Hallandale Beach Commissioner Anabelle Lima-Taub is now facing possible censure after writing a Facebook post claiming U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, a Muslim, might “blow up Capitol Hill.”
Lima-Taub posted the social media comment alongside a resolution she signed to remove Tlaib from office. Now, Commissioner Michele Lazarow says she’ll introduce a censure resolution at a commission meeting next week.
“Proudly signed,” Lima-Taub said on Facebook regarding the anti-Tlaib petition.
“A Hamas-loving anti-Semite has NO place in government! She is a danger and would not put it past her to become a martyr and blow up Capitol Hill.”
Lazarow released a statement explaining her push for censure.
“While individual commissioners have spoken out against Commissioner Lima-Taub’s hateful and bigoted remarks, I believe we need to take action as a city,” Lazarow said.
“We must send a message to our community that this behavior won’t be tolerated. Instead of apologizing for her remarks, Commissioner Lima-Taub has doubled down.”
Indeed, Lima-Taub did refuse to apologize for her remarks in a conversation with South Florida’s NBC 6.
“I urge anyone that was offended by it, especially some of the self-righteous colleagues that I have, to research and Google BDS, Google Hamas, Google Hezbollah, Look up CAIR and look up Rashida Tlaib’s affiliations with these groups,” Lima-Taub said.
Lima-Taub’s “BDS” comments refer to the “Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions” movement, which is a push to punish Israel over its policies regarding Palestinians.
Tlaib has spoken out in support of those efforts. And while Lazarow said she disagrees wit Tlaib’s stance toward Israel, that disagreement did not excuse Lima-Taub’s remarks.
“Though I take issue with the congresswoman’s positions on Israel and BDS, those disagreements are resolved through debate and elections, not through promoting bigoted stereotypes that have no basis in fact.”
Lima-Taub is already facing calls to resign from pro-Muslim groups.
“Hate speech should have no place in our politics,” said Scott Simpson, public advocacy director for Muslim Advocates.
“We condemn Commissioner Lima-Taub’s deeply offensive words and call on her to resign as Hallandale Beach commissioner immediately. There is no religious litmus test to hold public office in the United States and any politician who would spout this kind of vile anti-Muslim rhetoric is clearly not fit to govern.”
Lazarow did not comment on calls for Lima-Taub’s resignation, but said she would may withdraw the censure resolution should Lima-Taub apologize.
“If Commissioner Lima-Taub comes to her senses and gives a sincere public apology before this item is heard, I will consider withdrawing it,” Lazarow said.
“If not, I believe we must take action to show all who are watching that Hallandale Beach isn’t a place that tolerates hatred and bigotry.”
Lazarow requested the censure resolution be added to the commission’s agenda at a meeting scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 23.
steve grabarczyk
January 16, 2019 at 3:01 pm
But yet it is OK for Lazarow to lie.
Dante Hill
January 17, 2019 at 12:14 pm
If this is true about religious litmus test to hold public office then Lazarow and the rest of the Hallandale Beach Commissioners need to call or write a letter of reminder of their concern to the two Repersenatives, the one woman from Hawaii and the other woman, who serve on the Judiciary Committee when they continually bring candidates Religious Faith into the selection process! If there was not a so called “Religious Litmus Test” then at no time ever should a Denominational Name should be brought up in the Confirmation Process!!
So until you make the playing field fair and level it sounds like anything should be fair game!! Can I remind the readers of an ole wise tale “What is good for the Goose is good for the Gander” so until it is fair across the board forget call like it is!!
January 17, 2019 at 4:46 pm
What does that have to do with what Taub said? You’re avoiding the main issue. Politicians aren’t allowed to discriminate based on race or religion, which is what Taub did.
She said she’d “blow up capitol hill” simply because she’s brown.
That is pure racism and Taub needs to apologize or be punished. Racism and prejudice has no place in America, especially among our leaders.
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