Gov. Ron DeSantis continues to make the case that he is in fact “America’s Governor,” with Monday evening messaging tailored to problems far from the Sunshine State.
In Monday’s breezily titled “Joe’s asleep at the wheel … again,” the DeSantis political committee Friends of Ron DeSantis makes its familiar case that President Joe Biden isn’t getting it done, using Haitian immigrants crossing the Mexican border as illustration.
“As 15,000 migrants illegally poured over our southern border this weekend and set up camp under a bridge in Del Rio, Texas, Joe Biden was nowhere to be found. So, where were Joe and ‘border czar’ Kamala Harris?” the email blast, signed “Team DeSantis,” ponders.
“Well, Joe kicked up his feet at the beach in Delaware while Kamala Harris decided doing a ceremonial coin toss at a football game was more important than doing the job she was tasked with (securing) our country’s border,” it then answers.
The email goes on to contend that not only is Del Rio in danger, “Biden will likely farm out the illegal border crossers to communities across our country — including right here in Florida.”
“And get this,” the email continues, with the respondent’s first name patched in. “As this crisis enflames, the Biden Administration temporarily BANNED the use of drones to record footage from the skies that show the magnitude of this crisis.”
“Instead of doing the job he was elected for, Joe Biden can’t be bothered to lift a finger to defend our nation’s sovereignty. This is unacceptable,” the prose continues.
The email was not a fundraising pitch, rather a solicitation to add the recipient’s name to a petition telling the Biden administration to “wake up and secure the border.” However, the Dallas Morning News reports DeSantis was slated for a Monday fundraiser in Dallas, suggesting the messaging may have another life.
DeSantis’ Monday evening schedule was not yet available at this writing. He had one appearance earlier in the day, a roundtable in the Panhandle, where he discussed his desire to phase out the controversial end of year school testing, the Florida Standards Assessment, in favor of “progress monitoring.”
His official schedule, it goes without saying, would not have visibility into political events such as that reported by the Dallas paper. However, DeSantis has made forays into Texas before. Notably, the Governor did a press conference with Texas Gov. Greg Abbott this summer, upon the occasion of 50 Florida law enforcement officers being deployed to the border.
DeSantis claimed the bulk of those apprehended by Florida’s loaned forces said they wanted to come to the Sunshine State.
DeSantis is also among a group of GOP governors hoping to meet with Biden about the latest developments in the border crisis. However, such a meeting does not appear to be imminent.
The Governor has kept up an active road schedule of late, meanwhile, where he makes his case to friendly crowds.
“My message from Florida is this: When Joe Biden violates the Constitution, when Joe Biden attacks the jobs of Floridians and Americans, when Joe Biden targets the livelihood of Florida families and American families, I am fighting back against him,” DeSantis told a crowd in Nebraska earlier this month.
September 20, 2021 at 5:53 pm
Please Ron, remove head from ass.
You aren’t anybody’s Governor until you fix your laundry list of massive fuckups here.
September 21, 2021 at 5:53 am
Best Governor in country. Leads by example.
Alex, you are obviously misinformed.
Florida is not a blue state. It’s not a socialist state. Republicans have essentially tied party registration. Democrats are in a state of denial as are you.
His accomplishments in the last three years are many. Re election follows.
September 22, 2021 at 11:28 am
Sadly we all mourned greatly when the condos collapsed and we lost 150 souls that day……. has anyone considered we (Florida) lose more people each and every day to the virus.
Where is the same “at all costs” find survivors ~ when fighting for the survival of our residents and children.
What I see is a WE (D) vs a ME (R)…… Life (D) vs Livelihood (R)……. in SOCIETY we all have responsibility to the whole. This is a PUBLIC health crisis, it takes us all to work to protect our communities.
September 22, 2021 at 5:36 pm
Hold on now MoRon, we really could use those migrant workers to fill all those jobs no one really wants to work at in your state. They could be the answer to all of your problems since you have killed so many of your own voters.
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