A bill that cleared Jacksonville City Council committees this week will, if approved by the full Council next week, push back the Mayor’s budget presentation to July 23, and will require serious budget meetings by the Finance committee that may impact Council members’ Labor Day travel plans.
On Tuesday morning, the Finance Committee approved the legislation 5-1, at the request of Council President-designate Aaron Bowman, who will be traveling in his business recruitment role as VP of JAX USA, a Chamber arm that focuses on business recruitment.
Bowman will be out of the country.
“This one I did not take lightly,” Bowman said, who will be at the International Air Show handling economic development opportunities, with an eye toward recruiting more air companies to come to Jacksonville.
“It’s so important for our region,” Bowman said.
“I did not want to miss my first event as Council President,” Bowman added.
This is not unprecedented: the date has been pushed back in city history three other times.
The first Finance Committee budget hearing would be pushed back also: to Aug. 16, with scheduling compressed so that the panel can have tentative approval of the budget Sep. 5 and actual approval on Sep. 10.
Per Councilwoman Lori Boyer, there would be an impact: “Finance committee meetings running up to and through Labor Day weekend now” including “cleanup” and amendments.
“A lot of people try to go away on that weekend,” Boyer noted.