Democrat Chris King started his run for Governor in his own back yard — literally — declaring he would run a race based on ideas and detailed plans for a progressive governorship.
On Wednesday, he came home where it started, back to the Hillcrest Hampton House Senior Center he owns in Orlando, still pushing those ideas.
“I promised that before this election was ended, I would come back around, and come back here,” King told a gathering of mostly senior citizen residents of the Hillcrest Hampton House. “We are just days away from a historic election, and I’m in a tough race. We’ve got, I’d say, billionaires and bazillionaires down south, we’ve got people with famous families.”
And they’ve got commanding leads over him.
All recent polls of the five-person Democratic primary race show that King’s campaign is the political equivalent of being at least two touchdowns behind with 20 seconds left on the clock. And though everyone knows it, there’s no acknowledgment that victory isn’t possible — because there’s always hope for a Hail Mary, an onside kick recovery, and another Hail Mary.
Still, there’s already talk of a game played right.
“But what I think has set us apart in this race and has made us special if you’ve followed it closely, is we are trying to bring the best ideas,” King told the seniors, ticking off a few, including his detailed plans for affordable housing, justice reform, free community college and trade schools, and environmental protection.
All recent polls have the Winter Park businessman, once seen as a viable candidate, running a distant fifth out of five Democrats, typically pulling only single-digit support, sometimes as high as 10, sometimes as low as 2. That, after 17 months of campaigning.
The race now appears to be either former Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine‘s or former U.S. Rep. Gwen Graham‘s to lose; with Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum making a late charge from well back, and Palm Beach businessman Jeff Greene is falling out of contention, but still staying ahead of King.
King said Wednesday he’s trying to close on ideas, specifically on his ideas for justice reform, civil rights and fairness, “and so I’m ending with taking on what I call institutional racism in the state of Florida, taking on laws and policies that are not fair for people based on the color of their skin or where they’re from.”
That has focused much of his activities over the past couple of weeks and into the next six days. Meeting with the family of slain “Stand Your Ground” victim Markeis McGlockton in Clearwater. Speaking before a Muslim conference in Orlando. Calling for removal of a Confederate monument in Walton County. Talking about the history of lynchings with the NAACP at “the hanging tree” in Hernando County. And joining a protest Wednesday outside the office of Seminole County Tax Collector Joel Greenberg, after his anti-Muslim social media comments.
“And it’s been so gratifying,” King added.
King also laid out some of the things he said made him an unusual candidate, and one elderly woman in the group called out: “You’re better looking!”
There’s always that.
Denise Hammond
August 22, 2018 at 8:29 pm
CHRIS KING IS THE CLASS ACT IN THIS CAMPAIGN! Chris has the intelligence and humility to lead this state to bigger and better things – he is totally inclusive and sees the best in all of us. He has thoroughly researched and thought through each issue facing Florida and has concrete plans to address our most difficult issues – like affordable housing and healthcare! He is a first time candidate – but we can do no better than Chris King as our next governor!
Bebe Kanter
August 22, 2018 at 9:09 pm
King wanted a forum and found one in a valid way. I wish him much luck in his political career. Whenever there is an election, there is probably an role in which he would fit in. We need a more honest Board of Elections the most.
Hiram Bostick
August 23, 2018 at 5:36 am
This candidate, like all the other Democrats, are completely unworthy of being governor. For many reasons, including of course the apparent lack of intelligence and sanity.
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