Alex Penelas‘ political committee, Bold Vision, has reported another six-figure month in July after raising just over $101,000.
It’s the fourth straight month the former Miami-Dade County Mayor has netted six figures as he mulls a return to that office.
Overall, Penelas has raised more than $1.2 million since April.
But he has yet to formally declare for the 2020 contest.
The former Mayor’s July totals trailed those of County Commissioner Daniella Levine Cava. She earned more than $20,000 to her campaign and another $144,000 to her political committee, Our Democracy.
That adds up to just under $165,000 for the month. She’s brought in more than $1.3 million so far, though $405,000 of that total comes from a political committee which backed Levine Cava well before the beginning of her mayoral run.
Levine Cava currently represents District 8 on the Commission. She’s one of three candidates to officially declare for the open 2020 contest.
Current Mayor Carlos Gimenez is barred from running due to term limits.
Entrepreneur Monique Nicole Barley and former County Commissioner Juan Zapata have also formally entered the race. But Zapata showed just over $900 raised in July, while Barley posted just $100 in contributions.
Current Commissioners Jean Monestime and Xavier Suarez have also been rumored to enter the contest.
And former U.S. Rep. Carlos Curbelo also told POLITICO there is a “strong possibility” he runs for Mayor.