- 2018 Q3 Lobbying Compensation Reports
- Albert Balido
- Anfield Consulting
- Baptist Healthcare Corporation
- Broward County
- CBC Holdings
- City of Flagler Beach
- City of St. Augustine
- Edgar Fernandez
- executive lobbying
- Florida Crystals Corporation
- Frank Bernardino
- Indian River County Board of County Commissioners
- legislative lobbying
- lobbying
- lobbying compensation reports
- Monroe County
- Palm Beach County
- Parsons Brinkerhoff
- polk county
- Stephen “Pepper” Uchino
- Stephen Uchino
- The Astor Companies
- Town of Cutler Bay

New compensation reports show the influencers at Anfield Consulting earned an estimated $555,000 in pay from their 40-odd legislative and executive clients in the third quarter.
The quadriga helmed by Albert Balido reeled marked down $415,000 of those receipts on its legislative lobbying report, with an estimated $140,000 flowing in via executive branch efforts.
Though professional services firm Parsons Brinckerhoff (branded as WSP) topped the legislative report with an estimated $35,000 in payments, and CBC Holdings topped the exec ledger with $15,000 or so, neither took the No. 1 spot overall.
That distinction goes to the Indian River County Board of County Commissioners. The coastal county governing body paid an estimated $40,000 between the two reports.
Indian River was one of five counties to ride out the quarter with Anfield on retainer. The others: Broward, Monroe, Palm Beach and Polk. Joining them were the city governments of Flagler Beach, St. Augustine and Cutler Bay.
All told, local government contracts accounted for $150,000 of Anfield’s Q3 earnings — well over a quarter of its quarterly rake.
Other notable names on Anfield’s balance sheet included the Florida Crystals Corporation, which paid an estimated $30,000, Baptist Health Care Corporation and real-estate group The Astor Companies, both of which paid an estimated $20,000 between the two reports.
Florida lobbyists report their earnings from each client in ranges covering $10,000 increments up to $50,000, after which a firm must report exact amounts. Anfield Consulting’s earnings estimate of $555,000 is derived from using the median number in the reported range for each client.
If the firm’s 44 legislative clients and 40 executive ones shelled out the max in their reported ranges, Balido, Frank Bernardino, Edgar Fernandez and Stephen “Pepper” Uchino could have earned up to $820,000.
The Q3 haul comes in just under the $585,000 Anfield reported for the second quarter. In the first three months of the year, which included all of the 2018 Legislative Session, the four-man team pulled in $655,000. Those three quarters combine to nearly $1.8 million in earnings for the year.
Third quarter reports were due from all lobbying firms by the close of business on Nov. 14. Fourth quarter reports are due in mid-February 2019.