With a tip of the hat for LobbyTools, here are the latest movements — both on and off — the House legislative merry-go-round.
On: Adam Ogonoski is in as political affairs liaison for the House Majority Office.
On: Anhar Al-Asadi is in as program manager in the Speaker’s Office.
On: David Melito is in as a fellow in the House Democratic Office.
On: Maggie McCormick is in as a fellow for the House Majority Office.
On: Breanna Kim is in as legislative analyst for the House Democratic Office.
On: Rebecca Neuffer is in as a fellow to the Commerce Committee.
Off and on: Jennifer Guy is out as an attorney and Shayna Cohen is in as a fellow to the Education and Employment Committee.
Off and on: Alexandra Mamontoff is in, and Jessica Melkun is out as attorney to the Environment, Agriculture and Flooding Subcommittee.
Off and on: Tomas Bowling is in, and Brooke Evans is out as member services liaison in the Majority Office.
On: Fatou Calixte is in as a fellow to the Health and Human Services Committee.
On: Christen Petruzzelli is in as a fellow to the Judiciary Committee.
On: Bradley Dillon is in as an attorney and Rachel Friant is in as a fellow to the Public Integrity and Elections Committee.
On: Davis Johnson is in as a fellow to the Rules Committee.
On: Keeley Smith is in as a fellow to the State Affairs Committee.
On: Alexandra La Torre is in as policy analyst to the Ways and Means Committee.
On: Matthew Saag is in as legislative research assistant to the Justice Appropriations Subcommittee.
On: Annie Leshko is in as attorney to the Local Administration and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee.
On: Michelle Sampson is in as administrative support to the State Administration and Technology Appropriations Subcommittee and Justice Appropriations Subcommittee.
Off: Brenda Jones is out as administrative support to the State Affairs Committee and its subcommittees.
On: Tatiana Warden is in as administrative support to the Commerce Committee and its subcommittees.
On: Kathryn Davis is in as a policy analyst to the Ways and Means Committee.
Off: Bethany Jones is out as budget analyst to the Justice Appropriations Subcommittee.
On: Tatiana Warden is in as administrative support for the Regulatory Reform Subcommittee.
On: Tamara Lacher is in as administrative lead to the State Affairs Committee and its subcommittees.
Off and on: Carine Mitz is in, and Karen Camechis is out as director of the Office of Open Government.
On: Spencer Chinoy and Sarah Hartle are in as senior multimedia producers in the Office of Public Information.
On: Chris Cullen is in as legislative aide to Hillsborough Republican Rep. Mike Beltran.
On: Thomas Saavedra is in as district aide to Sarasota Republican Rep. James Buchanan.
On: MaryAlice Bennett is in as legislative aide to Miami Democrat Rep. James Bush III.
On: Stephen Caruso is in as district aide to Palm Beach Republican Rep. Mike Caruso.
Off and on: Julia Saunders is out as district secretary and Matthew Herndon is out as a legislative assistant to St. Petersburg Democrat Rep. Ben Diamond. Max Ulloa moved from district secretary to legislative assistant.
Off and on: Julian Cintron moved from district aide to legislative aide, and Trinity Tresner is in as a new district aide for Maitland Democrat Rep. Joy Goff-Marcil.
Off and on: Mikayla Goetz is out as district aide and Rocky Haag is in as district secretary to Osceola Republican Rep. Fred Hawkins.
Off: Jasmine Jones is out as district secretary to Gainesville Democrat Rep. Yvonne Hayes Hinson.
Off and on: Giovanni Sancho is out, and Brianna Schofield is in as district secretary to Parkland Democrat Rep. Christine Hunschofsky.
On: Robert Marriaga is in as district aide to Hollywood Democrat Rep. Evan Jenne.
Off and on: Octavia Thomas is in as district aide; Emmanuela Saint Jean is in, and Cody Rogers is out as legislative aide to Miami-Dade Democrat Rep. Dotie Joseph. Herberson Saint-eloi is in and Andrew Bourne is out as Joseph’s district secretary.
Off and on: Ranay Willis is in, and Samantha Sullivan is out as legislative aide to Polk County Republican Rep. Sam Killebrew.
Off and on: Stephanie Jarkow is in, and Natalie Martinez is out as district aide to Broward Republican Rep. Chip LaMarca.
Off and on: Amelia Keaton is out as legislative aide; Diane Meredith is out as district aide and Andrew Fay is in as district secretary to Okaloosa Republican Rep. Patt Maney.
Off: Morgan Parrish is out as legislative aide to Fort Myers Republican Rep. Jenna Persons-Mulicka.
On: Marie Rattigan is in as legislative aide and Dollie West is in as district secretary to Miami-Dade Democrat Rep. Felicia Robinson.
Off and on: Gabriel Gomez is in as district aide and Jackie Gomez-Tejeda is out as district secretary to Orlando Democrat Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith.
One comment
Hazel Blumberg-McKee
January 12, 2022 at 9:12 am
Dear Mr. Ammann:
You really ought to check, double-check, and verify your sources. In your column you have said that my husband has been tossed from his job. He has not. Do you often publish scurrilous, non-researched drivel? You do realize that you run the risk of being sued for libel.
I certainly will not trust one word that you have written or will ever write.
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