President Joe Biden may have been joking when he referred to Ron DeSantis as “Governor who?”, but the Friends of Ron DeSantis political committee is taking it seriously … and using it to make some quick cash.
The campaign sent an email to supporters Monday signed by “Team DeSantis,” entitled “Forgetful Biden.”
“Despite his administration’s incessant focus on Governor DeSantis, Joe Biden pretended not to know who Governor Ron DeSantis was. That begs the question if Joe Biden doesn’t remember Governor DeSantis, what else has he forgotten?”
The email continues in that vein for some time, urging the signing of a petition to “thank” DeSantis, with even more punchy prose.
“Joe Biden is in a constant state of confusion, so it should come as no surprise he didn’t remember who Governor DeSantis is. But if Joe Biden continues to come after the liberties of Floridians, he’ll learn in a hurry EXACTLY who Governor Ron DeSantis is and WHAT HE’S MADE OF.”
On Friday, DeSantis responded to Biden in his second stop of the day, consulting notes for a comprehensive comeback.
“I guess I’m not surprised that Biden doesn’t remember me. I guess the question is, what else has he forgotten?” DeSantis mused.
Scattered laughs followed, then DeSantis went for the stump speech, having dispensed with the “Governor who?” diss from Biden.
“I can just tell you, I’m the Governor who protects parents and their ability to make the right choices for their kids’ education. I’m the Governor who protects the jobs and education and businesses in Florida by not letting the federal government lock us down. I’m the Governor who answers to the people of Florida, not to bureaucrats in Washington,” DeSantis said.
DeSantis hasn’t had earned media this week off the “Governor who” episode, suggesting it may be cooling off with national bookers. However, this fundraising email suggests hopes from DeSantis world that there’s still a little more juice left in the episode.
Andrew Finn
August 9, 2021 at 2:47 pm
That’s typical Emperor DeSantis in action. I am not the world’s biggest Joe Biden fan, but he would make a better governor for Florida than the idiot we have there now. Of course, there is a duck on the pond by my house that would make a better governor for Florida than the idiot we have now !!!!
August 9, 2021 at 3:53 pm
Oh Andrew, if you ever get your head pulled out, there is fresh air out here. We also know that you use Biden’s old underwear as a COVID face covering. The duck in your pond laughs at you a lot?
August 9, 2021 at 6:25 pm
A little over a year from now, when DeSantis is re-elected and the Biden administration has imploded, none of tempest in a teacup about Governor Who be remembered, but the DeSantis haters will still be posting their verbal dysentery.
August 9, 2021 at 9:31 pm
Idiotic W H staff sold POTUS on attacking America’s Governor. So dumb.
Idiots added to legend of America’s Governor DeSantis. Thank you Donkey’s.
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