Orlando Police Chief John Mina has recevied the endorsement of the Fraternal Order of Police lodge representing Orange County deputy sheriffs and also of the union’s Central Florida district for his campaign to be elected sheriff of Orange County.
The Fraternal Order of Police Lodges 93, 86, and 25, representing various units in Orange County; and Disrict 7, representing 10 counties, now have given their endorsements of Mina in his contest against retired Florida Highway Patrol Chief Joe Lopez and two other candidates. Lodge 93 announced its backing Friday morning.
Lopez had previously picked up the endorsement of the Central Florida Police Benevolent Association. But the FOP lodges have far more members throughout Central Florida. FOP Lodge 93 represents more than 1,0o0 deputies, corporals and sergeants in the Orange County Sheriff’s Office. Lodge 25 represents Orlando police. District 86 represents Orange County corrections workers.
District 7 comprises 24 FOP lodges including those in Orange, Osceola, Seminole, Brevard, and Voluisia counties.
“It is no coincidence that Chief Mina has earned the support of all of the mayors in Orange County,” FOP Lodge 93 President Jeff Stinson stated in a news release issued by his lodge. “For those of us in law enforcement, we all see the same qualities in Chief Mina: experience, leadership and a battle-tested candidate who can handle the demands of being the sheriff of Orange County.”
The release said that FOP LOdge 93 backed Mina after a town hall meeting in may attended by both Mina and Lopez, citing Mina’s 27-year career in law enforcement, leadership skills, ability to handle crisis, and his strong working relationship with the Fraternal Order of Police.