Gov. Ron DeSantis continued Tuesday to weigh in on the Afghanistan conflict, with a message from his political committee.
“Friends of Ron DeSantis” sent a measured email absent fundraising solicitations, focusing on the fallen troops and avoiding personal attacks on President Joe Biden.
“Those who made the ultimate sacrifice in service are heroes. Their brave actions were responsible for bringing thousands of Americans, Afghans, and our allies to safety. It was through a love of country that these heroes showed dedication and determination to carry out their mission in the face of incredible danger,” the email asserts.
“I join my wife Casey in expressing our condolences to the families of those who were tragically lost in Afghanistan. We thank them for their sacrifice and their incredible bravery to help keep our nation safe. These men and women showed tremendous courage and deserved better, and their names should be honored and remembered.”
Even as the political committee continues messaging, so too does the official side.
On Monday, the Governor’s Office sent an email to U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Department of Homeland Security Sec. Alejandro Mayorkas, lamenting a “lack of information sharing.”
DeSantis demanded answers to questions, such as which Afghan refugees are coming to Florida and the fates of Floridians still in Afghanistan.
“The crisis in Afghanistan is of President Biden’s own making, yet the consequences extend beyond the borders of Afghanistan & into the U.S.,” DeSantis chides, in a letter first reported by Jerry Dunleavy of the conservative Washington Examiner.
“I have the responsibility to protect the safety of every Floridian and stress the imperative of an immediate response,” the Governor asserted in closing the one-page missive.
The muted language is a departure from zingers earlier in August, where DeSantis dragged Biden as being incompetent to such a degree that America’s enemies would exploit it.
“You know who’s looking at this? China, Russia, North Korea, all of our adversaries are taking the measure of Joe Biden. And they see that this is not somebody who is capable of leading with conviction on the world stage,” DeSantis asserted during a mid-August appearance on Hannity. “So they are going to do everything they can, as long as he is President, to take advantage of that. And I think we’re in for a rocky three and a half years, as long as he is President.”
DeSantis has also road-tested Afghanistan messaging with the Florida media, with extemporaneous remarks at monoclonal antibody site openings.
“It’s frustrating, not just as a Governor, but just as an American, to see some of the stuff that’s going on in this country and throughout this world,” DeSantis said in Panama City, decrying the “humiliating” Afghanistan exit.
trump lost
August 31, 2021 at 11:01 am
“I have the responsibility to protect the safety of every Floridian and stress the imperative of an immediate response,”
Well, that’s a dubious statement to be made by DeSantis…
August 31, 2021 at 11:09 am
Joe Biden “(t)hat feckless, dementia-ridden piece of crap,”
in the words of Kathy McCollum, mother of 20-year-old Lance Cpl. Rylee McCollum, a Marine among the 13 killed in the Kabul bombing.
And another isn’t happy with corrupt demented Joe either:
Frankie M.
August 31, 2021 at 12:55 pm
I wonder who she voted for last year? This was gonna happen no matter who was president. Trump signed off on it. Her grief is misplaced and won’t bring her son back but if it eases her pain so be it.
August 31, 2021 at 11:18 am
What’s dubious about it, Pal?
He’s right and as having served, he knows what he speaks. Unlike you and Nikki Fraud.
Oh the Covid, as If you and the fondler cuomo or any other Dem blue state Govs know what they say or do? You like the know
It all media. Know nothing.
August 31, 2021 at 11:39 am
zHombre, What About the 87 Admirals and Generals denouncing this disaster.
How about agreeing to give the city to the opposition. Madame Psaki says, “know knowledge” what a joke.
Can’t defend Americans abroad, can’t defend our cities and can’t defend our southern border.
Frankie M.
August 31, 2021 at 12:52 pm
Didn’t Trump agree to pull our troops out of there over a year ago? You should be thanking Biden not criticizing him.
August 31, 2021 at 12:06 pm
He has “the responsibility to protect the safety of every Floridian” but refuses to do so when it comes to Covid.
DeSantis is an ivy league, big league hypocrite.
August 31, 2021 at 3:12 pm
Pat, You Are an idiot.
He’s protected all Floridians in balance not extremism.
Spare us.
Frankie M.
August 31, 2021 at 12:50 pm
DeSantis is taking shots from the cheapseats. He should worry bout hurricane coco hitting our state because of his do nothing policies. Instead he’s traveling the country fundraising for a run in ’24 while doing photo-ops at the Mexican border. Is that leadership? Now he wants to criticize Biden while offering no solution? You want to stay another 20, 40, 100 years in Afghanistan? Biden pulled the plug on a failed experiment and the only thing DeSantis can do is play politics. WE deserve better.
August 31, 2021 at 3:09 pm
Only those seats are reserved for the cheap shot artists like you and Alex.
Nobody wanted to be in Afghanistan anymore. End of story. Trump negotiated a down sizing. He campaigned on it.
Are you serious Frankie? This is the way to draw down? It’s a disaster, embarrassment and cruel. He’s damaged America and I’m not eve talking about the loss of 13, Needlessly.
This POTUS has lost 10 pts.
He’s in the low 40’s and spiraling down. It’s an electoral nightmare coming for Pelosi and Schumer.
DeSantis can say what he wishes as he has bonafides as he served as Seals.
August 31, 2021 at 3:10 pm
Only those seats are reserved for the cheap shot artists like you and Alex.
Nobody wanted to be in Afghanistan anymore. End of story. Trump negotiated a down sizing. He campaigned on it.
Are you serious Frankie? This is the way to draw down? It’s a disaster, embarrassment and cruel. He’s damaged America
This POTUS has lost 10 pts.
He’s in the low 40’s and spiraling down. It’s an electoral nightmare coming for Pelosi and Schumer.
DeSantis can say what he wishes as he has bonafides as he served as Navy seal.
Margaret Chrisawn
August 31, 2021 at 3:21 pm
DuhSantis was not a Navy SEAL. He served as a legal advisor through the JAG to a Navy SEAL commander. Quite the difference there, and rather like claiming to be a SEAL because you stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.
August 31, 2021 at 5:10 pm
‘America’s Governor’? Say’s who? He can barely govern one state.
August 31, 2021 at 7:07 pm
Margaret & Gary:
He is America’s Governor. The best!
He’s doing a Strong job. Covid ain’t going to be stopped by anyone. Including Fauci fool.
Yes,He was assigned to the Seal commander.
His bonafides are real. His example of the monoclonal centers blitz is a military Like example. You partisan Dums are a joke!
DeSantis will win reelection and of it offers he will run.
Whose your examples. Cuomo the pig fondler?
Newsom is getting recalled, LMAO.
You blue stares want A be are a joke, go move.
Charlotte Greenbarg
September 1, 2021 at 8:09 am
The far left trolls are getting active again. 🦜. We’ll use our time going forward to elect conservatives
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