With a tip of the hat to LobbyTools, here are the latest movements — both on and off — of the legislative merry-go-round.
Off: Ellen Fournier is no longer chief legislative analyst for the Senate Committee on Finance and Tax.
On: In the Senate Committee on Appropriations, Cindy Kynoch is staff director. Jamie DeLoach and Ross McSwain are deputy staff directors. McSwain worked previously as staff director of Regulated Industries.
On: Elizabeth Ryon is the new deputy staff director for the Senate Committee on Community Affairs. She was previously director of the Senate Committee on Military and Veterans Affairs, Space and Domestic Security.
On: David Sikes is the new director of the Senate Committee on Education.
On: Dawn Roberts replaced Cameron Ulrich as staff director for the Senate Committee on Ethics and Elections.
On: Allen Brown is the new staff director, and Phil Williams is the new deputy staff director, for the Senate Committee on Health Policy. Williams previously served as staff director for the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services.
On: The Office of Senate President Bill Galvano has announced staff:
— Lisa Vickers, Chief of Staff
— Katie Betta, Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications
— Reynold Meyer, Deputy Chief of Staff for Legislative Policy
— Allie Cleary, Senior Policy Adviser for Health Care
— Jeremiah Hawkes, Senior Policy Adviser for Criminal Justice and Judiciary
— Theresa Klebacha, Senior Policy Adviser for Education
— Andrew Mackintosh, Senior Policy Adviser for Innovation, Industry and Technology
— Jacqueline Peters, Senior Policy Adviser for Economic Development, Infrastructure and Security
— Christie Letarte, special counsel
— Kathy Galea, district staff coordinator
— India Steinbaugh, scheduler and office manager
— Cara Campbell, receptionist
On: The Senate Minority Office has announced staff:
— David Cox, staff director
— Stephen Thomas, attorney
— Carlos Nathan, legislative analyst
— Margaret Thomas, legislative analyst
— Gail Vail, legislative analyst
— Michelle DeMarco, communications director
— Sherese Gainous, administrative assistant
On: Lacy Mahon is a legislative assistant for Plantation Democratic Sen. Lauren Book.
On: Natalie Brown is the new legislative assistant for Brandon Republican Sen. Tom Lee.
Off and on: Benjamin Durgan is out and Tomas Alcala is in as a legislative assistant for West Palm Beach Democratic Sen. Bobby Powell.
On: Matthew Alford returned as a legislative assistant for Orlando Democratic Sen. Linda Stewart.
On: The House Economic Affairs Committee, listed in the committee structure of the Provisional House Rules adopted during Organization Session, has been eliminated and its subcommittees placed under other committees. The Transportation & Infrastructure Subcommittee now falls under the State Affairs Committee, and the Workforce Development & Tourism Subcommittee has gone to the Commerce Committee.
On: Tommy Griffin and Kara Lucas are now district secretaries for Fort Meade Republican Rep. Melony Bell.
Off and on: Mike Norris is no longer legislative assistant for Lithia Republican Rep. Mike Beltran. Clay Gunter is now the legislative assistant.
On: Dione Ramos is district secretary for Sarasota Republican Rep. James Buchanan.
On: Rubin Young is a legislative assistant for Miami Democratic Rep. James Bush III.
On: Katherine Woodby moved from district secretary for legislative assistant in Neptune Beach Republican Rep. Cord Byrd‘s office.
On: Koby Adams is a legislative assistant for Jacksonville Republican Rep. Wyman Duggan. He previously served with Rep. Elizabeth Porter. Chad Kunde is district secretary.
On: Joey Planz is the new legislative assistant for Palm City Republican Rep. Toby Overdorf.
On: Julio Rodriguez is a legislative assistant for Key Largo Republican Rep. Holly Raschein.
On: Lia Duran is legislative assistant for Doral Republican Rep. Ana Maria Rodriguez.
On: Eva Martinez is the new district secretary for Miami Republican Rep. Anthony Rodriguez.
Off: Patrick Hamor is no longer legislative assistant for Naples Republican Rep. Bob Rommel.
On: Joseph Darcy is district secretary for Winter Springs Republican’s Rep. David Smith.
On: Diane Randolph is district secretary for Miami Gardens Democratic Rep. Barbara Watson.
On: David Allen is the new district secretary for Jacksonville Republican Rep. Clay Yarborough.