.
Just like you do huh Fred? How do you know what goes on at the kennels or farms? How many have you been to? Which ones? How many handlers do you know personally? You don’t know anything about the kennels or farms. Stop acting like you do. How do you know I haven’t been to a kennel or farm? I DO KNOW many handlers and owners personally. And they DO LOVE their greyhounds very much. If you care so much about the well being of greyhounds, then DO SOMETHING. Go to the kennels and get to know the handlers and owners. Learn about their lives. Stop making crap up and acting like you know everything. You don’t know anything.
Eric Jackson
November 29, 2017 at 10:44 pm
Ruth, there have been many documented incidents where news crews have shown up, sometimes invited, and been refused access, even without cameras. What kennels can we visit? When? Can we bring our own cameras?
Ruth Hagenbaugh
November 29, 2017 at 10:49 pm
Call Blanchard Kennels or D’Arcy Kennels. They will let you help play with the greyhounds anytime. They have nothing to hide. Many people have toured the kennels and farms.
Eric Jackson
November 29, 2017 at 10:56 pm
Can I give them your name as the reference? Do you have an actual connection to those kennels or are you just throwing out names?
Lesley Ezkovich
November 28, 2017 at 6:55 pm
Jack you are a fantastic asset to racing in Florida.
Those using old worn out propaganda is the anti racing mothership.
We fight for safe racing and the AR folks shoot down our safety bill.
Bravo to Jack Cory
Judi Kaufman
November 28, 2017 at 7:28 pm
Ummm Grey2K only helps theoretical greyhounds, not actual greyhounds. I have been volunteering in adoption since 2000 and all Grey2K has ever done is funnel money away from the groups who are actually vetting, transporting and placing real greyhounds into real homes. Sing your song someplace else, Fred. We in adoption are sick of it!
Eric Jackson
November 29, 2017 at 10:42 pm
I’ve also been in adoption and am now the vice-president of GREY2K USA Worldwide, so I’ve seen this particular issue from both sides. As I told Ruth earlier, GREY2K USA Worldwide provides monetary and other support to adoption groups around the country.
November 28, 2017 at 9:20 pm
Fred you run a Ponzi scheme- you have never saved a dog in your life- your an absolute piece of garbage that needs to be exterminated by the darleks!! You are a fake, farce, criminal, thief- so stop pretending about what you do-you and your Wabanbes- so stop-be a good little minion and do us a favor and die- I’ll buy you the gun or rope! Antifreeze or windshield wiper fluid-do society a favor – end your life
Fred Barton
November 29, 2017 at 12:26 pm
It’s interesting that the less someone knows about us, the more they act like they know everything about us. Well, biases are always easier to maintain than investigating reality.
November 28, 2017 at 11:13 pm
Delusional activists that haven’t the slightest clue what they are talking about. One day they should get off their lazy asses and actually visit a track.
Fred Barton
November 29, 2017 at 12:27 pm
It’s interesting that the less someone knows about us, the more they act like they know everything about us. Well, biases are always easier to maintain than investigating reality.
Gary wright
November 28, 2017 at 11:24 pm
Fred Barton
November 29, 2017 at 12:28 pm
If you are referring to me, that’s Dr, Asshole to you. BA and MA Western Michigan University. PhD Michigan State University
Ruth Hagenbaugh
November 29, 2017 at 7:06 pm
Fred Barton
November 29, 2017 at 12:28 pm
If you are referring to me, that’s Dr, Asshole to you. BA and MA Western Michigan University. PhD Michigan State University
HAHAHA! He knows he’s an asshole!! I love it!
November 29, 2017 at 9:00 pm
Dr of Ponzi scheme/ daddy bought that degree
ken pyke
November 29, 2017 at 6:27 am
i live in australia and this sham donation grabbing mob grey2kliving high on the hog of the poor people sucked in by there utter trash come on donors look what grey2k do with your hard money and donate to animal charitiesthat look after animals
Dick Ciampa
November 29, 2017 at 8:41 am
The self-proclaimed great protectors of greyhounds say they are protecting greyhounds worldwide, yet they failed to protect greyhounds just 30 miles from their office. How did they not protect these greyhounds?
Was it because this abuse was real and Louise Coleman is a good friend of Grey2K? Grey2K turned their back on the greyhounds to protect a good friend that doesn’t like sound like a good protector.
Then there was the case of Louise Coleman putting down Yogi and Roller a few years ago. Grey2K did nothing to stop this and did no reporting on this either.
When real problems with greyhounds are happening Grey2K is no where to be found.
Fred Barton
November 29, 2017 at 11:18 am
Don’t Australians use punctuation?
Fred Barton
November 29, 2017 at 12:12 pm
Could say the same about you and Herb “Dutch” Koerner, Ronnie Williams, the O’Donnell’s etc, etc, etc.
November 29, 2017 at 12:23 pm
Fred’s a clown that hides behind words- He’s part of a Ponzi scheme- I beg Fred to meet me in person- but like every weasel no guts!!
Fred Barton
November 29, 2017 at 5:12 pm
You might want to rethink intimidation as a strategy. I realize it’s quite safe since I’m in Michigan, but others see your threats and may come to the conclusion you’re simply lame.
Fred Barton
November 29, 2017 at 12:28 pm
Could say the same about you and Herb “Dutch” Koerner, Ronnie Williams, the O’Donnell’s etc, etc, etc.
Eric Jackson
November 29, 2017 at 11:05 pm
Sorry, Dick, but what do you think GREY2K USA Worldwide should have done? What did the industry do to help those greyhounds?
November 29, 2017 at 9:30 am
The problem is not the owners, the trainers for the help that takes care of the dogs. The problem is the race tracks four decades have been making 95% of the profits, while contributing very little on the back and in the play of care for these dogs. I watched at the Jacksonville Kennel Club for better than a decade their best dogs break leg after leg. It wasn’t that the dogs were inferior in any way, in some cases they ran extremely well other race tracks and were bought their for major races. The problem was the track surface, and if you ask anybody who trained a kennel or on dogs that raced back then at Jacksonville Orange Park and Bayard they will all tell you without a doubt that the track surface at all three of these facilities ended the careers of many champions, and killed a lot of dogs. The racetrack to the surface was bad the owners complained to the racing Department and we’re basically told if they didn’t like it they can pack their shit up and leave. This was and is an industry-wide problem that has been going on for decades. Tampa Greyhound Park in the 1990s finished so many dogs it was obscene, the track was Notorious for having a horrible racing surface. Wheeling Downs in West Virginia for about a three or four years stretch was just destroying dogs out there, and this was when Casino money was good they were paying better than $500 a point and grade AA race dogs are shattering legs every race. The race tracks have fought tooth-and-nail every attempt that’s been made to try and increase purses for the owners. If others don’t make enough money they can’t afford to hire the right people. 30 years ago there were excellent dog trainers everywhere, as the money went away so did the quality people. A lot of people that would have been considered marginally decent help have now become trainers and in some cases even kennel owners. This is all of the race tracks doing, people like Robert hater at Tampa, Danny Adkins the general manager at Hollywood is a complete scumbag, Howard Korman who ran the trifecta of Orange Park Jacksonville and St John’s in the 90s was an absolutely horrible person who had no interests at all in preserving the welfare and care of the dogs. Now you see the race tracks working with anti greyhound racing movement to end dog racing, because they can’t get what they want legislatively, they will work to end racing. Don’t deceive yourselves, these are the same people that could have cared less if the best 10 dogs at their race tracks broke legs in the same night. They’ve always been about their bottom line, the exploited the Greyhound owners, and the greyhounds. Don’t get me wrong there are a lot of really bad owners out there now and in the past. I was in greyhound racing for 20 years I’ve seen everything I know all the stories, and I know where all the bodies are buried and everybody’s secrets.
Usual Suspects
December 1, 2017 at 10:54 am
While all of you are bickering back and forth, tens of thousands of unwanted, abused dogs and cats (many purebred) are dying in concentration camp-like conditions at Florida shelters or left to starve on the streets because all you hypocrites can’t acknowledge the real policy issue–lack of funding for spay and neuter programs, elimination of pet sales, educating on animal welfare, etc. I’m certainly no fan of any horse or dog breeding programs, but decoupling and attacking the greyhound industry is a total concoction of the casino industry. Mr. Cory is right on. Look before you leap here, folks. You’re all just lambs to the (casino) slaughter.
Jim Simpson
December 1, 2017 at 9:49 pm
Usual suspects. That’s a great point. I was actually thinking of a way to deal with that. Instead of trying to shut down grey racing overnight (leaving many thousands of dogs without a place to go, surely most would be put down ), why not leave the racing alone but use revenue the state gets from the racing, and use it to open no kill shelters and neuter programs. Then you can start closing kill shelters, and go after puppy mills where there is true abuse happening. Is that just fantasy, or a possibility if enough folk start talking to lawmakers?
Eric Jackson
December 1, 2017 at 10:46 pm
Jim, the state loses money on greyhound racing. It costs more to regulate the industry than they get from them in revenue. Shutting down greyhound racing would free up more money for other animal needs. Track dogs are not spayed or neutered, by the way, so they can be used for breeding when they can’t race. The spaying/neutering falls on the adoption groups to facilitate and pay for.
December 2, 2017 at 1:14 am
Jim, you have something Tom or Fred never had integrity- you see the lies of Indian gaming that solupportsTom Lee- Fred’s Ponzi scheme robs lonely widows
December 2, 2017 at 8:37 pm
Jim. there is no need for the greyhounds to be put down. There is a huge national adoption network in place for greyhounds in the US more so than in other countries. Also some greyhounds will return to live with their owners to farms.
December 2, 2017 at 9:53 pm
I know but as now there’s maybe a couple hundred pups being homed. If racing stopped tomorrow, there would be thousands needing homes all at once which would be a disaster
December 3, 2017 at 1:33 pm
Shelters and Y2Grey would do what they do best / take money, do nothing ,put to death
December 2, 2017 at 11:50 pm
Only animals put down are dogs in shelters- and it’s ironic they go after greyhound racing
Eric Jackson
December 3, 2017 at 12:41 am
Track and state records prove you’re wrong, Michael. Every year, hundreds of greyhounds are injured and killed on greyhound tracks. Otherwise treatable injuries are too often fatal to greyhounds.
Richard Brock
December 4, 2017 at 6:43 am
I see the care these great greyhounds are given everyday. They are loved from early thru retirement. That’s all that needs to be known.
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