Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Nikki Fried appeared on MSNBC to further criticize Gov. Ron DeSantis‘s handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Prompted by Tiffany Cross on the network morning show AM Joy, Fried said DeSantis’s lack of humility has been “one of the biggest issues” amid the resurgence of COVID-19 cases in Florida.
Her message for the national audience on Sunday was anything but joyful for DeSantis.
“The Governor basically said mission accomplished,” Fried said. “He went on a national tour across the entire country on national networks saying that this is behind us. He reopened our state without following data points, with no enforcement and he spent the entire couple weeks after reopening blaming young people, blaming Hispanic workers, blaming nursing homes, blaming the media instead of focusing on what needed to be done here.”
Fried listed several areas where she believes the Governor fell short including a lack of enforcement and statewide mask order.
She also trumpeted her earlier calls for action and the advocacy from Florida’s full Democratic congressional delegation for a statewide mandatory mask order.
Fried blamed DeSantis for following President Donald Trump‘s lead.
“The resistance is President Trump. He’s been taking his cues from day one of exactly how to reopen, when to shut down, when not to shutdown, and so he’s taking his cues right from the President,” Fried said, adding, “I called on it last week. I called on us to shutdown our state three weeks prior to the Governor doing so. But he wouldn’t do it until the President gave the thumbs-up.”
Serving as Florida’s highest elected Democrat, Fried did not pass on the opportunity to swipe at DeSantis and Vice President Mike Pence for praising President Trump’s leadership throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
“If that’s leadership, I don’t know what failure looks like,” Fried said. “We are in some serious trouble here in the state of Florida.”
Mike Kersmarki
July 6, 2020 at 5:20 pm
So, Jason, did you even try to contact Gov. DeSantis or Vice President Mike Pence to give them a chance to respond to the statements made by Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Nikki Fried?
Uh, wouldn’t that, like, be FAIR to get the side of DeSantis and Pence, especially since Comm. Fried made her comments on national TV?
Or are you just the latest example of a university-brainwashed ‘journalist’ who could care less about fairness as long as it slams President Trump.
Inquiring minds would like to know. 🙂
Charlotte Greenbarg
July 7, 2020 at 7:37 am
What! You want Jason who writes for Politico to get both sides of the story? Dream on!
July 7, 2020 at 12:15 pm
Do people contact people that the president constantly slam? Did anyone contact the young people, the migrate workers or the elderly in nursing homes to get their side of the story after DeSantis blamed them for the virus spreading? Unless you are a journalist yourself and can write your own story then you probably shouldn’t go around telling other people how to do their jobs.
July 7, 2020 at 12:58 pm
We see the “side” of DeSantis and Pence every day in their actions. Getting their “side” to tell us what a successful job they are doing is not necessary. The story was covering what the woman said. Nowhere did the author input his opinion yet you still got butthurt. And the liberals are the fragile dividers. I hope that helps your inquiring mind. You should do it more often!
Sonja Fitch
July 6, 2020 at 5:36 pm
After the duffus Desantis news conference today I agree! Duffus Desantis looked disheveled and slimy. Duffus Desantis blah blah young people blah blah. Duffus Desantis is just another goptrump cult loser!
Charlotte Greenbarg
July 7, 2020 at 7:35 am
I wonder if they asked her about her coverup of her married fiancé’s abuse toward her. Or about her sudden wealth. Or about her power grab to regulate cannabis while her married fiancé is in the industry. I for one am tired of her bashing anyone who isn’t far left. She reminds me of Anthony Weiner who deflected every time they asked him about his sexual deviance!
July 7, 2020 at 12:18 pm
And yet here you are, Charlotte. Bashing anyone who isn’t far right. Why would she bring her personal life into her business life? I mean the president himself has been abusive to many women, had a bunch of wives and a whole lot of things that you could complain about. Why aren’t you?
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