Officials say a Florida police officer has been suspended after a video of him in uniform pretending to arrest three scantily clad models went viral.
The Miami Herald reports that Miami Beach police Officer William Beeker was placed on administrative duty Monday and suspended Tuesday.
Miami Beach City Manager Jimmy Morales released a statement saying that it was disgusting that a representative of the Miami Beach Police Department would choose to participate in the distasteful video.
The video posted Monday of the models’ Instagram accounts received more than 2 million total views.
The video shows Beeker accompanying the handcuffed women toward the police headquarters building. A second video shows the women thanking Beeker for letting them go as he sits on an ATV.
A message seeking comment from Beeker’s union wasn’t immediately returned.
One comment
Larry Gillis
October 9, 2019 at 7:48 am
Ordinarily, what he does on his own time would be his own business. However, he does not own the uniform. The taxpayers do.
This is similar in its own way to a football player taking a knee in uniform during the opening ceremonies of a game. He does not own the uniform, the company does.
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