U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz has started acknowledging that Joe Biden won the presidential election.
Gaetz, one of President Donald Trump’s so-called “warriors” in Congress, hasn’t started referring to Biden as President-elect. But he recognizes that Biden will be President — in fundraising emails, at least.
“With Joe Biden and Kamala Harris headed toward the White House, we don’t have a lot of time before Democrats take power and try to change America into a socialist wonderland,” Gaetz wrote in a Tuesday email to supporters.
The surrender is quickly followed by a call for contributions — the campaign is apparently not hitting its mid-month goals, and needs “Patriots” to “STAND UP TO THE FAR-LEFT DEMOCRATS.”
The fundraising ask continues: “We are falling behind the power-hungry Democrats as they race our country toward socialism. We don’t have the option of coming up short, as Nancy Pelosi and her far-left caucus are determined to force their radical policies on the American people.”
Gaetz’s email doesn’t mention Trump, nor does it make far-fetched claims of election fraud or theft. Just regular old fear mongering about “socialist” Democrats.
Maybe this is a sign — not that things are getting back to normal, necessarily, but that Republicans have realized it’s hard to fundraise off being a sore loser.
December 16, 2020 at 10:47 am
Yes republicans will be hard-pressed to campaign on the whiny sore loser theam so the next best rallying point is to revive Mccarthism to combat those other isms that play into an uneducated but paranoid base
Sonja Fitch
December 16, 2020 at 11:36 am
Lol lol Gaetz Desantis and Nazi Rick are going to be on each other like bees on honey!! Love it!
John McMahon
December 17, 2020 at 11:56 am
That’s all you got PAUL? LOVE IT! You SNOWFLAKE CRYBABIES were hysterical when your messiah hillleeery who couldn’t even walk without help lost the 2016 election! Wow Then your army of smelly rodents also known as Antifa and black lies matter murdered, burned, looted black owned stores and restaurants. Unbelievable but we still have apologists for them like CNN (Chinese NEWS NETWORK ) and low IQ voters like Sonja (I used to be a teacher) who used to call for the deaths of Trump supporters, until she was called out for it On this very blog. PS. Yes sonja that’s all in archives!
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