Former Congressman David Jolly, who has become a frequent voice on MSNBC criticizing President Donald Trump, is calling on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to reverse her position on impeachment proceedings.
“This was not the president of the United States being cavalier,” Jolly said Wednesday night. “This was Donald Trump saying he would be willing to engage in the commission of a crime to benefit his own reelection, that he would entertain collusion, if you will.”
Jolly was referring to statements Trump made during an interview on ABC this week with George Stephanopoulos that he would be willing to receive information from foreign governments that could benefit his reelection campaign. During that interview, Trump said only that he would “maybe” inform the FBI if a foreign government was trying to interfere in the 2020 election. Jolly called Trump’s statement “in and of itself” an “impeachable moment.”
“They have the information … I think I’d take it,” Trump said in the interview.
Jolly claimed the statement was a threat to American democracy.
“The eyes of the nation tonight must look to Nancy Pelosi … She occupies the highest constitutional office outside the White House,” Jolly said. “The nation’s weary right now. We’re begging for leadership right now.”
Jolly cautioned that Congressional duty should outweigh political convenience as some Democrats continue to worry that impeachment proceedings could harm the party’s 2020 chances of defeating Trump.
“At what moment does the House of Representatives stand up and say, ‘there is impeachable activity coming from the president,” Jolly said.
He suggested Pelosi address the issue directly to the nation on prime-time television.
Jolly is the former U.S. Representative for Congressional District 13 in Pinellas County. He served as a Republican before losing the seat to Democrat Charlie Crist. Jolly has since shed his Republican Party affiliation and is now a registered independent.
Jim Donelon
June 14, 2019 at 9:22 pm
If we impeach the present occupant of the White House, we end up with a President Pense – which could be worse for the country as he knows how to use the levers of government and we could end up with a Religious state
June 15, 2019 at 1:30 pm
So disappointed in Jolly! He will go down as big mistake. He fooled me! I even contributed and helped his campaign. He is now dead to me.
June 17, 2019 at 11:24 am
Jolly is right on the priciples … and Jim Donelon is definitely right on Pence. BUT … why give the Whiney-Motormouth-In-Chief the opportunity to play the martyr role for his cult of dummy deplorables? I have faith that Trumpty Dumpty will lose in 2020 worse than the record-breaking loss Goldwater suffered to Johnson in 1964. And, even if he wins, I have no doubt the State of New York will indict him on many counts of state tax fraud and other charges related to his former foundation. The feds have a policy of not indicting a sitting president … but no such prohibition applies at the state level. Once indicted, even Trump’s Senate enablers will have to turn against in impeachment proceedings at that time. Sic semper tyrannis.
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