Maria Elvira Salazar, the Republican candidate in Florida’s 27th Congressional District, is out with a new ad touting her “vow” to fight for environmental protection in Congress.
Salazar has attempted to cast herself as a moderate on the environment. She recently told the Miami Herald she would be open to a carbon tax proposal put forward by U.S. Rep. Carlos Curbelo of Florida’s 26th Congressional District.
His efforts were swiftly rejected by his own party.
The Republican’s new 30-second ad echoes those comments, as she competes against Democratic nominee Donna Shalala.
“To say that God has been abundant with what He has given Florida is an understatement,” Salazar begins.
“We have been blessed with an environment that truly provides us with a lot, and we must protect it. I vow for that in Congress. Let’s make sure we have better jobs. Our kids: safer schools. For me, their protection is paramount.
“The path is clear. I am Maria Elvira Salazar and I approve this message because our environment, our community and our children depend on it.”
Shalala’s team doubted the sincerity of Salazar’s pledge, arguing she wouldn’t be able to buck her party on the issue either way.
“This latest ad showcases the hypocrisy of Salazar’s campaign, which has been funded by some of the biggest polluters that threaten our environment,” said Mike Hernandez, spokesperson for the Shalala campaign.
“By electing Salazar to Congress, District 27 will lose a voice and a vote because the Republican Party and this president simply won’t listen to science and won’t listen to her.”