- "American Grit"
- "Clear Choice"
- "Failed the American Farmer"
- "Laser Focused"
- "More Important"
- battleground states
- broadcast
- cable
- coronavirus crisis
- COVID-19
- digital platforms
- Donald Trump
- farmers
- Featured Post
- Florida
- Hispanics
- Joe Biden
- Main Street
- manufacturing jobs
- Medicare
- military
- payroll taxes
- social security
- stock markets
- streaming media
- TV commercials
- unions
- Veterans
- Wall Street
- working people

Democrat Joe Biden‘s campaign is unleashing a flurry of new TV ads in Florida and nationally to make fresh appeals to veterans and military families, Latino voters, older Americans, and Americans living in rural and manufacturing areas.
The campaign announced Friday morning it is launching five new commercials — three of them 60 seconds in length. They’ll run nationally on cable networks and on broadcast television and streaming and other digital platforms in the 16 states Biden has identified as targets, starting with Florida.
The ads all go after President Donald Trump directly on issues, including the coronavirus crisis, comments about military, support for farmers, manufacturing jobs, and the economic divide between Wall Street and Main Street.
The campaign did not announce how much money it was putting behind the ads, but Biden has been burning $40 million to $60 million a week in recent weeks, an amount that has been increasing, particularly as it keeps adding states to its list of targets. Florida has been on that list from the start.
In “Laser Focused,” a 60-second spot, Biden seeks to characterize Trump as someone focused only on the stock markets, while Biden is focused on working families. It also blames Trump for the economic collapse that occurred during the coronavirus crisis, saying it occurred because of his failures to get the pandemic under control and to help working people.
In “More Important,” a 60-second spot, retired Army Sgt. 1st Class Paul Cruz of Florida talks about his duties conducting military funerals. He expresses how offended he and other service members and veterans were by reports that Trump referred to them as “suckers and losers.” He calls Biden “a unifier” who understands what military personnel and their families go through because he sent his own son to serve.
In “Failed the American Farmer,” a 6o-second commercial, a Pennsylvania farmer says he voted for Trump in 2016 and that he “made a mistake.” He said the past three years under Trump’s trade policies were the toughest he’s ever experienced. He said Biden is someone with compassion and a real plan.
In “American Grit,” a 30-second ad, Biden vows to support American manufacturing. He promises to impose a tax penalties on companies that avoid paying U.S. taxes by moving businesses and jobs overseas. He promises to reward companies for creating “good-paying jobs here at home.” And says he would do it with “American grit, American determination, and American union workers.”
In “Clear Choice,” a 30-second spot, a narrator says that Trump is pushing to reduce Medicare benefits, and that his plan to eliminate payroll taxes would eliminates the primary funding source for Social Security. The spot says that would defund Social Security by 2023. The narrator says Biden would protect Medicare and increase Social Security benefits.
In addition to Florida, the states where the ads will run on broadcast TV and on digital platforms are Arizona, Georgia, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
Cogent Observer
October 9, 2020 at 10:12 am
Good for him. But nobody will be able to get past the moron he picked for a running-mate as evidenced by her antics earlier this week. It reflects poorly on his judgment and showed her to be an inept clown.
All voters must consider the very real prospect of Harris running the country were something to happen to Sen.Biden. One does not have to be wild about the current President to understand that should something happen to him, VP Pence is far better equipped to act as President then, and in the future, than the little girl who has rather obnoxiously thrust herself into the current spotlight.
James Robert Miles
October 9, 2020 at 11:25 am
Pemce is a fly attracting religious hypocrite who wants to turn the U,S. into the christianist states of America by banning abortion, banning gay marriage/rights among other things. Anyone who supports this religious nut case has to support fascism as well! I thought that Harris came across well and didn’t take no $hit from the religious pervert. Some people have a problem with strong women of color and they are probably racists as well. Kamala will make a fine V.P. certainly much better than Pence ever could be!
Jay M.
October 18, 2020 at 1:45 pm
There is a reason Trump rallies have thousands there and Biden can’t even get 15 people together. Think people. Make America Great Again. Look at the facts. Look at the terrible Democratic Cities and the conditions those residence have to endure…. then look at the Republican cities who demand law and order.
When Obama won did republicans cry and break windows and burn property? NO. Do you give in to your 4 year old when he cries? No! Don’t give in to the democrats just because you are afraid they will cry. Use your head. Paul Cruz from Florida puts an ad out for Biden like he is blind to everything going on around him.
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