Sen. Randolph Bracy will join a Friday morning Farm Share event to help distribute food to the Orlando community.
The event will be drive-thru only in order to comply with social distancing guidelines. Eccleston Elementary School, located at 1500 Aaron Ave., is hosting the event.
The distribution is scheduled to run from 10 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Supplies are first-come, first-served. Items will be placed in residents’ trunks as they drive up.
Bracy says the event should provide enough food to feed approximately 500 families.
Careplus Health Plans and the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition are also partnering with Farm Share, a 501(c)(3) organization aimed at alleviating hunger and has several warehouses throughout the state of Florida.
Friday’s event is part of the continuing response to the novel coronavirus outbreak in Florida.
Gov. Ron DeSantis announced Phase Two of the state’s reopening plan would begin Friday. That comes after weeks of widespread shutdown left millions of Floridians out of work to help stop the spread of the virus, which threatened to overrun Florida’s hospital system.
That crisis was averted. Now, even as the state slowly reopens, many workers have not returned to full-time work or are without jobs entirely.
That’s led lawmakers throughout the state to pitch in on food distribution events to ensure Floridians remain fed despite their lack of income.
A Farm Share event scheduled for March 21 Sen. Bobby Powell Jr. and Rep. Matt Willhite had to be canceled amid concerns about the virus. The distributions have now largely transitioned to drive-thru only to help ensure the virus is not transmitted.