Not only should critical race theory be banned in Florida public schools, but racism against African Americans is no longer an issue in the United States because Barack Obama was elected President and served two full terms, according to Sen. Ileana Garcia.
In an interview that aired one day before Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Garcia told CBS 4 Miami investigative reporter Jim DeFede she believes the Black experience in America is “not at all” different from that of White people.
“That’s why we had Obama as President,” she said. “That’s the best example in the world. Obama was President not for four years, for eight.”
Garcia’s comments came shortly after DeFede asked Garcia, a Miami-Dade County Republican and the founder of Latinas for Trump, whether she supported Gov. Ron DeSantis’ Stop W.O.K.E. Act. The proposed law, which stands for Stop Wrongs Against Our Kids and Employees Act, would among other things codify the state Department of Education’s June 2021 ban on critical race theory, empower parents to sue districts that implement critical race theory policies and allow the defunding of schools that hire critical race theory “consultants.”
Proponents of the ban say critical race theory aims to divide populations along racial lines by defining White people generally as historic oppressors and people of color generally as historically oppressed.
Those against the ban argue critical race theory isn’t even taught in schools and is being used as a trigger word to rile up the GOP base. Where it is taught, they say — such as in certain college classes — it’s used as a lens through which students can recognize socioeconomic structures that formed during slavery and in the days of segregation and continue to contribute to imbalances today.
Garcia, who chairs the Children, Family and Elder Affairs Committee, said there are better things to teach.
“The children need to be more nurtured on other issues like financial literacy,” she said. “We see, especially after COVID, children having a lot of issues with anxiety and these minor dysfunctions. Those are the issues we need to be addressing rather than add more fire to the situation. I think those critical race theories, they just add more gasoline to the fire versus putting it out. They just bring things to the forefront that just aren’t necessary. Let the children be children.”
Asked by DeFede to define critical race theory, Garcia instead explained that she believes it compels people to focus on their experiences being discriminated against, which she said people should avoid.
“Critical race theory is, I think, that bringing to the palate — bringing to the plate — the fact that in the past we have had situations where there have been discrimination,” she said. “I don’t think we should take it personally. I think we should grow from it, and I think that exactly what should be taught and nurtured in the education system, that we will confront obstacles and difficult situations due to xenophobia. I like to refer to it as xenophobia.”
DeFede then asked Garcia if she could name one school district or even a single classroom that has taught critical race theory. She declined to say yes or name a classroom or district but said she knew of situations in which teachers were pressured into discussing race issues.
“I do know of conversations where teachers come in and feel that they need to have this conversation with students and suggest this is something we need to be aware of, that there is a division,” she said. “And there isn’t a division, Jim. We’re all races. We’re White. We’re Black. We’re poor. We’re rich. Once again, I’m not about feeding the fire. I’m about having a conversation, balancing it out and if there was something that was done wrong, we should study history so that we can get beyond it.”
But that wasn’t the case when she was growing up, Garcia continued. As a Cuban American growing up in a predominantly Black neighborhood in Miami, she said, she was the frequent target of racial discrimination.
“I grew up in a primarily African American neighborhood, and I was discriminated (against) on all fronts,” she said. “But as an adult now, I understand that it was part of a new community coming into a community that wasn’t used to Hispanics as part of a xenophobic process. But it’s not something I’m going to succumb to and feel that I need to be repatriated for. No, it taught me and helped me grow.”
Asked to elaborate, Garcia said: “At that time, we were the minority, and as a child I didn’t know any better. But I remember going home and my mother didn’t make it a point of festering on that, and neither (does my family). I don’t at all. I look at it as a learning experience, and I’ve moved on. And I think people should move on from it.”
Later that same Sunday, Garcia posted a video on Twitter of her dog, Isaac, who died three months ago, to highlight her opposition to a ban some housing communities have on certain dog breeds.
“Many families have to choose and separate from their pets due to ‘breed discrimination’ in housing communities,” she wrote. “I am looking to help alleviate this for both family and shelters.”
Some responses she received were less than sympathetic.
“Garcia was elected by 34 votes thanks to an illegal ghost candidate scheme by an indicted Republican operative and, on #MLK weekend, she says there’s no discrimination against Black People in America, then tweets about dog discrimination,” documentarian Billy Corben wrote.
Another user commented: “You should probably just move on from it. I mean, those breeds have won (American Kennel Club championships), so there’s really not a problem anymore, right? Perfect example. Just using your own ‘logic.’”
January 17, 2022 at 6:46 am
The problem is particularly blacks face unequal treatment in virtually every area of their lives.
It’s easy to see if you investigate, but Republicans have this willful ignorance mentality that allows them to live in their alt-reality la la land.
Michael Paris
January 17, 2022 at 8:52 am
January 17, 2022 at 8:54 am
According to an alt-reality resident, yes.
January 17, 2022 at 8:59 am
Predominantly black school districts receive far less financial funding than white school districts
Black students/children have less access to computers and the internet
The average Black college graduate leaves a public four-year institution with $111,486 in debt; 55% more debt than the average white college student
Black Americans with college degrees are twice as likely to be unemployed
Black Americans with ‘white’ names receive 50% more callbacks for job applications
And this is just a small sample in two categories
January 17, 2022 at 3:52 pm
Alex, I appreciate your points – I’m not questioning them at all. But I’d like to share and include links to sources if you still have them. My goal is to provide irrefutable evidence to those either ignorant or in denial. Forget the racists.
January 17, 2022 at 4:07 pm
The moderator is filtering links.
This title should get you there with a google search;
64 Examples of Systemic Racism Against Black Americans
It’s on the Curious Refuge website, and it’s great because it includes good links to the sources.
Ron Ogden
January 17, 2022 at 1:06 pm
‘I think those critical race theories, they just add more gasoline to the fire versus putting it out.’
Yes, they do; it’s their purpose. Conspiracy for Racial Tension.
January 17, 2022 at 1:14 pm
Everything has to be a giant conspiracy for you guys, because the thought that most people in America know you’re just wrong doesn’t feed your paranoia or give you any traction to attack.
January 17, 2022 at 1:16 pm
And it doesn’t let you pivot to the victim play.
January 17, 2022 at 3:56 pm
Right on Ron! The Republican hoopla over non-existent CRT being taught in FLa schools is just a “conspiracy for [creating] Racial Tension.”
January 17, 2022 at 6:19 pm
We should not teach how the Confederates fought the Union. It hurts me to know that we lost the civil war to them damn Yankees.
Roger Williams
January 17, 2022 at 8:08 pm
This woman is very ignorant about this topic, yet she feels the need to offer opinions. She does not know what she’s talking about. CRT is not being taught in any K – 12 public education schools or districts anywhere in the nation. Republicans are literally banning something that doesn’t even exist. What a waste of time!
January 17, 2022 at 8:32 pm
It’s cover for a bigger lie that you have to look a bit deeper for;
Schools are teaching kids to hate white people.
That really triggers their hatred.
January 18, 2022 at 1:06 am
If Blacks need to “move on” from racism in the United States, then why doesnt she take her own advise for her own Cuban community in terms of “moving on” from always blaming Fidel and communism. Pleaseeeeee.
January 18, 2022 at 1:35 am
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