Senate President Bill Galvano on Monday announced the appointment of Senate Democratic Leader Audrey Gibson of Jacksonville to the Alzheimer’s Disease Advisory Committee.
“The heart-wrenching and devastating impacts of Alzheimer’s disease are felt in families and communities across our state,” Galvano, a Bradenton Republican, said in a statement.
“Leader Gibson has experienced the impacts of this horrible disease in her own family, and I know the Advisory Committee will benefit from her perspective. I appreciate her willingness to serve the Senate in this important role.”
A bill (HB 449) sponsored in the Senate by Gibson and Sen. Kelli Stargel, a Lakeland Republican, revised the membership of the Alzheimer’s Disease Advisory Committee.
It requires the Department of Elder Affairs (DOEA) to collect and report pertinent information on the impact of Alzheimer’s disease in Florida.
The bill, signed into law on June 27, requires the Committee to submit a report annually to the Governor and Legislature that includes “information and recommendations on Alzheimer’s disease policy, state-funded efforts relating to Alzheimer’s disease, and updates to the Alzheimer’s disease state plan.”
The legislation also requires the Department to update the Alzheimer’s disease state plan every three years “beginning on or before November 1, 2020, and establishes a memory disorder clinic at Miami Jewish Health Systems.”