Matt Gaetz, polo players endorse greyhound racing-ban


The Protect Dogs-Yes on 13 campaign has announced endorsements from leaders of the equine community, including world-renowned polo champion Mike Azzaro and two other Hall of Fame inductees.

Joining them was Congressman Matt Gaetz, a Northwest Florida Republican, and others.

The campaign is promoting passage of Amendment 13, put on the November ballot by the Constitution Revision Commission (CRC).

The proposal, which needs at least 60 percent approval to be added to the state constitution, aims at ending commercial dog racing in the state. In Florida, live dog racing is still conducted at 11 tracks.

“As world-class equestrians, we fully support Amendment 13,” Azzaro said in a statement. “We would never treat our horse athletes the way greyhounds are treated. Greyhound racing isn’t a sport. It is cruel and inhumane, and should end.”

The latest endorsements also include:

— Carol Harris, inductee in American Quarter Horse Hall of Fame; Bart Evans, inductee in Museum of Polo Hall of Fame; Naomi Katzowitz, DVM; Lauren Biddle, member of Team USPA; Chris Nevins, professional polo player; Lucas Alberto Criado, professional polo player; Marcos Bignoli, professional polo player; Chris Stratemann, manager of the Orchard Hill Polo Team; Rick Thompson, notable horse transporter; Robert Evans, professional polo player; Gillian Johnston, professional polo player; Amanda Cabel, owner of Rocksteady Farm; Rona Garm, owner of Long Creek Farm; Lindsay Harms, farm owner; Gus Whitelaw, Marathon Farm; Jeff Hunt, farrier; Robin Butchard, Leather Stocking; Augustin Arellano, professional polo player.

— Candidates Robert Tager for Congress (District 12); Marili Cancio for Florida Senate (District 40); Melissa Martin for Florida Senate (District 14); Adam Hattersley for Florida House (District 59); Colleen Kasperek for Florida House (District 35); Sara McFadden for Florida House (District 106); Kelly Milam for Florida House (District 93); Edward O’Connor for Florida House (District 82); Terry Power for Florida House (District 13); Geraldine Thompson for Florida House (District 44).

— Community Cats of Bonita Springs, Florida Voices for Animals, Justice for Ponce, Space Coast Animal Rights, Indivisible Common Cents Ocala, Humane Society of Marion County.

Staff Reports


  • Terry Power

    July 31, 2018 at 4:32 am

    Terry Power is running for Florida House District 64, not 13. Article had incorrect District listed.

    • Carey Theil

      July 31, 2018 at 8:57 am

      We are so grateful for your support Terry and will update this!

      It’s fascinating to see dog track apologists absolutely lose it over this latest list of endorsements. They obviously don’t like it when a real sports champion calls them out for their cruelty.

      Everyone involved in the horse community, take note of the attacks against you here in these comments by the greyhound racing industry.

      • Lori Bruce

        July 31, 2018 at 9:19 am

        Dear people in the horse community, take a look at some of the links posted here today that show there are already animal rights extremists out there who say your sports are cruel and inhumane. If they are lying about your sports, what makes you think they are telling the truth about the greyhounds? Pay attention indeed! Theil and his merry band of activists are happy to take your endorsements and donations now but if they get their way, what makes you think they won’t come after you next?

        • Sonia Stratemann

          July 31, 2018 at 1:39 pm

          Polo has ponies? lol You should probably refrain from commenting on a sport that you know so little about. Thanks for that laugh though.

          Polo horses are often Thoroughbreds who started their career as a race horse, then were retrained for polo.

          • Dick Ciampa

            July 31, 2018 at 2:59 pm

            Polo horses are often Thoroughbreds who started their career as a race horse, then were retrained for polo.

            True, but if you don’t know polo horses are called polo ponies then you are the one one that knows nothing.

        • Sonia Stratemann

          July 31, 2018 at 3:56 pm

          You should reread your comment. Polo ponies are most often thoroughbreds, Dick. One in the same.

          I think you must be confused.

      • Patti K

        July 31, 2018 at 9:27 am

        And while you’re at it horse industry and polo community, take note of the demonstrations at Saratoga and comments from HSus recently. Do you really think you will escape?

      • Andy

        July 31, 2018 at 9:33 am

        Hey, Mr Stiel, when are you going to announce the endorsement of ANIMAL LIBERATION FRONT? Since you are affiliated with them certainly they will emdorse too. What did Dorchak talk about when she was keynote speaker at their convention? By the way, have you tried to blackmail any politicians lately?

      • Andy

        July 31, 2018 at 9:36 am

        And what do you know about being a sports champion? Any body can look at your pale, soft body and know you’ve never played a sport in your deceitful life.

        • Tabbatha Couch

          July 31, 2018 at 3:16 pm

          Kinda goes with the possibility ofther middle name Michelle, instead of miles. Hmmm makes you wonder

      • Axelskater

        July 31, 2018 at 9:38 am

        Endorsements are key, aren’t they CT? Is it as fascinating as watching all of the endorsements Hillary Clinton got? Oh. Wait.
        I know that the average blue collar FL voter will certainly be taking the “Palm Beach polo set endorsement” into consideration when they vote.

      • Joe T

        July 31, 2018 at 10:17 am

        Yes Carey shows how big of hypocrites your organization is, Polo not only abuses horses and kills them but also kills people, your sure running a good scam

      • mark abrams

        July 31, 2018 at 12:07 pm

        What about injuries to the horses? Real champions?

        wait for thiel and company to turn on you… is there modus operandi
        and don’t forget the grey2k creedo……“A lie’s true power cannot be accurately measured by the number of people who believe its deception when it is told, it must be measured by the number of people who will go out after hearing it trying to convince others of its truth.”
        ― Dennis Sharpe

      • Carey

        July 31, 2018 at 12:19 pm

        We are so grateful for your support Terry, that we will donate some of the money we swindle from fools to your next campaign

      • Laura Roberts

        July 31, 2018 at 12:50 pm

        I see warnings to the horse industry from the dog racing people – not attacks.

        The horse community needs to take a very long look at how you have vilified the dog racing industry – and beware.

      • Bob

        July 31, 2018 at 5:07 pm

        Carey Theil and his sham organization will come after horse athletes next. That’s a sure bet.

      • William C Grabow

        July 31, 2018 at 7:22 pm

        This Shows that this amendment is a scam, A sport that horses die from and people are killed, While they MAKE horses run and says greyhounds doing what is in their DNA is abuse, Looks good for the Vote No people, DONT BELIEVE THE LIES VOTE NO on 13

        • Karen Figy

          July 31, 2018 at 7:52 pm

          Vote NO on 13!!! This breed has chased prey for thousands of years! No one has to spur, whip or direct in ANY manner to make greyhiunds chase a lure. Watch puppies chasing anything that they might find blowing around chase after it. Eyes on the prize. It is instinct. Read some history before making your rash generalizations on this sport.

      • William C Grabow

        August 1, 2018 at 6:49 pm

        A lot of good it has done, Judge ruled you lied and it will not be on the ballot as of now, doenst pay to lie and trick people, the judges ruling will wake a lot of people up to your scam, Pony up more money, pun intended

    • Jacqueline Kensler

      July 31, 2018 at 10:16 am

      Who cares. You have nothing to offer our state or any animals if you have no more mental horsepower than to get sucked in by these crooks & professional panhandlers.

      • Diane

        July 31, 2018 at 12:53 pm

        Thankful for the growing support to protect the greyhounds. Vote yes on Amendment 13 to end greyhound racing.

    • Kelly Faircloth

      July 31, 2018 at 11:09 am

      Thank you, Terry! Floridians love dogs, and are excited to vote #YesOn13 in November! We are grateful for your support!

    • Andy

      July 31, 2018 at 5:27 am

      Hypocrisy at it’s finest

      • Joe T

        July 31, 2018 at 10:31 am

        this is like having a sexual predator in endorse sex education in school

  • Ben Judah

    July 31, 2018 at 7:25 am

    Dog injuries associated with greyhound racing are extremely minuscule and immensely tiny and pales in comparison to horse-racing. The statistics are shocking. On average, 24 horses die each week on American race tracks. That’s nearly four horse deaths per day and almost 1,300 horse deaths per year associated with horseracing, compared to a number as close to zero as possible associated with Greyhound racing. A horse is more than a thousand times more likely to die on the track than a greyhound racing dog.

  • Things that make you say hmmm?

    July 31, 2018 at 7:39 am

    Horse breaks a leg it gets killed on the spot, dog breaks a leg racing it gets fixed and they find a home….. Hmmm
    Plus let’s add in the human on the back making the horse run, nothing but instincts make that dog run….. This hypocrisy here is amazing…

  • Matt Schumitz

    July 31, 2018 at 7:43 am

    What a joke….
    What happens to those ponies when they break a leg, oh that’s right lethak injection on the spot.. These are the biggest hypocrites ever

  • Don Goldstein

    July 31, 2018 at 7:55 am

    As the list of people supporting PROTECT DOGS YES on 13 grows. the voters of Florida are seeing broad based support for ending this archaic and cruel industry. The confinement, the injuries, and the deaths goe against the fabric of our State. Greyhounds should be pets, not entertainment devices. #YesOn13.

    • Matt Schumitz

      July 31, 2018 at 7:59 am

      So horses dying is ok though Don?? Get a clue

    • Andy

      July 31, 2018 at 8:00 am

      Oh, but it’s fine for polo ponies to be used for entertainment. You people are hypocrites of the highest order.

    • steven M Grabarczyk

      July 31, 2018 at 8:12 am

      The only list that count Don, is the vote. Your unhinged spokesperson is about to be exposed, so who ya gonna throw out there next after McFail and Stratemann? LOL You people are funny. See my other post you freaking hypocrite, POLO had REAL ABUSE not the fake lies you make up. You just show your stupidity and hypocrisy every time you type. Don’t you have to go to some media lying about doping?

    • Joe T

      July 31, 2018 at 10:20 am

      Sorry Don, but you are wrong Florida is seeing the lies and hypocrisy from your group, How many Horses die and people also due to Polo, They have to make them run unlike greyhounds Dont Belive the LIES, Vote No on 13

    • Jacqueline Kensler

      July 31, 2018 at 10:31 am

      The same people who call people & animals having fun together like racing, horse drawn carriages & circus outdated are the same people who get hysterical over modern farming, too many people & too much development.
      They don’t know whether they’re coming or going.

    • Tabbatha Couch

      July 31, 2018 at 2:27 pm

      Do you ever get tired of spouting the same scripted lines?

  • Patti K

    July 31, 2018 at 7:57 am

    And what do polo players know about greyhound racing? For that matter what does Matt Gates know about it? I guarantee that none have been close to a track or, for that matter, a greyhound! If you are going to vote to ban racing at least do honest to goodness research and use common sense!

    • Jacqueline Kensler

      July 31, 2018 at 11:03 am

      I tried to talk to Matt #opengaetz about it. I was very polite. He blew up in my face & started yelling “I love HSUS!” at the top of his lungs. Shocking behavior defending & a hard left bottom feeding, deceitful DC Animal Rights lobby group.

      Supposed to be draining the swamp, not dragging it down here & marrying it. Check for the reason Matt Gaetz loves H$U$ so much.

      I love my party but there are some bad seeds growing in it down here in Florida. These political & Animal Rights $candalizers are lying about how racing greyhounds are treated.

      I’ve seen for myself. They are loved, respected & wonderfully cared for like the valuable athletes they are. Mistreated, suffering animals don’t perform; they shut down or rebel. Try to speak the truth to this confederation of conspirators trying to cram this amendment down our throats.. they don’t want to talk about it.
      Why is the question.
      Might want to ask our farmers & ranchers.

  • Matt Schumitz

    July 31, 2018 at 8:02 am

    I hope these polo players realize that if they are successful with 13 it’s only a matter of time before your precious little game will be on the attack. It will most likely be by the same people who are doing all this…

  • steven M Grabarczyk

    July 31, 2018 at 8:06 am

    LOL #hypocrite Sonia Stratemann

    PETA even condemns Polo
    Instead of Polo …

    Polo engages in the unfeeling practices prominent in the horseracing world. Horses and ponies are whipped, “used up,” and then euthanized or sent off to slaughter. Some, such as the pony that Prince Harry rode in a charity polo event, die either on the field or immediately after leaving it.

    Thats how out of touch this “Protect Dogs” organization is.

    So THIS is what these people support???? Doesn’t sound like ANY kind of ‘protection” to me

  • Alice L

    July 31, 2018 at 8:09 am

    This is infuriating. Sonia Strateman and Gaetz have no clue. Sonia is an angry woman who thinks she knows Greyhounds. They have never been to a kennel, have never spoken to a trainer or owner. Just as Polo is a magnificent sport, so is racing. These dogs are just as loved. What is so ignorant is tat Sonia thinks this will keep the Animal Rights kooks away from her sport. Wake up Orchard Hill- they are coming for you next.

    • Renata Spadafora

      July 31, 2018 at 12:17 pm

      Never been to a kennel? Do your homework before you open your mouth. No one has been to more kennels than she. No one has seen more injured greyhounds and more greyhounds that needed to be euthanized as a result of this cruel and vicious sport. Don’t ever, ever comment on something you know nothing about. And yes, I have had multiple greyhounds and I have multiple greyhounds right now. I have, as well, been to disgusting kennels. I have seen dogs with legs dangling coming in with ticks and fleas everywhere just to name a few. Let’s not mention the dogs whose gums are so bad they have to have their teeth removed. Don’t even get me started-shame on you!

      • mark abrams

        July 31, 2018 at 1:33 pm

        reanata, i look forward to you swearing an affidavit so that your allegations can be investigated…

        • Carol Chilton

          July 31, 2018 at 3:39 pm

          I am sure Renata and Sonia would be happy to swear an affidavit if that were truly needed. So can many of us who have been doing greyhound RESCUE for the last 20+ years.

          • Sonia Stratemann

            July 31, 2018 at 4:00 pm

            Very well said, Carol. Yes, there are many of us who would be happy to do so.

          • mark abrams

            July 31, 2018 at 5:05 pm

            just as many of us who have been doing greyhound adoption for 20+ years…. we that work in greyhound adoption don’t have the animal rescue martyr syndrome mentality possessed by rescuers…..

          • William C Grabow

            July 31, 2018 at 7:30 pm

            ask Sonia how many greyhounds she listed on Craigslist, or how many she turned away when the adopters couldnt have them anymore, Sonia is nuttier than squirrel poop, an emotional wreck

      • Andy

        July 31, 2018 at 1:40 pm

        Then tell us WHAT kennels, and when you witnessed this. Of course you can’t. If all the abuse you liars claim is true, then why have there been no animal cruelty charges brought. If you REALLY witnessed it, why didn’t you report it to the authorities?

  • Joyce Carta

    July 31, 2018 at 8:09 am

    Demonstrating the enormous spectrum of support Amendment 13 is gathering. Be they politicians or polo players when they hear that in November Florida can join the 40 other states where this activity is now illegal they smile and are happy to endorse. Thank you all, Endorsers, we are so very proud to have your support! YES ON 13!!

    • steven M Grabarczyk

      July 31, 2018 at 8:13 am

      Joyce is so proud to be endorsed by horse abusers. That should tell the voters of Florida what a sham you really are.

    • Joe T

      July 31, 2018 at 10:24 am

      Sure it is Joyce, it is showing the hypocrisy of your group, How many horses and people have died from Polo, sorry but only 1 state has banned racing greyhounds, and your a hypocrite for using donkeys and mules to pull your butt around for enjoyment, And then have someone like Sonia who is unbalanced speaking for you

    • YesOn13Lies

      July 31, 2018 at 6:03 pm

      Get back on your donkey Joyce

      • Jim

        July 31, 2018 at 7:37 pm

        It’s only banned in 1 state at this time!

  • steven M Grabarczyk

    July 31, 2018 at 8:15 am

    Keep patting yourselves on the back fo de facto endorsements. The only endorsement that matters is th TRUTH, something the self proclaimed “Protect” people have no clue about. Soon you will see and Florida will see the REAL Dog Protectors.

  • Janet Skinner

    July 31, 2018 at 8:28 am

    We don’t refer to dogs as “man’s best friend” for no reason. Dogs hold a special place in our hearts which is why Amendment 13 has such broad support. The variety of people and organizations that have endorsed only reflect the feelings of all but a few Floridians (mainly those who profit from this cruel practice.) I am totally confident that the love of dogs will prevail on November 6 and Amendment 13 will easily be approved by the voters.

    • T.Mac

      July 31, 2018 at 8:53 am

      Misguided support. Deceit based support. Deluded support.
      And complete and utter lack of critical thinking support.
      Be careful what you wish for….
      There will be consequences.

    • Andy

      July 31, 2018 at 9:54 am

      Is that why our table at hob nob was so busy, while your table was deserted? As usual there will be nothing but crickets…..

  • Tanya

    July 31, 2018 at 8:32 am

    This is legit lunacy. Utter ignorance.
    Dude, you look like a fool.

  • Dick Ciampa

    July 31, 2018 at 8:32 am

    Polo the sport where ponies die and people die and you are using them as someone that endorses you.

    You are fine with this?

    What a bunch of hypocrites you are.

    How about this one right in Palm Beach County where Sonia Stratemann lives. No concern about polo ponies Sonia?

    Dying polo ponies are good for donations so you will overlook people and ponies that die.

  • Alice L

    July 31, 2018 at 9:14 am

    Ok so I misspoke about Sonia never going to the track/kennels. She had visited and saw for herself how wonderfully the dogs are cared for. I apologize for that. HOWEVER it still makes her the epitome of hypocrisy.
    The simple matter is animal owners need to stand shoulder to shoulder in this war against the animal rights groups. A horse simply running in a field can step in a hole and break its leg… and is humanely PTS. A dog can bloat and die within a very short period of time. There is heartbreak in any sport involving horses and dogs. If we continue to support the other side pretty soon no one will have the right to do anything with their animals.

  • Dick Ciampa

    July 31, 2018 at 9:59 am

    As someone that grew up near Myopia Hunt Club I enjoyed going to the matches on Sunday afternoon and going out at halftime and replacing the divots. However, if polo is going to attack greyhound racing then they are fair game.

    Maybe the polo people need to go to the kennels at Sanford Orlando and see for themselves. Ask Carey if he thinks that is a good idea? To the polo people I say report whatever you see. When the truth is on your side you want to get it out. When the truth isn’t on your side you have to steal videos and pictures and twist them into something they’re not.

    So polo players go see. The Yes committee won’t tell you that.

  • Karen Greb

    July 31, 2018 at 10:00 am

    Endorsements aside, I’m very confident that by the time Florida voters cast their ballots on Nov 6 they will know that a young greyhound race dog dies every three days on Florida track premises, that the injury rate is very high and that the dogs are confined in metal cages most of the day every day. These conditions don’t reflect Floridian values and this is our opportunity to end it once and for all. Vote YES on Amendment 13.

    • Tabbatha Couch

      July 31, 2018 at 2:34 pm

      Once again a repeat of a rehearsed script

      • Carol Chilton

        July 31, 2018 at 3:43 pm

        Ah, Tabbatha. Your comments are very scripted and repeated almost exactly by so many of the PR people on various social venues.

        • Tabbatha Couch

          July 31, 2018 at 4:09 pm

          I’m not PR. I’m doing it because it’s wrong to persecute a profession because of things done years ago. Regulations were enacted and people took notice and corrected the wrong.

        • William C Grabow

          July 31, 2018 at 7:32 pm

          Grey2k pays people to read their script of lies over and over, sounds like parrots

  • Kelly Faircloth

    July 31, 2018 at 10:09 am

    The growing list of endorsements from all walks of life are an indication that the tide has turned… there is just no place in our state anymore for the archaic and inhumane treatment of greyhounds. In particular, thank you to Matt Gaetz. Your family, including your father, former Florida Senate President Don Gaetz, and your mother Victoria, have been steadfast in your determination to protect greyhounds, and we appreciate it!

    Thank you to all of the endorsers of this campaign. With your help, greyhounds will finally be free of the cruel confinement, exploitation, injury and death that has been their world for far too long.

    • Joe T

      July 31, 2018 at 10:27 am

      this coming form someone that kills animals for a living Kelly

      • Kelly R Faircloth

        July 31, 2018 at 10:54 am

        Ha! This isn’t the first time I have heard this – where the heck are you getting your misinformation, Joe?

      • Don Goldstein

        July 31, 2018 at 10:59 am

        I’ve known Kelly Faircloth for over a decade and she always done her best to find home for greyhounds discarded by the racing industry. She has not, and would not, harm a greyhound or any other animal! I’m not sure who you think she is, but you are wrong.

        • Kelly Faircloth

          July 31, 2018 at 11:27 am

          In all fairness, I did kill a couple of wasps the other day, but they totally deserved it.

    • Joyce Carta

      July 31, 2018 at 11:06 am

      Nicely said, Kelly. Amendment 13 has many friends and supporters who have the desire and the wherewithal to understand the truth of greyhound racing. Individuals and organizations who pay no attention to name-calling and other distractions but who keep the honest well-being of the dogs uppermost. These are the heroes and we are proud of them.

  • Cathryn

    July 31, 2018 at 10:31 am

    THIS IS NOT ABOUT POLO. Stop trying to use polo as a distraction. This is about greyhound racing ONLY! When and if the Florida citizens want to ban polo then we should discuss any claims of abuse but Amendment 13 is about dogs.

    • Robin

      July 31, 2018 at 11:09 am

      Agreed. This is about the dogs NOT horses. She’s never had a polo pony TOSSED over her fence. If that day ever happens, I bet she’ll fight for them. For now, it’s about ALL the dogs that have been DUMPED on her BROKEN and NEGLECTED.

      • William C Grabow

        July 31, 2018 at 7:34 pm

        If you want to believe her lies, think about it a dog with a broken back thrown over a fence, thats so far fetched only a fool would say it or belive it

    • Andy

      July 31, 2018 at 11:25 am

      This is about HYPOCRISY

      • Robin

        July 31, 2018 at 11:36 am

        It’s about the DOGS. Not horses, not hypocrisy. She’s never had a polo pony TOSSED over her fence. If that day ever happens, I bet she’ll fight for them. For now, it’s all about the DOGS that have been DUMPED on her BROKEN and NEGLECTED

        • Andy

          July 31, 2018 at 1:47 pm

          Ah, if she witnessed such cruelty, provide us with a police report to back it up. Lying hypocrites, the lot of you. Just like the kill shelters you crow about endorsing you. Sonia likes buffets right?

  • DW

    July 31, 2018 at 10:37 am

    It is great to see the wide spread support for the greyhounds wellbeing. Vote yes on Amendment 13.

  • Mary Ann D.

    July 31, 2018 at 10:45 am

    I stand firmly AGAINST Amendment 13 but I will NOT condemn Polo or Horse Racing because, unlike certain people who are anti dog racing yet support a sport such as Polo, I’m not a hypocrite. However, I will warn the Horsey Set about something that I tried to warn the Dog Racing community about -years- ago: you have let a FOX into YOUR hen house by trusting a certain individual who currently supports a ban on Greyhound racing. For YEARS, this person decried she wasn’t anti-racing. For YEARS, she claimed that she SUPPORTED the sport, the people, and the dogs. It was only AFTER her funding was pulled by the track and dogmen (because she made unreasonable demands), that she came out publicly as anti-racing. Now, she claims she witnessed abuse for years, NEVER having lodged any official reports, of course, because in her very own words to me YEARS AGO: “You just have to SAY WHATEVER IT TAKES TO GET THE DOGS”. So, in other words, gain access, collect “stories” and photos to produce at a later date as blackmail should anyone ever dare to deny you everything and anything you want, and all the while, be disingenuous and manipulative to people so they think you’re on their side. Uh-huh, yep, that’s who you’ve let in to your midst! I hope, for the sake of the Polo industry, that you will take note of this because the dogmen didn’t listen and JUST LOOK at what that woman is saying about them and doing to them NOW! You might want to ask yourselves: How long will it be before she turns on YOU? Finally, good luck going forward because if dog racing is banned – YOU’RE ON THE SHORT LIST – ALL animals “used for human entertainment” will be and that includes Y-O-U. After all, your sport not only involves animal injuries (which usually requires an onsite euthanasia), rather, people die, too. Tragic, very, very tragic. All it would take is one, grieving, crying mother and you’ll go down in flames. Think about it.

    • Cathryn

      July 31, 2018 at 12:39 pm

      Maryann you know just as well as anyone else that you can not speak up or funding is cut and the dogs suffer as a result. Reporting injuries to FGA or the track means nothing. My time on the Board of GPA taught me more than I ever wanted to know about this industry. You know the truth and that’s why all anyone can do is make personal attacks. THIS IS ABOUT DOGS! Not Sonia, polo or people’s jobs.

      • Mary Ann D.

        July 31, 2018 at 6:22 pm

        I will agree with you on one point: THIS IS ABOUT THE DOGS – but it is also about a lot of other things that will be made out to be “unintended consequences”. Other than it being about dogs, I honestly don’t have a clue what you are talking about! I belonged to a GPA chapter for years and had I personally witnessed any abuse, I WOULD HAVE contacted the kennel owner and brought it to their attention, immediately, and if it continued, I would have filed reports with the DBPR under which all license holders are required to obtain licensure. I’m curious which GPA chapter you were with? As for the FGA, you are DEAD WRONG. They do take abuse seriously and WILL ACT. So, YES, I do know the TRUTH. Do you?

    • Sonia Stratemann

      July 31, 2018 at 1:33 pm

      Oh, MaryAnn. I always took a neutral stance for the dogs sake. You and I spoke of the problems with greyhound racing and we took different paths. You are ok with the alarming death statistics, and the confinement that the dogs endure. I am not.

      Its no secret that I reported abuse and neglect to the track and to other professionals in the racing industry. I even reported to a board member of the FGA but heard nothing back.

      When there is abuse or neglect in the horse world, the abuser is made public and no longer supported. Sadly, that does not happen with dog racing.

      Again, I am very proud of the overwhelming support form the horse community.

      • Tabbatha Couch

        July 31, 2018 at 2:58 pm

        So what defines an animal abuser to you? (Sonia)Mrs. My beloved polo ponies are next???
        Give us your definition. Someone that euthanizes a dog that is injured beyond medical help or someone that euthanizes a pony that has a repairable break but cost too much to fix. Cheaper to send to glue factory or dig a big hole and bury it.
        What about polo pony owners doping their horses.. the 21 horses that died were given biodyl. Biodyl is also widely used to give horses that extra energy they sometimes need.
        Biodyl has a positive effect on energy metabolism and muscle metabolism.
        Horses are not tested positive using Biodyl. 
        Wow sounds like a legal loophole to boost performance..

        This quote is straight from Peta. The Thoroughbred-racing industry sends an estimated 10,000 horses to slaughter annually, meaning that half of the 20,000 new foals born each year will eventually be killed for their flesh.
        Here’s another in Australia From the racing year of 1 August 2016 until 31 July 2017, a shocking 137 racehorses died on Australian racetracks. That’s one racehorse every 2.6 days.

        75 of these racehorses died of catastrophic limb injuries – breaks, tears and fractures of their forelegs. But horses also died of hind leg injuries, cardiac arrests, massive bleeds — even head trauma

        Truck driver at a loss to explain death of 16 polo ponies on Spirit of Tasmania tripBY FIONA BLACKWOODUPDATED SAT 10 FEB 2018,

        • Sonia Stratemann

          July 31, 2018 at 3:48 pm

          I’m surprised that you are quoting PETA. I didn’t peg you to be a supporter of theirs. Tabbatha, I don’t have to Google because I know the truth. I have been involved in both greyhound rescue and equine sports. If horsemen dumped injured and neglected horses at my gate by the truckload, I might think differently. As of now, it’s only been the dog racing industry who has done that.

          • Tabbatha Couch

            July 31, 2018 at 4:15 pm

            I’m just certainly not a Peta supporter but you are and since your bosses are so fond of quoting our people I thought it rather amusing to use them as a source. Of course they don’t dump injured horses by the truckload they SHOOT them. You know that well enough being in the business your whole life.

          • William C Grabow

            July 31, 2018 at 7:39 pm

            Now its by the truck loads, tell the people how much money you received from the kennels, Soinia lost all credibility while lying to the CRC, along with her fake tears on command,

      • Mary Ann D.

        July 31, 2018 at 6:10 pm

        Sonia, we did take different paths: I prefer one of honesty. Being “neutral” is just a way of being disingenuous. By the way, do you happen to have a copy of the report you filed? I’d love to see it – sincerely would – because I don’t support abuse.

        I will not comment on what happens in the “horse world” when there is abuse because this is not about horse abuse — this is about DOGS and allegations of abuse as a reason to end racing – it’s about Amendment 13 and the long term, end goal ramifications of an overly bloated State Constitution stuffed FULL of special interests. This is a BAD idea and a BAD Amendment.

        I am very proud of all the adoption groups that have stepped forward and all the adoptive owners for their support in the TRUE grassroots movement to save racing. They are the ones who have actual Greyhound knowledge and are therefore a LEGITIMATE voice, and are not radical activists.


    • Andy

      July 31, 2018 at 1:50 pm

      And there you have the TRUTH about our buffet loving lying crook

      • Sonia

        July 31, 2018 at 3:00 pm

        Buffet loving? I can’t even imagine what you mean with that comment.
        It’s an odd thing to say while we are discussing greyhounds and Amendment 13 supporters.

        • Andy

          July 31, 2018 at 7:05 pm

          I mean you are grossly obese, being in shape requires WORK, of course you, like your cohorts in crime aren’t interested in that, it’s much easier to scam people with your lies and distortions of the truth.

          • Fred Barton

            July 31, 2018 at 9:26 pm

            You’ll have to excuse Andy, Sonia. He’s got some kind of body fetish thing going on. I’ve suggested he talk to someone about it.

          • Andy

            August 1, 2018 at 5:05 am

            No fetish freddo, simply laziness and obesity repulse me. Figured you would come to her aid, both of you being morbidly obese. Hey, you should see someone for it. like a trainer

          • Fred Barton

            August 1, 2018 at 8:33 am

            Thanks for helping me make my point.

          • Sonia Stratemann

            August 1, 2018 at 6:00 pm

            I figured thats what you meant, Andy. I just like when you and your friends show what kind of people you really are. You’re all doing a great job! Your campaign , as proven in so many of these comments, is to verbally attack me, the horse community and what is truly disgusting, my son’s memory.

            Meanwhile, I share facts that I can back up with documentation. I don’t have to resort to personal attacks, but your side obviously has no other choice. It really shows how heartless and uncaring you are, and another reason why greyhounds aren’t safe in your industry.

        • Micheal

          July 31, 2018 at 7:41 pm

          Maybe because it looks like you live at a buffet? sure dont look like a horsemen to me,

  • Mary Stewart

    July 31, 2018 at 10:45 am

    This list of endorsements is going to keep growing. Most people do not support an industry where a dog dies on a track every 3 days. Dogs are our companions, not money making machines, and Floridians are going to vote to end dog racing in November.

    • Dick Ciampa

      July 31, 2018 at 12:37 pm


      You know you lied, but the yes side has no choice because the truth isn’t on your side. While no dogs dying on the race track would be the goal, the lie that a greyhound dies every three days goes against simple multiplication, but you already know that. You must follow the rules even if they are a lie. If the cult leaders say a dog dies every 2 days you must repeat that. Don’t ever do the math. Don’t ever ask questions.

      I’m sure you know the great self-proclaimed largest protectors of greyhounds helped pass a rule that made the minimum crate size smaller. While no kennel went out and got smaller crates did you think this was a great idea? Are people so brainwashed that whatever these people do it has to be good and you just follow. Why do you think the bigger crates are cruel and inhumane and the smaller ones okay?

      As someone that still has control of my brain I don’t understand.

      My guess is you’re probably a pretty nice person that believes she is helping greyhounds. However, I bet in your lifetime you’ve never taken advice from someone that knows nothing about the subject. You can read all you want about something, but you will never know about the subject like the hands on people. It is easy to sit in your plush office in the upscale town of Arlington, Massachusetts and get you to donate to their cause because people find animals are the one thing that pulls at your heart. To hold any group or organization to 100% perfection is setting them up to fail. These people have never worked a day at a greyhound farm or track kennel. Yet, they profess to know all. These people, in the last three years, have been to Australia, for over a month, New Zealand, China, Italy, Ireland, England, Kansas, Arizona, Texas, West Virginia and Florida each year for at least 10 weeks. Ever wonder where Gina really lives? From the dog license records in Arlington, Massachusetts we know Zoe wasn’t licensed to them and they want you to believe Gina lives with them.

      Could you travel that much and leave your dog behind?

      I bet whatever line of work you are in your organization would fail be it a lawyer, carpenter, plumber, judge, doctor or anything other job or profession you can think of. We are the perfect storm for them. Something does something wrong and they group everyone together as doing that one thing wrong.

      This isn’t to condone the wrong, but you wouldn’t like being grouped with all the bad people in your profession, especially when the good far outnumber the bad.

      You can hate me if you want, but hate me for reasons of your own and not what someone else tried to mold me into. Go see for yourself and if you still hate me after going into a kennel, now in 2018, and seeing for yourself then so be it.

    • Dawn

      July 31, 2018 at 5:41 pm

      They don’t drop them at your door because there DEAD. Hello get a clue. Also half you people say 3 days other 4 days on deaths and by the way grey2k agreed in Massachusetts the crate size was ok then started puking there crates are to small crap. Same size crates as florida. So way agree to something then turn around and say the opposite. Because it makes them money. All you A.R. People are bullshit. If animals are so important to you then no Police. Bomb. Drug. Hunting.dogs let’s put a stop to all of it that includes you people that need emotional support dogs also. What a joke this all is and it’s all over gambling. Not dogs. No on 13. Yes on 3

  • Mary Ann D.

    July 31, 2018 at 10:55 am

    Growing list of endorsements? HA, HA, HA! You mean the “nepotism list?” Do you actually think that the Florida voter is so STUPID that they can’t connect the dots between the “co-chair” of your anti racing front and HER HUSBAND, the Polo Coach for Orchard Hill Polo team? You REALLY THINK people ARE THAT STUPID or that you can hide that affiliation?! I think people are smarter than that and when they learn about all the deceit that has been foisted upon them, they might surprise you at the voting booth. I hope they do! #VoteNoOn13

    • Sonia Stratemann

      July 31, 2018 at 1:19 pm

      My husband has strongly been against racing for years because of all that we have witnessed while doing greyhound rescue. He is very happy to endorse Amendment 13, as are so many other leaders in the horse world. MaryAnn, you wouldn’t know the truth if it smacked you in the face. That is obvious with all of the blatant lies that you conjure up about me and my family.
      I have documented proof, and also so many people who have witnessed the cruelty and neglect. You have lies and personal attacks.

      Voters are not stupid, MaryAnn and that is why they will Vote Yes on 13.

      • Andy

        July 31, 2018 at 1:56 pm

        Documented truth that you never told the authorities about buffet loving liar

      • Mary Ann D.

        July 31, 2018 at 6:34 pm

        I don’t have to conjure lies, Sonia, because everything I have said is the truth. Remember, I have witnesses, too, so you might want to walk your tirade back.

        As for your husband, I really don’t care what he thinks – this is about DOGS.

        Maybe the vote will go your way, maybe it won’t. I hope it doesn’t!

  • Fred Barton

    July 31, 2018 at 11:34 am

    AS soon as I saw the headline here I knew we were going to spend more time talking abut horses than greyhounds. This article, unfortunately, is tailor made for the number one racing industry dodge–change the subject. Well, the fact that the industry continues to sputter and fume about everything under the sun except greyhound racing and the inhumane treatment the dogs suffer doesn’r seem to be slowing down the growing list of endorsements for Yes on 13. And that is a good thing.

    • Andy

      July 31, 2018 at 12:14 pm

      Hey Fred, is that why greyhounds are happily wagging their tails and playing in the videos? Is that why when a retired racer goes back to the track he goes nuts wanting to be out there? The hypocrisy is stunning, all the BS your crooked side spouts about greyhound abuse, yet horses get injured and put down far more than greyhounds, but that’s just fine. Just like the kill shelters who endorsed your crooked side, that’s fine too.

      • Fred Barton

        July 31, 2018 at 12:50 pm

        Come on Andy, dogs wag their tails for a number on reasons, sometimes even when they’re stressed. Of course thy want to run–doesn’t mean they want to race on a track putting their lives in danger so bettors can make a buck.

        • Andy

          July 31, 2018 at 2:00 pm

          ABUSED dogs would not act like that, but cowering in fear. But of course they aren’t abused. Happy dogs don’t make for good donations. As always with grey2scam, it’s all about the MONEY

          • Fred Barton

            July 31, 2018 at 2:33 pm

            Depends on your definition of abuse. Being commodified, exploited and regularly placed in harm’s way for profit, then discarded when they are no longer profitable sounds a lot like abuse to me.

    • Lori Bruce

      July 31, 2018 at 12:42 pm

      Okay, let’s talk about greyhounds. Let’s talk about how they get to grow up playing with their littermates. Let’s talk about how they then get to go live with their greyhound friends and spend a couple of years doing something they love. And let’s talk about how when they are done racing, they get to be service dogs for veterans, therapy dogs, and beloved pets.

      • Cathryn

        July 31, 2018 at 12:49 pm

        Ok let’s talk about untreated injuries left for days or how they are also sent off to be blood donors or how they are only allowed to do what they “love” once or twice a week and sit in a hauler listening to their “friends” run until it’s time to go back to the compound. Let’s talk about the ones sitting at the compound waiting for a group to get them. Let’s talk about the “track vet” who we all know in West Palm. Come on!!

        • Lori Bruce

          July 31, 2018 at 1:17 pm

          Lets talk about cherry picking isolated incidents and then using them to paint many good people as animal abusers. I don’t know the “track vet” that you refer to or why you put it in quotation marks but if they were doing something they shouldn’t and you knew about it, shame on you for not reporting it.

          • Cathryn

            July 31, 2018 at 2:08 pm

            If you are one of the few good ones then thank you for doing the right thing. I wish these were isolated incidents. I know for a FACT that some of the industry spokespeople are aware of the blood donor issue. It’s all political and reporting does nothing. The track has known about this for a long time but they close their eyes so they can keep the poker rooms. I personally know trainers who have been reported and fired for abuse only to be rehired at another kennel. Unfortunately it happens and FGA ignores the reports. Anyone in West Palm knows the vet I am referring to and I put it in quotes because he is in the industry’s pockets not always doing what is right for the dogs.

        • Robin

          July 31, 2018 at 1:30 pm

          I don’t see paint by numbers with his GoPro over at the vets office where they are euthanized or at the blood bank where the literally are sitting in concrete cells… oh that’s because he goes to kennels and farms he is INVITED to

      • Fred Barton

        July 31, 2018 at 12:55 pm

        Really? That’s the spin you want to use? They grow up in glorified puppy mills, live next to their friends in crates and put their lives on the line for $2 bets. And after they’re no longer profitable and the industry discards them, the lucky ones get rescued.

        • Lori Bruce

          July 31, 2018 at 1:20 pm

          Oh Fred really? Putting their lives on the line? I guess my dog puts his life on the line every time I let him run in the backyard. I’m sure the track surface is much safer. Or is it the betting that makes it bad? Because I doubt the dogs care about that.

          • Fred Barton

            July 31, 2018 at 2:28 pm

            Well, if you put your dog out in the yard next to a charged electrical cable and then let him run in a circle with seven other dogs, then yeah, you’re putting his life on the line. You’re right, the dogs don’t know about the betting, but that doesn’t change the threat of injury or death they face because of the arbitrary and dangerous situation you’ve put them in to facilitate those bets..

          • Andy

            July 31, 2018 at 2:45 pm

            Yet Grey2k fought the Greyhound safety act, which would have mandated the electric wire be covered and insulated, he convientantly leaves that part out. Why, you ask? Because less injured dogs means less ammo for DONATIONS

          • Fred Barton

            July 31, 2018 at 4:40 pm

            We’re about ending greyhound racing, not prolonging it with band aides, but truth be told we did support the Bill, even though it was never a serious proposal, just a smokescreen thrown up by the FGA.

        • Andy

          July 31, 2018 at 2:48 pm

          Yep running around on a farm and playing with your littermates is ‘ a glorified puppy mill’

          • Fred Barton

            July 31, 2018 at 4:27 pm

            Bred en masse for the sole purpose of being sold for profit. Sounds like a puppy mill to me.

    • Dick Ciampa

      July 31, 2018 at 12:53 pm


      You and the rest of the cult leaders have failed the dogs if you see inhumane treatment and don’t turn the people treating the dogs inhumanely in to the police or animal control. Inhumane treatment of animals is against the law. Unless an organization was trying to get donations out of people for salaries, you know taking over $250,000 in salaries out of $600,000, why wouldn’t you just turn the person in?

      • Fred Barton

        July 31, 2018 at 1:16 pm

        Not quite sure what your metric for failure is, there Dickie boy. After all, we got the measure on the ballot; donations and endorsements grow daily; and the word is spreading that the heartless commodification and exploitation of innocent greyhounds for profit is not something that should be part of an enlightened society. I think we’re on a roll. Oh, by the way, when I said “we” I didn’t just mean Grey2K, but all of the citizens across Florida who came out to the hearings; handed out a pamphlet; talked to a friend; and just generally became a voice for greyhounds. Yep, I’m thinking roll here–big roll.

        • Dick Ciampa

          July 31, 2018 at 1:53 pm

          As a teacher if writing rhetoric you do pretty good at that.

          Maybe you can tell me this, but I’m sure you won’t. Carey talked about open debate in another comment section and John Parker took him up on it. Carey never answered. Then John posted he accepted to debate Carey on their FB page. Carey’s answer was to delete the post and ban John.

          When the truth isn’t on your side, DELETE.

          • Cathryn

            July 31, 2018 at 2:17 pm

            It is not wise to reference your teaching skills in a comment containing multiple grammatical errors, Dick.

          • Fred Barton

            July 31, 2018 at 2:32 pm

            Yeah, changing the topic from we’re failing to Carey won’t debate was a good idea. I didn’t think you were going anywhere with that topic anyway. As for debate, I don’t believe Carey is under any requirement to debate any pro-racing yahoo who comes along and demands one, but you should probably ask him about that.

          • Dick Ciampa

            July 31, 2018 at 2:51 pm


            I never said I had teaching skills. You should follow what I know about greyhounds, not grammar.

            This, As a teacher if writing rhetoric you do pretty good at that., should be, As a teacher of.

        • Andy

          July 31, 2018 at 2:51 pm

          Like all the people that was at their hob nob table…… Zero. That’s why they tried to get the service dogs evicted

        • Andy

          July 31, 2018 at 7:12 pm

          Yea, well, you have a twisted way of looking at everything. Such as, documented lying by dorkchak and grey2k admitting fraud, not to mention being aligned with ALF is IRRELEVANT, tampered drug tests are nothing because it was ” just one”. How many felonies does it take to count? Grey2scam apparently condones death threats since said nothing about the one by one of your members on twitter, accused Sonksen of being a racist, Then of course there is the attempted blackmail, your sides record of deceit grows with each passing day.

          • Fred Barton

            July 31, 2018 at 9:22 pm

            I’ve decided that from now on whenever you folks change the subject in mid-conversation I’m going to declare a victory.

          • Fred Barton

            July 31, 2018 at 9:30 pm

            I’ve decided that from now on whenever you folks change the subject in mid-conversation I’m going to declare a victory. I was going to say I’d give $5 to the Protect the Dogs committee, but you people change the topic so often I figured it would break me in less than a week.

        • Andy

          July 31, 2018 at 7:51 pm

          Yea Fred, you’re on a roll, that’s why your table was deserted at Hob Nob, right?

        • Jacqueline Kensler

          July 31, 2018 at 8:26 pm

          Yes.. It’s easy to accomplish such things when you have no scruples. Lies are much more interesting than the truth. Truth can be so boring & tedious. And I’m pretty sure the lies you tell are tested & polled for maximum hate mongering productivity.. measured by how efficiently they stimulate donations.

          You’re not animal advocates, you’re morbid story writers & bean counters. $candals are your product & all you have to sell. Always exciting for your market of sadistics who get their charge out of imagining violence to animals where it doesn’t exist.

          But catering to the disordered & weak thinkers is your full time job. The people you exploit, threaten, harass & terrorize for your living are preoccupied putting their animals first.

          That’s your advantage. Nothing to boast about.. like beating up a child on crutches.

          Those groups of animal stewards the Animal Rights so called movement ruthlessly persecutes are unique & tiny. It takes very special people to choose careers & lifestyles where they spend all their days & nights being slaves to animals. There’s enormous responsibility, hard work, strict routine, risk & emotion involved; Mother Nature alone is always unpredictable. And besides that, they’re subject to stringent regulation & oversight.
          Abuse is illegal.

          There aren’t very many people in greyhound racing, elephant & whale training, dog breeding, carriage horse driving.. not even enough to begin to express as a fraction.
          Only 6% hunt.. probably the largest group besides pet owners in general. Only 2% own horses these days & only 2% do all the farming.

          So sitting around all day thinking up & & robotically regurgitating trigger words & wild stories about people in animal enterprises when almost no one in the entire population besides themselves knows bean dip about who they are & what they do is not a testament of anyone’s superiority. All you have to do is abandon your ethics.. if you ever had them.

          Tiny & unique will get you misunderstood, & misunderstood will get you exploited by people looking for an easy ride to their own prosperity.

          And since media loves dirt, even if it’s fabricated & farcical, most of your orgs’ advertising & name recognition is free bc what you do invest in is creating cheap, seedy news.

          Same for the politicians who want in on the $candal action & think it’s clever to collude with you for their false images &.. hopefully.. votes, I guess..

          So you look sinister & demonic puffing yourself up & bragging about how successful you are at self-serving, malignantly narcissistic manipulation. It’s not that hard when your entire strategy is to prey on the lowest hanging fruit.

          But we’ll see what happens. Maybe the meek really will inherit the earth.

          Meantime, while you work toward your true goals of hoovering up millions, sucking up to more self-absorbed politicians & attempting to destroy that magnificent breed and their wonderfully organized network of stewards..
          .. the dogs, unaware of your dark, malevolent intentions, will continue to chase their hearts around our Florida race tracks.

          It may be a small group who understand them.. but they’re driven by love & devotion & they’ll keep fighting for them as hard as they’re able.

          • Fred Barton

            July 31, 2018 at 9:16 pm

            Do you really think it’s a good idea to insult the people whose votes you are going to need in November?

  • Francis Holliday

    July 31, 2018 at 11:46 am

    I am hardly an animal rights nut. Just a voting citizen who knows the difference between horses, polos and greyhounds. Greyhounds need a couch and not be running in circles in 100+ heat. This is no sport. That parking lot may be full for poker ,slots or the Buffet…few are watching the dogs. Race cars not dogs. Vote YES on 13.

    • Andy

      July 31, 2018 at 12:16 pm

      Ah, so it’s ok for horses to run in 100 degree heat?

    • Tabbatha Couch

      July 31, 2018 at 3:06 pm

      You think they don’t run horses in 100 degree weather???

  • Yes on 13- Not Welcome Here

    July 31, 2018 at 12:10 pm

    This has to be a joke… So now, the Yes on 13 people are contradicting themselves by dredging up endorsements from animal sporting people who have been condemned by the Yes on 13 allies- HSUS and PETA??? All this shows is that the Yes on 13 people are clamouring for support as the No on 13 people continue to show first hand, behind the scenes proof that the greyhounds are indeed loved and well cared for. They can spout off as many endorsements as they like, that still can’t buy the truth. Floridians are seeing right through these Yes on 13 people, and they are panicking. As the Yes on 13 people keep patting themselves and each other on the back, I wonder if they see that they are losing support on a regular basis. Support for them has already dwindled from the 70% that the Yes on 13 people claimed, to the 47% that was provided through the Chamber of Commerce poll. Money and endorsements can’t buy the truth, greyhounds in Florida aren’t going anywhere. #VoteNoOn13

  • Cathryn

    July 31, 2018 at 12:34 pm

    The dogs wag their tails because they are happy to be let out of their crate. The sound of the lure excites them. Racing is all they know but that doesn’t make it right.

    • Dick Ciampa

      July 31, 2018 at 2:56 pm

      It’s to bad you know nothing about tail wagging. Some day a dog might bite you while wagging its tail.

      • Cathryn

        July 31, 2018 at 3:16 pm

        As a matter of fact I have been bitten by an emaciated greyhound who was found on an abandoned breeding farm while I tried to pull hundreds of engorged ticks off of it. Thanks for the reminder

        • Never Been Bit

          July 31, 2018 at 7:05 pm

          Maybe the dog knew how vile you are, and that you are not a supporter of greyhounds…

          • Andy

            July 31, 2018 at 7:17 pm

            Most likely, because dogs are smarter than fools who believe this dribble, lucky they are on the fringe. It’s funny to hear them talking about ” growing grassroots movement”, when their table was deserted at Hob Nob, and their kick off meetings had a standing room only crowd of 20-30 people. Most people are rational, and after we get truth in front of them, like Sanford is doing a fabulous job of, they will be lucky to get 40%.

          • Cathryn

            July 31, 2018 at 11:03 pm

            I am sure I have done more to rescue greyhounds than you could ever insigne. It’s not about jobs or entertainment for me.

          • Cathryn

            July 31, 2018 at 11:05 pm

            If saving a dog makes me vile, then so be it

  • Sonia Stratemann

    July 31, 2018 at 12:45 pm

    The support that Protect Dogs -Yes on 13 has received is incredible and it grows daily. Voters are looking at both sides and coming to the obvious conclusion that it is time for greyhound racing to be phased out.

    I am proud to be a member of a large horse community who supports Amendment 13. Personal attacks from greyhound breeders and racing supporters will not change the fact that we love dogs and will vote yes on 13 in November.

    • Cathryn

      July 31, 2018 at 12:51 pm

      Thank you for speaking up. I am sorry for the personal attacks you have had to deal with because there are no documents to disprove the facts that you have.

      • Andy

        July 31, 2018 at 2:08 pm

        She has no documents to to back up anything, feel free to provide police reports from these atrocities. The only FACT where she is concerned is the she loves Golden Corral

        • Cathryn

          July 31, 2018 at 2:11 pm

          She has pictures, X-rays, emails, data…please prove it wrong with something factual not just name calling and accusations.

          • Andy

            July 31, 2018 at 2:31 pm

            Where are POLICE REPORTS, anything else is easily manufactured, you know, like non canine dna drug tests

          • Andy

            July 31, 2018 at 2:36 pm

            Does she have pictures of polo horses with broken legs too?

          • Cathryn

            July 31, 2018 at 3:35 pm

            Andy, a police report would not be filed. It is not illegal to humanely euthanize a dog or abandon them on a farm or leave them sitting in a crate injured. It is not illegal to have them infested with ticks. Reports were made to NGA, FGA and PBKC as well as some well known people in the industry.

          • Andy

            July 31, 2018 at 7:37 pm

            That’s the way to deflect the question as to why you have no real evidence, you are learning well from Freddie

    • Andy

      July 31, 2018 at 7:19 pm

      Hey, the Chinese buffet just opened for lunch, I guess you can gorge yourself and play on the phone at the same time. After lunch you should produce some of those police reports for us where you reported all this cruelty you lie about.

      • Cathryn

        July 31, 2018 at 8:14 pm

        Do you know anything? Your comments are ignorant and only show what type of people are involved in this industry. These incidents are not an issue for the police which is why the appropriate people were notified many times. So Andy, get some facts and please try to make relevant and accurate statements about GREYHOUNDS. By the way, I do not eat at buffets nor do I eat Chinese food.

        • Andy

          August 1, 2018 at 5:18 am

          I was referring to your obese friend Sonia there moron. Let’s see, animal abuse is a crime, crime is reported to the police, the police make a report if a crime is committed, thus it is an issue for the police. And you or your fat lying friend have no police reports, only “i have seen’ > exactly like Pam Bondi sayinmg ” i have prosecuted lots of animal abuse cases ” in front of the CRC, but when asked for evidence of greyhound related ones, we hear nothing, just like we do from you.

  • David W

    July 31, 2018 at 1:31 pm

    Vote YES ON 13. Greyhounds need couches, not metal crates

  • Stefan Wells

    July 31, 2018 at 1:42 pm

    This has to be a joke. What happens to polo and race horses when they break a leg? Arent polo horses being used for human entertainment which the anti greyhound racers say is not acceptable for a dog though apparantly is for a horse? Dont animal activist protest about the cruelty to horses and horse deaths though now that is swept under the carpet? Polo horses being whipped is now ok all of a sudden? Complete hypocrites. Suddently the animal activists can conveiently choose which animals we can use for human entertainment and abuse and which we can not. Vote no on 13 and dont let the total hypocrites of the anti greyhound racers fool you. not to mention those in glasshouses polo lot who foolishly think wont be next on the hypocrites hit lisr

  • Stefan Wells

    July 31, 2018 at 2:00 pm

    Kidding me. So now it is ok for horses to be used for human entertainment though not dogs. Its ok for horses to be whipped though not for a greyhound to chase a lure? Its ok for a horse to be killed for breaking a leg though not for a greyhound though in the majority of cases a greyhound can recieve treatment l, recover and be rehomed. Hypocracy at its finest from the anti greyhound people. PETA have called out polo for cruelty to horses though just forget about that. Please see through the hypocracy of the anti-greyhound racers and take no notice of the those in glass houses polo people. Vote No

  • Michael

    July 31, 2018 at 2:01 pm

    THEY SHOOT POLO PONIES? I’m mortified. Those dirty rat bastards. Lol.. The opposers come up with the worst points for a debate. Everytime a new article comes out about Amendment 13 it’s the same knuckleheads saying the same lame reasonings that amount to nothing but hate for putting dog racing to its demise. All we all know is dog racing will soon be dead and the dogs saved which is what all the adopters want anyway, right?
    LONG LIVE AMENDMENT 13 – Thank you to the new endorsers and Doris Day.

    • Andy

      July 31, 2018 at 2:29 pm

      Doris Day is owned by…… Surprise, HSUS, You know, the one fined 15 mil for paying a witness to LIE. They know all about lying. Hey, did you hear about the 50 mil a year they put offshore?

      • Michael

        July 31, 2018 at 3:27 pm

        So what?? Means absolutely zero.

        • Andy

          July 31, 2018 at 7:23 pm

          It means they give little to nothing to help animals. I guess the BBB dropping their grade to D means nothing either, nor does being fined 15 mil for racketeering. It only means nothing to koolaid drinkers like you, you should get up with Fred, he likes the word ” irrelevant” too.

          • Michael

            July 31, 2018 at 10:11 pm

            The BBB??? You believe that crap? That is just a business review that was made up which actually means zero. Its the same as angies list. I have a business now for 15 years. 10 on the one before that. The BBB is a useless guide which has very inaccurate information. There is no good reason for a business to subject themselves to the BBB.. If you anything about business you’ll scrap that idea..

          • Michael

            July 31, 2018 at 11:49 pm

            Also what does “koolaid drinkers” mean?? You have the worst come backs in an actual debate. Stick to whacking off you putz…

          • Andy

            August 1, 2018 at 5:23 am

            Nice comeback there you loser, I notice you didn’t care to elaborate on the 15 mil fine for racketeering. I expect youre the one who has to whack off, for no doubt you are too lazy to be in shape too. I have noticed a higher than normal percent of you weirdo ARS are fat, like the cows who protest Sea World

    • Scarey Steal

      July 31, 2018 at 7:37 pm

      LOL Micheal, you and your kind use the same old lines, are you really that stupid or just play it

      • Michael

        July 31, 2018 at 9:57 pm

        Another dork throwing his shit in the pile. You and your kind dont scare me mr scarey steal. All of the opposes think they can bully their way thru this but they are totally walking in the wrong neighborhood. Your cheap words of threat are from your paranoia of the industry closing down. Your scared and desparate. Face the facts your all little punks with big mouths. Put up or shut up tough guys. And that goes for the girls too…

        • Andy

          August 1, 2018 at 8:53 am

          No, you aren’t being confused with someone else. It’s so funny, you being such an expert at gaming and all, that you were clueless to the fact that the Seminoles are bankrolling the Amendment that will restrict gaming where you say they want to expand everywhere. Obviously proves you have no idea what you are talking about. You should thank Francesca for informing you the difference between your and you’re.

  • Stefan Wells

    July 31, 2018 at 2:20 pm

    Hypocracy at its finest. So now it is ok to use horses for human entertainment and not greyhounds. Its ok for a horse to be killed for a broken leg and be whipped though not for a greyhound who isnt whipped. Its ok to ignore PETA when they call out cruelty in polo though listen to them when they do for greyhounds. Total hypocrites. Vote no

  • YesOn13Lies

    July 31, 2018 at 3:58 pm

    What I find disgusting is that Sonia and her family not only benefit financially from animal sporting, but continue to support an animal sport that their child lost his young life participating in.
    Sonia can spin it however she likes. But the truth is that she was putting retired racers on Craigslist, which deemed her group to be irresponsible. She can deny it all she likes. She may have had a good drama coach to turn on the waterworks on the drop of a dime, but she better be prepared for her emotional support nurse to be raking in the overtime

    • Cathryn

      July 31, 2018 at 8:38 pm

      What I find disgusting is that industry people are using a child’s death as a talking point. His unfortunate death has nothing to do with Greyhounds. Why must you resort to such insensitive and crass tactics?

  • Jim

    July 31, 2018 at 6:11 pm

    Haha haha. This is all crazy talk! Myself and the vast majority of blue collar workers could not care less about endorsements from people they care nothing about, and btw, never even heard of lol. I enjoy watching dog racing and horse racing like hundreds of thousands of others. Vote NO ON 13. ps. It’s funny that the HSUS is at the Saratoga horse racing as we speak crying foul. Get a life people, and maybe donate to the shelters that desperately need your money, not some lobbyists that stick your money straight into they’re own pockets! !! Do some research.

    • Michael

      July 31, 2018 at 11:42 pm

      Who are these vast majority blue collar workers you speak of?? Is there a list of names that support your claim? Please post all of your supporters names. We would like to see them… Your a pure jackoff Jimmy boy.. Put up or shut up..

      • Jim

        July 31, 2018 at 11:53 pm

        Ha Michael, you clown. The rank and file of this country have bigger problems to worry about than this issue. If you think the majority of people are losing sleep over this, then you’re a bigger moron than your previous posts suggust. Lmao!

        • Michael

          August 1, 2018 at 12:05 am

          Sorry there mr putz but you made a claim and you chose to ignore my request and sideline it with some other stupid sting of sentences that dont answer my question of WHO ARE YOUR SUPPORTERS? If you wont answer the question then shut the F up. Your all punks with no balls all talk and no balls.. Prove you have them and post your supporters..

          • Jim

            August 1, 2018 at 12:18 am

            Ok, Michael the clown. Here’s a newsflash for you. NO ONE WILL TRULY KNOW their supporters til votes are in, so go to bed and let mommy get you a nice warm cocoa for sleepy time. Vote no on 13 and let mikey’s mom get him his blankie! Hahaha, what a tool!

          • Michael

            August 1, 2018 at 12:37 am

            I knew you had no balls.. All talk and no balls.. I dont think you can muster up 1 nut between all of your supporters if you really tried..

          • Jim

            August 1, 2018 at 12:56 am

            Finish that coaoa and get to bed. Although I assume you don’t have a job to get up for tomorrow!

          • Michael

            August 1, 2018 at 1:23 am

            I own 2 businesses and do what I want when I want. Nobody dictates to me. I never allowed it. I was always the boss. I give orders. Your probably one of the sheeples that take orders from people to make a living. Your an expendable easily replaced with another body. You dont scare or intimidate me. I look at people like yourself as weak and little suckers of society

            Now go grow some balls little man if you want to hang with the men.

          • Jim

            August 1, 2018 at 1:49 am

            Lol, I’m not in the intimidation business. I’m just saying you’re a clown and have added zero info or help to anyone trying to decide on this topic. You’ve helped no one and therefore, seyonara. That means you’ve been a useless contributer and goodbye. I’m not even sure why I responded, maybe I’m as dumb as you are, lol

          • Michael

            August 1, 2018 at 2:15 am

            I contributed alot by exposing all of the Amendment 13 opposers as weak and inferior people who hide behind their fears of dog racing coming to and end here in Florida who post tons of crap on this subject every time an article is posted by some journalist. Just face the facts dog racing is a leach to our industry everybody in the real gaming industry wants it gone. The State has no balls and doesnt want to get in a shit storm of a fight so they want the ballot so the dog owners cant argue with anyone once it is decided to end. The tracks want it gone for a trade off for more lucritive games. Its a machine you cant stop. It just keeps getting bigger and we are taking everyone who wants to ride the train to make the ballot win. You can talk numbers, deaths, care, adoptions all you want. The real point is the big players in the gaming industry are going to get what we want. We are going to power play the ballot. The gaming industry has a never ending amount of cash flow. Money talks. Save yourself and join in with us. It will be less troublethan to fight this battle. The game plan has been decided long ago and so has the outcome. Remember everything in gaming is fixed. Bank on it.

          • Jim

            August 1, 2018 at 3:14 am

            Ah, finally! The truth comes out. Please ,eceryone, read Michael ‘s post. This is all about the money the casinos can make. I thought the people were against extension of gambling, but no, Michael just made it crystal clear that this is ALL about making MORE money for casinos, and nothing to to with ANYTHING ELSE . Thanks Michael, I was waiting for that to come out. VOTE NO ON 13 , or give Michael more casinos to run in Florida.

          • Michael

            August 1, 2018 at 3:44 am

            Yep its all about the money. But dont act like nobody knows this. If you didnt know this you’ve been under a rock or just dont look passt your nose. Why do you think the dog owners dont want the racing to end?Because of the cash flow they will lose. Everybody wants cash flow in gambling. You can point a finger but three point back at you. Expansion has been going on for years even though Judges declared the State violated the Seminole compact and deemed designated player games illegal. The state keeps allowing them to be installed at race tracks state wide. Preveal games, sweepstake cafes, class II slots are all over the northern part of the state, bar room poker, casino theme companies all own illegal gaming equipment and sell their services using them. Gambling is saturated here its just not dogs, horses, slots and poker at race tracks. The seminoles are looking to expand heavily and their money talks. Dogs and jai alai are losers for the gaming industry. Time to stop the bleeding and cut them loose.

            So its everyone not just vote yes on 13 group.. Join the movement to vote yes on 13.

          • Francesca

            August 1, 2018 at 5:26 am

            He owns 2 businesses but doesn’t know the difference between your and you”re, too funny

          • Andy

            August 1, 2018 at 8:04 am

            Once again Michael shows his ignorance, he says, ‘ the seminoles are set to expand heavily, and their money talks’ . They along with disney bankrolled Amendment 3, which if passed will prevent the legislature from doing anything about gaming. This scares politicians because they will lose out on gaming lobby money, not from the Seminoles but other gaming interests. Their money talks alright, Amendment 3 will pass and that’s it for turning Florida into Vegas. Sorry moron, Greyhounds and no casinos are here to stay. The majority of Floridians do not want casinos everywhere.

          • Michael

            August 1, 2018 at 8:32 am

            Keep you hands off your pecker Andy it dumbs you down. Let Franseca do it for you since she has nothing better to do it seems.. You both must have me confused with someone else.

      • Andy

        August 1, 2018 at 8:06 am

        The same people who put Trump into office

        • Michael

          August 1, 2018 at 8:41 am

          Oh you are one of those…. Figures…

          • Andy

            August 1, 2018 at 8:57 am

            Yep, one of them. Proud to be part of MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN. Did you see the packed house in Tampa last night, Trump was his usual hilarious self. We know it drives you libs insane, ever figure that’s why he does it. But hey, take heart, he will be out of office in 6.5 more years. TRUMP2020

          • Michael

            August 1, 2018 at 9:15 am

            You and whoever that francesca is are very simple minded people who are easily baited. Both of you are still sticking to that your/ you’re typo as if it gives you an upper hand in a debate. LMAO.. You chase anything that comes your way. You totally had no idea which side of the fence I was talking about with the – you’re one of those – comment did you? You just picked a side and stood ground thinking Im a Hillary lover. You people are easy targets…LMAO again.. Like I said you must have me confused with someone else…

          • Andy

            August 1, 2018 at 9:25 am

            That’s right loser, don’t even mention your imbecilic comment concerning the Seminoles. Google imbecilic if you don’t know the meaning… the more you say the more you prove your inferiority. Notice I used ” your” and not ” you’re”. What time do you report to sweep the poker room?

          • Fred aka Michael aka Dave aka Andy aka Francesca

            August 1, 2018 at 9:50 am

            I dont report no where. I own a strip club now. But fyi I was a day one employee at the hard rock as a poker room manager and poker room manager at dania and pit boss at trump plaza atlantic city. Sorry to burst your little bubble but you lose this debate.. Your arguments are very weak which proves my point on your/you’re simplistic thinking. You talk shit too.. You and francesca have no idea who you are debating with. You dont even know my real name.. Suckers..

          • Fred aka Michael aka Dave aka Andy aka Francesca

            August 1, 2018 at 9:53 am

            I dont report no where. I own a strip club now. But fyi I was a day one employee at the hard rock as a poker room manager and poker room manager at dania and pit boss at trump plaza atlantic city. Sorry to burst your little bubble but you lose this debate.. Your arguments are very weak which proves my point on your/you’re simplistic thinking. You talk shit too.. You and francesca have no idea who you are debating with. You dont even know my real name.. Suckers..

          • Dave

            August 1, 2018 at 9:55 am

            I dont report no where. I own a strip club now. But fyi I was a day one employee at the hard rock as a poker room manager and poker room manager at dania and pit boss at trump plaza atlantic city. Sorry to burst your little bubble but you lose this debate.. Your arguments are very weak which proves my point on your/you’re simplistic thinking. You talk shit too.. You and francesca have no idea who you are debating with. You dont even know my real name.. Suckers..

          • Michael

            August 1, 2018 at 9:58 am

            I dont report no where. I own a strip club now. But fyi I was a day one employee at the hard rock as a poker room manager and poker room manager at dania and pit boss at trump plaza atlantic city. Sorry to burst your little bubble but you lose this debate.. Your arguments are very weak which proves my point on your/you’re simplistic thinking. You talk shit too.. You and francesca have no idea who you are debating with.

          • Francesca

            August 1, 2018 at 11:08 am

            He owns a strip club, down in the gutter of course. My what a contributor to society you are, where drugs are rampant and ugly old men go to get their jollies. Sounds like you’re proud of it. A strip club is perfect for you, since you obviously know nothing about the state of gaming in Florida.

          • Michael

            August 1, 2018 at 1:55 pm

            You really have selective reading habits. Maybe you might want to read the whole thing next time. You are dumb as a stump. A huge stump. My business entertains the same people as a casino or gamblers that bet on horses or dogs. And that means anyone and everyone. You are the one who knows nothing about the gaming industry. Just another lump causing trouble with zero debating skills. I dont know what you do for a living but if your going to shoot you mouth off let us know who you are or are you going to hide and scoot the debate? Wait I know you pick up the dog crap on the track right? Or you wipe the dogs butt for when your giving those dogs a premium loving caring enviroment. Go back to correcting typo’s sherlock..

          • Andy

            August 1, 2018 at 4:14 pm

            I knew enough about the gaming industry to know the Seminoles true role, didn’t I? You are the one who demonstrated your ignorance on the matter. I know plenty of greyhound fans who go to the track for a fun family night, and who wouldn’t lower themselves to entering a strip club, now go score some meth for your skank dancers.

          • Michael

            August 1, 2018 at 5:09 pm

            What is so wrong about owning a strip joint? We don’t have to “score” meth. We manufacture it right here in the back room. By the way what time is your mother coming in to work the hustle tonight?

  • Cathryn

    July 31, 2018 at 6:13 pm

    Good God people. THIS IS NOT ABOUT POLO. Can anyone in the industry provide solid facts to disprove there is neglect when it comes to greyhounds? Can you prove injuries are always properly treated? Can you prove that every dog sitting in a compound will go to adoption? Please prove the “animal activists” wrong with actual quantitative data. Stop talking about polo. If you want to end polo then go ahead and do it. I am sure plenty of people will back that up too if you can prove there is abuse and/or neglect. Just let people vote on greyhound racing. The reality is that this is an outdated form of entertainment. If the Florida voters want to continue to support greyhound racing then we can all agree that stricter regulation should be imposed but if they don’t support it then it’s over but it’s up to them.

  • Jim

    July 31, 2018 at 7:19 pm

    If anyone out there is not sure who’s telling the truth. Check out Paint the Trail videos on fb. This is a guy who originally was against greyhound racing until he visited a track and kennels and found the truth for himself. Now he’s completely anti HSUS AND GREY2K. He actually has facts. Has many videos, which HSUS has actually stolen and modified for their benefit. None of those against the racing has ever bothered to look for themselves. So why don’t you check it out. He’s also a great artist to boot!

    • Andy

      July 31, 2018 at 7:26 pm

      Amen brother, best message on here.

    • Cathryn

      July 31, 2018 at 8:18 pm

      Seriously that guy is your holy grail? His videos show the confinement, dirty bedding, too many dogs in a turn out pen and meat labeled “not for human consumption”. He doesn’t know anything except what he saw at tracks and kennels where he was invited.

      • Jim

        July 31, 2018 at 9:08 pm

        You don’t seem to be the smartest, so let me point it out. DOGS ARE NOT PEOPLE. They have a very short intestine like all meat eating animals. What does that mean? It means they eat food that humans can’t. ie, in nature, carnivores eat mostly carrion- dead, and/or rotting meat. Don’t waste my time with ridiculous comments. If you’re not sure, ask an animal expert or a vet! Oh before you say something else stupid, regular dog food that one feeds their dogs is far worse. Research it before you talk crap to me again.

        • Cathryn

          July 31, 2018 at 9:19 pm

          I am fully aware of the anatomy of dogs as well as people. The point is that people who love their dogs and do not treat them as a commodity are appalled by the term “Unedible”. I feed my dogs raw food not regular dog food because I am well educated in human and pet nutrition.

          • Jim

            July 31, 2018 at 9:31 pm

            They’re appalled because they don’t know the facts that I pointed out. I’d say the vast majority feed their dogs regular dried food, which we both know is far worse than what racing dogs are fed. If they knew this, they’d maybe switch to better food. Labelling it in a sentence as inedible for humans, is incredibly misleading, and you know that. That’s EXACTLY why you use it. Complete and total misinformation!

        • Michael

          August 1, 2018 at 2:07 pm

          Dogs are people… They are also family.. Dogs eat what I eat. Pizza, burgers, steak, spagetti. My dogs love it. I also cook sometimes for them. They get the trim from the meats. Plus they get dry food too with olive oil or raw eggs. I’ve had dogs as well as my friends who had dogs live 18-20 years.

          Dont ever tell my dog he’s not people or family. He gets offended easily. Hope your not a mailman..

          • Jim

            August 1, 2018 at 2:28 pm

            Lol. Check out a DNA chart. People and dogs. No need to say more. You are an idiot. Dogs are family, yes, but not people.

          • Michael

            August 1, 2018 at 2:41 pm

            Really Jimbo??? Dogs arn’t people? Sure they are. So what if they lick their balls. They wouldnt have too if they could make a fist. Lighten up bonehead.

      • Andy

        August 1, 2018 at 8:11 am

        He knows what a scam grey2k and HSUS is, in his most recent video he has tax returns that both give less than 1% of donations to help any animal. And yes, he is making a HUGE difference, deny it all you want, hypocrite.

        • Andy

          August 1, 2018 at 4:17 pm

          Notice how Michael demonstrates his lack of class, using profanity, admitting he runs a strip club, discussing a dog’s natural behavior so crudely. I bet his mom is proud of the strip club, no doubt tells all her friends.

          • Michael

            August 1, 2018 at 4:57 pm

            Uh oh the righteous one has spoken. Andy the God fearing Angel has spoken. I made my mother proud by growing up to be my own man and become the boss in everyone of my endeavors. I say what I want and do what I want when I want. Unlike you who lives under someones thumb. Your a follower not a leader. None of you here are true leaders just puppets for one another. Whats your line of business Andy? Care to be a true man and let us know. I really think your just a little man with a complex trying to be tough thru the internet. As a matter of fact I told that joke to Father Stellucci and he laughed. Be a real man Andy..

          • Andy

            August 1, 2018 at 5:45 pm

            Yet again you prove you don’t know the difference between your and you’re, actually, you classless buffoon, I am a horse and greyhound handicapper and have been one for years. I’m under no one’s thumb, nor must I partake in a filthy business like a strip club. You are the one who resorts to profanity, crudely talking about a dog’s natural function, and proving your ignorance on Florida gaming. My mom was a teacher for 40 years pal, that most honorable of professions. Now, go exploit some more young girls.

          • Michael

            August 1, 2018 at 6:43 pm

            Gee a handicapper..lmao in other words you are a degenerate gambler. You have no job since there is no real job as a handicapper unless you worked for the odds makers in Vegas. You are actually a nobody in the business. Nobody in the upper ranks of the industry know you are even alive let alone a wizard at handicapping.

            I know you are not rich by any means you just gamble your life away. What makes you think gambling isnt a dirty filthy business? You are deaf dumb and blind buddy. I used to stand in the pit abusiness at you bums gambling your life away. I made alot of money off of you suckers because it gave me a great job for 28 years. Casino’s were built on handicappers, people with fool proof systems, poker wizards, idiots, pure losers and people who like to throw their money away on a hand on blackjack, dice, spin of a ball, throw of the wheel, dogs running in a circle, horses running in a circle. You name it. We loved you people with no sense of a buck. Do you know who else loves you? The racing dog owners thats who. Everytime you bet they make money off of you. Not only have they got you under their thumb but they have you brainwashed into thinking they
            really love you for you and not your money.

            So Mr Handicapper what odds are you giving on the out come of the ballot? Lets see if you can make some fast cash off of me.

  • Cathryn

    July 31, 2018 at 9:47 pm

    The thing is that the average person doesn’t know that and the average person is the voter. His videos have a lot of content that disturbs the average person. They don’t want to see dogs muzzled in a crate laying on shredded newspaper or dirty carpets. I’m not trying to help your cause but those videos are not a good defense mechanism.

  • ken j foster

    August 2, 2018 at 10:04 am

    attention all polo players all horse owners trainers employees be advised that the THEIL husband and wife team has made there living off donations to grey2k they pocketed of $100,000 evrey year for past seven years from donations.check there massachusetts tax return. they keep almost EVERY cent for themselves they give less than .03 cents to cause.
    there next target is horse racing, harness racing and polo wont be safe either.THEILS are just stealing $ and if your on board with it be prepared for the consequences. loss of millions of floridians jobs loss of millions of dollars that the state gets from horse racing. why not look at who your worshiping.THEILS are swamp rats where do you stand?

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