Police bodycam footage of a routine traffic stop shows congressional candidate Martin Hyde immediately becoming argumentative with police.
“You are making career decisions,” the Sarasota Republican told Officer Julia Beskin during the interaction. He also at one point goes after her cultural background.
The footage confirms notes that appeared on a traffic citation written by Beskin, who ultimately cited Hyde for speeding, failure to produce a valid registration, and texting while driving.
Hyde has faced criticism for days regarding the Valentine’s Day stop, and has said he’s been barraged with voice mails attacking his behavior. For his part, Hyde told Florida Politics last week he had apologized to Beskin after the incident.
The newly released footage shows a much larger incident than initially was apparent, with multiple police officers called to the scene, whether at Hyde’s request to see a supervisor or based on Beskin’s calls for backup.
Immediately after being pulled over, Beskin in the video walks to Hyde’s vehicle window and speaks to him about why she pulled him over. She had tagged Hyde driving 57 miles per hour in a 30-mph zone.
“You don’t need to point at me, officer,” Hyde tells Beskin. “I’ll just call the Chief. You know who I am, right?”
Beskin says she does, and later in the video is seen privately saying his name to dispatch.
“The driver is being extremely uncooperative,” she states. “Martin Hyde. I just gave him three tickets.”
Hyde during the stop not only alludes to calling Rex Troche, but says he will call Marlon Brown, the city manager, and then the Mayor.
He at one point asks “Is it your Russian immigrant status that makes you talk to people like this?” Beskin is originally from Latvia and speaks both Russian and English.
He talks over Beskin as she hands him tickets, and at one point pulls out his cell phone, which bears his campaign logo.
“Do you think you’re winning? Do you?” Hyde says. “You’re talking to a congressional candidate like this?” He later repeatedly states “you’re lying” and demands Baskin wait while he calls a supervisor to the scene.
Beskin says she will wait, and when she returns to her patrol car, Hyde leaves his vehicle. Beskin asks Hyde multiple times to remain in his vehicle for his own safety.
While Hyde initially declines to produce his registration, he later finds an expired registration to present to Beskin, who says she has already written a ticket.
He later tells another officer, “The registration was right there and she deliberately chose to write the ticket.”
Several police cars ultimately arrive on the scene, and some officers indeed suggest Beskin’s calls over the police radio made it seem as if Hyde was acting violent rather than simply argumentative.
But Hyde continues to assert he’s a law-abiding citizen and she should be the one facing consequences for her handling of the traffic stop.
“We’re going to make sure she pays the price for being disrespectful,” he tells another officer.
Hyde has run for Sarasota City Commission twice, and has been a fixture in public comment at Sarasota City Commission and Sarasota County School Board meetings. He’s earned a reputation as a hothead.
Former Sarasota City Commission candidate Rob Grant recently called police and alleged Hyde had called him a “f***ing d***head” unprompted when the two crossed paths at Pastry Art.
Hyde has also built a certain populist political reputation. That’s been enough to earn him the endorsements of right-wing figures Roger Stone and Michael Flynn as he challenges U.S. Rep. Vern Buchanan in a Republican Primary.
Hyde released a statement on his Facebook page: “Just over a week ago I was stopped in Sarasota for speeding. During the stop I was belligerent and rude to the officer who stopped me. Much interest has been shown in local media and many comments made as to my behavior. I’m not going to justify my poor temper on that day or attempt to mitigate it in any way. There will be some who will say it’s not the first time I’ve acted out and they’d be right. I have faults and one of them is to be overly aggressive on occasion when I’m challenged. In the political arena that is possibly a good thing but on a personal level it’s not.
“I’ve apologized to the officer in question, and now I’m apologizing to the community as a whole. I’m going to do my utmost to behave better going forward. I’m not running away though as that’s not in my nature. There is nothing more I can say, or will say on this subject other than I’m sorry for any offense caused to anyone.”
Congressional candidate Martin Hyde during a Sarasota traffic stop Feb. 14. from Fla_Pol on Vimeo.
Matthew Lusk
February 23, 2022 at 7:13 am
It’s dangerous and illegal in some states to have necklaces hanging from a rear view mirror. It blocks vision and could “cause” an accident.
Mat hunk
February 23, 2022 at 12:48 pm
Lmao what a loser
Donald Trump
February 23, 2022 at 8:00 pm
You’re in political office and you defend this? Get some work done, and stop browsing the internet you lame piece of garbage.
FU DTrump
February 24, 2022 at 12:07 am
You’re a tool.
kanan krishnan
February 24, 2022 at 12:23 am
you must be mentally ill!!
Tom Paw
February 24, 2022 at 9:29 am
It’s vastly more dangerous for a driver to be texting while driving and exceeding the speed limit while approaching a traffic light.
February 24, 2022 at 10:50 am
The necklace on the cops mirror is your take away from this.This is exactly what is wrong with our country this piece of trash thinking he is above the law because he is a congressional Canidate.
Matthew Lusk
February 23, 2022 at 7:27 am
I just looked it up. A clear violation. The officers non moving violation is hanging a non-transparent object from the rear view mirror. I bet that baby swings during a high speed chase. What if she ran over a child? How would she explain the obstruction of view in court? Would she feel remorse? She needs a clear field of view to see clearly some of the crimes she is or “might” be viewing. Nobody is above the law.
Jeff K
February 23, 2022 at 9:43 am
That’s what you got from this? How about the extremely rude, arrogant jerk who tried to use his position to get out of a ticket?
Guess that entitlement thing is real.
February 23, 2022 at 10:30 am
Don’t quit your day job of running whatever failed Q-anon campaign you are running at the moment. The “clear violation” requires materially obstruction of the view and it is barely visible and it also requires placement upon the windshield and it does not apply to items hung from the windshield such as air fresheners. See Gordon v Florida. Given your q-anón affiliation your lengths to defend an unqualified, ill-tempered, basic white guy who doesn’t think rules apply to him should not surprise anyone. At least your theory isn’t dependent on a dead-presidents deceased progeny’s resurrection this time!
February 23, 2022 at 7:30 pm
keep smoking crack, you dumbasses, her reason for stop was speeding and he was texting. Both are civil infractions, nobody once mentioned objects hanging from the rearview, and if she had them it’s not a defense, for YOUR infractions. But good luck with that defense. I’m sure somebody will hear your weak, but anything other than what I did defense
February 23, 2022 at 12:13 pm
Wow. This is how you treat the law in a democracy, sir? A representative that speaks like you or this horrid driver in the video is proof for what the US has become.
Heck, so what. You guys selfdestruct your empire, probably start some wars in between and then you will fade into the nothingsnes of history. what a time to be alive!
February 23, 2022 at 5:06 pm
Unfortunately his accent sounds as if he’s English ie an immigrant complaining about an immigrant! At one point he mentions he’s “lived there for 25 years”. As an Englishman myself I’m embarrassed by this fool. Aggressive from the get go and using your parlance, the Officer should have “hauled his arse out of the car and dumped him on the kerb”! Well done the Officer for keeping her cool.
Bill Miller
February 23, 2022 at 7:58 pm
Dude, you’re another loser republician congressman in FLA,
Why are you defending this piece of trash? Perhaps you too think you are above the law?
Fck u
February 23, 2022 at 8:25 pm
FU DTrump
February 24, 2022 at 12:09 am
I just look you up. You’re a nutjob. Fit right in with today’s reds.
Jack Z
February 24, 2022 at 1:29 pm
Has zero to do with a citizen, pulled over for a legitimate purpose, refusing to cooperate with the officer, threatening her and trying to intimidate her. Whataboutism.
D Millsrq
February 24, 2022 at 3:11 pm
Are you talking about Florida Statute 316.2004? Additionally are you referring to the necklace or similar object hanging from her mirror? As a former Law Enforcement Officer my St.Michael pendent did not obstruct my view while driving or during a pursuit. The necklace (or whatever it is) does not obstruct her view and it’s a shame that’s all you got out of that video. Law Enforcement is not paid to take your abuse. They are paid to Enforce Laws!
February 23, 2022 at 8:46 am
no radar gun, he should have been driving behind her.
February 27, 2022 at 6:44 am
Did you see when she pulled a device toward her while entering the data for the tickets? That boxy-looking object is a display unit for the radar. You can hear her mumble the speed as she looks at the device.
Most police have fixed-place radar emitters/receivers mounted in the front and rear of their vehicles. They can check the speeds of people in front of and behind them. There are two readouts available. When they sit stationary beside the road, they can also check the speeds of vehicles approaching from the rear and coming toward them.
The police can pace your car for 0.25 miles and issue a ticket based on that. We have no idea when she determines the speeding violation. Maybe he passed her earlier.
February 23, 2022 at 9:04 am
must be new equipment they are blocking
February 27, 2022 at 6:36 am
No, they block your view of the computer to protect private information.
Decent American
February 23, 2022 at 12:14 pm
Another Florida Republican –
February 23, 2022 at 12:25 pm
He thinks she’s being rude? The officer shows professionalism and restraint. Kudos to her. He’s probably one of those shut-up-and-comply guys…unless he’s in the driver’s seat. The hypocrisy is disgusting.
Ben Romano
February 23, 2022 at 4:24 pm
This officer was totally professional, from start to finish.
The video might should be used for training purposes.
Even AG Merrick Garland could learn from this law enforcement professional, who applied the law fairly, and chose not to yield from doing their job due to threats from powerful, corrupt politicians.
I also approve of choice of classic pop tunes.
The corrupt Congressional candidate was probably tuned to hate-spewing talk radio channel or brainwashing disinformation media.
A. J. Arcady
February 23, 2022 at 12:41 pm
“You’re talking to a congressional candidate like this?”
LOL! Who cares? What makes this insignificant degenerate criminal think he’s (1) above the law and (2) better than a toilet scrubber?
White supremacy is a hell of a drug.
February 23, 2022 at 3:02 pm
Should be “You’re talking to a former congressional candidate like this?”
Working Man
February 23, 2022 at 4:06 pm
You sir are a racist
February 23, 2022 at 8:46 pm
And a sexist!
February 23, 2022 at 3:19 pm
She was 100% professional. This should be used as a training video in how to deal with the north end of a south bound mule.
Deport this abnoxious fool who thinks he can win a congressional race.
February 23, 2022 at 4:39 pm
This guy thinks he is above the law. His demeanor and attitude said it all. He wanted her to bow down and say, yes sir, no sir, thank you sir, apologize sir. Complete JERK!!! As a Republican, please don’t put this jerk in office or back in office. This is what we don’t need Florida!
Honest Mike
February 23, 2022 at 4:46 pm
He says he does not want special treatment, then goes on to elaborate in great detail why he deserves special treatment.
February 23, 2022 at 5:57 pm
This lady is awesome. I love her radio playing. She starts singing with fleetwood mac and keeps her cool so well.
ann fitzgerald
February 23, 2022 at 6:33 pm
This Brit foreigner should not be in American politics – how insane that any foreigners are allowed in our government – esp malignant narcissistic psychopaths like this. And why is the female cop’s first backup officer also British? Lately on You tube videos I’ ve been hearing lots of foreigners on our police force. Get them off!
A Nonymous
February 25, 2022 at 10:41 am
This may shock you, but people born in foreign countries sometimes become U.S. Citizens! Mind blowing, I know. Those citizens are allowed to work in law enforcement and work in the government. The only governmental positions they cannot hold are the President (or someone in line to be the president). Try reading the Constitution and maybe some middle school level books on civics. Your mind will be blown for a long time!
February 23, 2022 at 8:14 pm
“He’s earned a reputation as a hothead.” Call it what it is: overly emotional.
February 23, 2022 at 10:32 pm
His behavior exposes him for who he truly is. An arrogant person that pushes people around. Absolutely disgusting.
And I do not buy or accept his “apology”. It was so fake. He was practically choking it out, it was so painful for him to apologize.
February 24, 2022 at 12:02 am
What’s that radio station? Awesome tunes!
kanan krishnan
February 24, 2022 at 12:20 am
This damn congressman is unqualified to be a representative. He needs to resign immediately. He needs to be expelled from the GOP. This guy’s behavior with the lady officer is brtual and thuggish. She should have pulled him out of his SUV and tasered him or shot him for his unruly arrogant behavior. Any body whodefednds this moron is a thug as well. The lady deserves a promotion for stsnding her ground. It is beneath the dignity of the Sergent to come to the scene and sweet talk with this stupid congressman. Will the Sergen come to the scene for any average JOe or Karen? The sergent has acted unethically and the sergent needs to be fired for acting friendly with the congressman instead of defending the officer.
It's Complicated
February 24, 2022 at 10:59 am
Mr. Hyde is NOT a Congressman. He’s a candidate for the seat, running against the incumbent Congressman, Rep. Vern Buchanan (R).
Mr. Hyde is also a failed candidate for several other local offices. Seems like the voters in Sarasota have enough sense not to elect this guy to public office.
February 24, 2022 at 5:12 am
This woman knew her life depended on that camera running and unmuted. She wanted so bad to go back to the office and dock it before she lost the footage. If it wasn’t for that footage, her own colleagues probably would have turned against her given this cowardly man’s position. Good for her.
just sayin
February 24, 2022 at 8:27 am
What a POS. If you’re defending this guy just because he’s a Republican, stop. We don’t need people like this in our party.
Killa B
February 24, 2022 at 9:21 am
We need to make sure His ass is hung up for this
It's Complicated
February 24, 2022 at 10:24 am
Glad the officer was running a body cam. This guy is a piece of work. Arrogance and the sense of being above the law is ugly irrespective of political affiliation. Would be a real shame if this officer gets in any trouble whatsoever.
Daniel E
February 24, 2022 at 10:50 pm
I think the radio you’re commenting about is one that is playing songs that mention the word ‘love’. It is clearly said by the host….lol…anywho,
I am a middle aged male and we were raised in the feminist ‘woke’ culture. Just mentioned it for context of this. Each officer that shows up fails to look the female officer in the eye, kind of like being dismissive of her explanation. First guy, second guy, and the third who seems to be Sarge. He snapped at her to get back in the car. I’m simply stating what I noticed, not an opinion, just what I heard and saw. Men are usually very aware of how some women perceive a video vs. how men do. Women deal with it every day.
No, it isn’t right, I mention it simply because many women perceive ALL men to be like this, and I don’t like the generalization. She did not seem to be treated verbally by the other LE as an equal. The Sarge was a jerk. Yes, he kissed the guy’s butt a little, but he did mention that the registration was expired.
Not anything to add to everything people have said about the driver. All true. The infamous Ted Kennedy quote of ‘..do you know who I am..?’ failed….haha.
I am not a fan of LE in general based on what I’ve seen, the attitude, and a propensity to shoot. I’ve never had a traffic infraction in my 30 years of driving, but that is simply luck and smart. My son knows to stfu and keep the hands on the wheel at 11 and 1. I will not address any LE as ‘sir’ or ‘ma’am’ . I do answer with ‘officer’ , I move slowly if asked for documents, I keep my registration in the visor above my head. I give them my name if asked, it’s on my license anyway. Yes I’ve been pulled over a few times. I’ve never gotten cited, I have been given written warnings. One, I had my fog lights on and the weather wasn’t ’inclement’. Second, my ‘license plate illumination device’ was off. Wintertime in snow country, the light was fine. It was dirty from the street dirt in February. Written warning. All true.
Next time you get pulled over, think about what your plans are for the rest of the day or night. If you want to keep those plans, try what I suggested. You will not win an argument, LE has already notified the station that they pulled you over. If they don’t cite you, they will get questioned by the Sarge. So, you can win this battle by answering with your name if asked, admit to nothing. Comply with what’s asked, if you must.
I’m a Caucasian male, wear a suit, and have been pulled over. Sometimes you get pulled over by newbies because we are profiled as usually harmless so it’s good practice for rookies. Be polite, provide what’s asked for, and no, you don’t know why you got pulled over. Admit to nothing. Signing the ticket does NOT make you guilty. All it does is show that you received a ticket. It also gives you a document from LE that they wrote, and all you did was sign it. If they made one mistake on the document and 60% of all tickets do, you walk free.
Yes, they can be complete jerks. Push ‘record’ on your phone, they did. Sound IS better than nothing. This idiot in FL is a complete douche, he deserved and did get all three tickets. The more noise he made gave the LE too much evidence NOT to waive the tickets.
I have to say the officer handled this guy like a pro, she did know her Axion was running, so she was a veritable text book on proper procedure. Whoever makes the least mistakes wins. I hope this saves you or your family from something that could screw your life up or even lose your life. Be safe !
February 24, 2022 at 11:03 pm
You know the old adage “don’t quit your day job?’ For the love of all things holy Matt, Quit!!! Matthew Lusk is an impatient QAnon follower. Instead of trusting the plan, he’s running for Congress. God help America.
February 25, 2022 at 1:49 am
I hope he loses in a landslide and gets booted back to the UK from whence he came. You want to be a douchebag, don’t bother coming here. I’ll bet he’s a “build the wall’ schmuck!
February 26, 2022 at 10:14 am
Julia Beskin should run for government office; she’s the kind of representative we all need, not a disgusting human being like Martin Hyde.
J Smith
February 26, 2022 at 3:41 pm
A direct quote from this article: “There will be some who will say it’s not the first time I’ve acted out and they’d be right. I have faults and one of them is to be overly aggressive on occasion when I’m challenged.” I like to point out that it is highly probable that this is not first time Mr. Hyde has acted as if rules & laws do not apply to him. His financial dealings with public officials and IRS tax returns deserve careful review. And lastly, Mr. Hyde should reimburse the city of Sarasota for the PD department costs associated with his traffic stop and unnecessary behavior. Every citizen deserves the right to air grievances and hold police departments accountable and the same needs to apply to those the ‘Cry Wolf’ and tie up city resources flagrantly.
February 27, 2022 at 7:03 am
Mr. Hyde (hmmm) needs to remember how we Republicans preach to be respectful and follow the directions of law enforcement. The time for challenging them is later.
The officer’s demeanor is a little brusque, which some may find offputting, but it is not rude per se. She should work on sounding more friendly and happy to be there. The citizens are her customers to whom she provides a service. The best way to deflect bad attitudes is to kill them with kindness.
While Mr. Hyde spoke with the SGT, she should not have defended herself. Asking everyone to move off the road was good police work. That is all the critique I have for her. Otherwise, she was professional and patient as long as it was reasonable.
Mr. Hyde, on the other hand, was a dick. (Can I use that term on here?) He started the interaction annoyed at someone interrupting his busy day of texting and driving. Who he is, who he knows, and what he thinks his status is as a candidate are immaterial to the traffic stop.
When stopped, remain friendly and non-combative. When the police ask for your license, registration, and insurance, you must provide those to the officer. If you look for them and fail to find them, most law enforcement personnel will look them up and not cite you for failure to produce. However, if you were acting like a Richard, why would the officer cut you a break? (Is a male a Richard instead of a Karen? New trend?)
The man tied up three officers and two sergeants. He needs another summons to cover the expenses for the first officer’s extra time and the person-hours of the other personnel at their pay rate.
February 27, 2022 at 10:17 pm
What a FKN doOoooooche 💼 this guy is a clown. Entitled Brit not shocking
Betty Davis
March 3, 2022 at 3:53 pm
I am a republican, from Florida. I am tired of people thinking they can do as they please and get away with it. The police officer did right and he should have been arrested. Don’t vote for this man..
March 3, 2022 at 9:14 pm
How did she know he was texting? How can she even think with music playing so loud. I did not hear him refuse to show his registration….she’s a newbi & she is not a good one & he is NOT above the law but he sounds like a typical politician….how many have said what he said…”MANY!
March 5, 2022 at 9:15 am
Abuse of position in this way, plus the racial targeting, deserves Hyde to be banned and shamed out of politics or holding any role which attracts a position of power. Easy to say sorry afterwards to whom ever will listen.. but frankly people are not robots and we have feelings which can cause long term harm. Hyde’s an entitled bully. I feel for his cop ….totally ashamed of father’s conduct.
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