Gov. Ron DeSantis hailed the fighting spirit of Ukrainians for resisting Russia’s invasion Wednesday, arguing the French wouldn’t fight back nearly as hard if Vladimir Putin invaded.
DeSantis said Ukrainians were “willing to fight” and “go out there and ward off a Russian army,” before presenting a seemingly avoidable contrast.
“A lot of other places around the world, they just fold the minute there’s any type of adversity. I mean, can you imagine, if he went into France, do you think they’d do anything to put up a fight? Probably not,” DeSantis suggested.
The Governor was addressing Ukraine for a second time this week, and many of his comments reprised previous postures.
DeSantis described Putin, again, as “basically an authoritarian gas station attendant.” Russia, meanwhile, is a “hollowed-out country but for the energy” and “legacy nuclear weapons,” DeSantis argued.
“His ideology is: try to reassemble some of the lost glory of what they had,” DeSantis said of Putin.
He quickly added “the Soviet Union was not a glorious entity” so his position would not be misconstrued, stressing it was Putin’s view “that the dissolution of the Soviet Union is a bad thing.”
DeSantis predicts ongoing “guerrilla warfare” in Ukraine.
“I think it’s going to be like death by 1,000 cuts,” DeSantis predicted. “I think Putin has miscalculated.”
DeSantis was late in addressing hostilities in Ukraine, doing so after Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried and Congressman Charlie Crist spotlighted the Governor’s reticence in the days after the Russian invasion. Crist and Fried are both running for Governor themselves as Democrats.
March 2, 2022 at 11:52 am
Dangerous hyperbole from a big mouth! DeSantis does not have what it takes to be a National leader. This challenge to France will be a question in his first 2024 debate.
March 3, 2022 at 10:34 am
DeSantis will NOT ever come close to the USA Presidency, NEVER…..!
March 3, 2022 at 8:11 pm
You suck whole CEVANs, I suffer you gladly. DeSantis, America’s Gov is the whiz kid. He whizzes on you and all.
Of course he will go the WH. Whose stopping him, alzie Joe? Giggles Harris? Spare me.
America’s Governor please-do for America as you have done for Florida.
FP Monitor
March 3, 2022 at 9:38 pm
It’s a big mistake to respond to anything Tom posts. He’s an arrogant ignorant Trumpster hack simply looking for the attention he doesn’t get from friends or family. Do yourself and ALL OF US a big favor. Ignore all of his return comments. Maybe the internet troll will go away.
March 2, 2022 at 12:03 pm
One has to wonder why DeSantis, like Trump before him, chooses to smear our allies in Europe. Trump did it to stay in good standing with Putin, and DeSantis has now lauded Putin and his military by suggesting they are strong and France, our longtime ally, is weak.
Most of the world is united with Ukraine against the Russian invasion, while Ron DeSantis takes a stand against France.
What a tiny little man he can be when he puts his mind to it.
March 2, 2022 at 12:22 pm
Desantis is a moron. Why even make a comment like that? He truly is a little Trump. And, like Trump minions, Desantis has his followers who see nothing wrong with his behavior. If his map of voting districts isn’t approved, he has stated he will veto all others. Who does that remind you of? Better start beefing up security at our Capital building. Desantis is becoming more dangerous every day.
March 2, 2022 at 12:51 pm
What does France hypothetically being invaded by Russia have to do with angry little De Santis and his loud mouth? What does he actually know about France’s government, social system or attitude towards war or invasion? What, does he assume that France did nothing when World War One came, that 1,385,300 soldiers didn’t die fighting Germany? Does he think that 1600 French soldiers didn’t die in the battle of Dunkirk so England could have an army left? There are French people going to volunteer in Ukraine of their own accord, is their existence void because of some other “ better “ country’s larger numbers? https://amp.france24.com/en/europe/20220302-we-hope-to-arrive-in-time-from-soldiers-to-doctors-french-volunteers-head-to-ukraine
Speak not where you have no right to speak, Mr. governor.
Annette Lalonde
March 3, 2022 at 9:00 am
Exactly right! It shocked me when I heard his comment about France and I immediately wondered if this guy is just an uneducated boor? Why would you digress to that type of comment when people are dying.
March 2, 2022 at 12:55 pm
DeSantis does know France is a nuclear missile armed country, right?
It’s also the largest and most combat experienced military force in Europe. The sort of Ally that a President of the United States would need in armed conflict.
So how smart is it for DeSantis to insult an ally? Well lets look at his predecessors. Its didn’t do his former BFF Trump any good. It also didn’t go Geroge Bush any good during the Iraq War.
S. Manchester
March 2, 2022 at 1:46 pm
France was a key reason we won the American Revolution. https://www.battlefields.org/learn/articles/how-france-helped-win-american-revolution
We can trace large parts of our Constitution – including separation of powers – to Baron de Montesquieu
French Canadian’s were vital in the War of 1812.
They were our allies in the Anglo-Chinese War, the Boxer Rebellion, World War I, Russian Civil War, Cambodian Civil War, Lebanon, Gulf War, Somalia, Bosnia, Kosovo, Yemen, Lybia, Iraq, and Syria. And, of course, we supported them in Vietnam.
There has never been American bloodshed in which France was the enemy. They have either supported us or remained neutral. Every single time.
This is an affront to our longest and closest alley. And is a disqualifier for the highest office in the land.
Frankie M.
March 2, 2022 at 2:43 pm
Better to weigh in late than never on Ukraine…even with a random reference to France. It’s a good thing he didn’t give the SOTU response last nite. DeSantis would be out of his depth in a parking lot puddle.
March 2, 2022 at 4:59 pm
Good thing France is a member of NATO then…
If Russia invaded the US, would DeSantis pick up a rifle? Probably not.
March 2, 2022 at 5:19 pm
France, the French have been historically not ones to fight. Anyone excluding Manchurian nation assembled here would know that. They surrendered to Hitler without a shot. They did fight with U S troops to overtake the nazis snd country. DeSantis dominates the political landscape in state and nationally.
He will kick the ass of peter h, Frankie m and other dime store pimps. What is clear is the pure hate, jealousy and fear you Manchurians have.
Kiss off crumbs. The clown show at the speakers rostrum last eve and the two idiots sitting, standing behind the clown is hysterical.
Yes, you idiot peter h, it will be the first question in the potus debates. Laugh my ass off. Such a Towel boy you are. Go scratch.
March 2, 2022 at 6:13 pm
If your understanding of French history in warfare is anything to go by, your analysis of DeSantis’ political aspirations is just as bad.
Hint: the French military is the most successful in history: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Military_history_of_France .
March 2, 2022 at 6:14 pm
If your understanding of French history in warfare is anything to go by, your analysis of DeSantis’ political aspirations is just as bad.
Hint: the French military is the most successful in history.
March 2, 2022 at 6:28 pm
Excuse me …. but Tom thinks he’s an authority on everything!
In actuality he’s a professional liar …. with what Kelly Ann Conjob refers to as “alternative facts!”
I clipped this from one of Tim’s posts about himself of course:
“I am a political scientist, electoral guru and presidential scholar.”
LOL ….. have a good laugh folks.
Tom’s daytime job ….. he’s a full time Walmart Greeter!
March 3, 2022 at 5:16 am
Peter h, the towel boy for Lincoln Org, how’s toweling off Schmidt and Wilson’s testicles? Did mommy not take you for a ride? How’s your Elmo slippers? You wimp ass.
You don’t have my substance depth, political science background, electoral understanding and are jealous of my presidential history.
You are not on my level. You are ignorant and as incoherent, ignorant like Biden. LMAO.
I am legend!
March 3, 2022 at 2:24 pm
You defend that lil Gov. of Fla? TRUMP is a Moron who thought Finland was located in Russia, while that lil dingleberry Gov. has no recollection of WW1 WW2 and ummm the Statue of Liberty as well as perhaps are closest partner in Europe. But in the land of the Boberts, Taylor Greenes, Gomert and other neonumbskulls this is just par for the course.
Nerdelbaum Frink
March 4, 2022 at 1:50 pm
Legend? Nah, you’re twelve.
March 5, 2022 at 7:37 am
Hardly, I am proven authority on all.
March 2, 2022 at 6:17 pm
Specifically: “According to historian Niall Ferguson, France is the most successful military power in history… Out of 169 battles fought since 387BC, they have won 109, lost 49 and drawn 10”.
They won the hundred years war against the British, helped us greatly in defeating the British in 1776, and occupied England in the Norman conquest (which is why we are all speaking modern English, instead of old English). Under Napoleon, the French military was the most powerful in the world.
March 3, 2022 at 4:59 am
LMAO, we ain’t talking Napoleon and his bad suits pal. We ain’t talking our revolutionary period. Really, over 245 years ago? How about France surrendering to Hitler’s third reich without a shot.
Gov Ron, America’s Governor is correct about the French. Europeans as a continent are pacifists in the last 70 years since WW2.
Thanks but as usual you Manchurians are ignorant of truth. As a political scientist, electoral analyst and student of presidency I know.
Listen, and learn. Peter h, go towel off the Lincoln Org.
Gov Ron is correct.
Alex Colin
March 3, 2022 at 7:13 am
Apparently, you’re nothing to give credit to. But i’m gonna respond to you even tho.
Battle of France was fierce.Even tho french tactics and troups we overwhelmed, and quite quickly we had so sign up a truce, fights were heavy. 50 000 k german dead in 4 weaks, more than in Verdun.
By the way, you should look out for battle of Yorktown, you should learn on thing and two.
And yes, France is the most succesful military country in history, and the first army in Europe. Why your shitty gov has to do some side french bashing ? Maybe he has some complex with his spanish ancestry ?
March 3, 2022 at 8:08 am
Again, surrendering to Hitler is no medal of freedom. Saying they aided America 245 Years ago does not cut it. That’s all I am saying is France’s early history and the pacifism the last 70 is quite different. Spare me with your and your haters, hate of America’s Governor.
You pud, Yorktown ? Really? The vest you got. Surrendering country to Hitler is deplorable. Taking it back only cause U S army, Patton led way is another!
You haters can go F yourselves.
I am the FP legend pal, all reply to me.
You and the rest prove it daily.
Sebastien Tellier
March 3, 2022 at 11:42 am
Dear Tom,given that both you and governor Ron,are third or fourth generation Americans,someone in your family caved and fled? Governor Ron’s family is from Italy,and they were allies to Nazi Germany during WWII correct? There are memorials all over France of resistance fighters who were executed during WWII,I don’t think that your people or Governor Rons,can be counted amongst those who reisisted or fought? Let me know!
March 3, 2022 at 11:55 am
Tom thinks he’s an authority on everything!
In actuality he’s a professional liar …. with what Kelly Ann Conjob refers to as “alternative facts!”
I clipped this from one of Tim’s posts about himself of course:
“I am a political scientist, electoral guru and presidential scholar.”
LOL ….. have a good laugh folks.
Tom’s daytime job ….. he’s a full time Walmart Greeter!
If today’s Republican Party champions advocates like Tom, DeSantis, Trump, Marjorie Taylor Green, Lauren Boebert …..and so many others …. the Party is doomed.
It’s time for Independent voters, common sense conservatives and Democrats to fight back the stupid!
March 3, 2022 at 7:52 pm
All Manchurians go blow.
Peter h, you are a wussy.
Towel boy, go dry off Schmidt and Wilson’s testicles. Ask Rass, Alex, Frankie and Frankie M, others to help.
You don’t have my deft, knowledge, judgement and history.
I am the FP legend.
FP Monitor
March 3, 2022 at 9:36 pm
It’s a big mistake to respond to anything Tom posts. He’s an arrogant ignorant Trumpster hack simply looking for the attention he doesn’t get from friends or family. Do yourself and ALL OF US a big favor. Ignore all of his return comments. Maybe the internet troll will go away.
March 5, 2022 at 7:36 am
Legend forever my ass wipe, nice messed up moniker. Nerdelebaum frink. LMAAO
FP Monitor
March 2, 2022 at 6:19 pm
It’s a big mistake to respond to anything Tom posts. He’s an arrogant ignorant Trumpster hack simply looking for the attention he doesn’t get from friends or family. Do yourself and ALL OF US a big favor. Ignore all of his return comments. Maybe the internet troll will go away.
March 3, 2022 at 5:03 am
FP monitor is a Soros computer generated clone. Its made me a legend. Thank you, no one, I mean no one enjoys this status. Legend lives on,
March 4, 2022 at 11:35 pm
Fortunately ignorance is a disease which does not kill anyone. However since we have detected that your brain is seriously stained by the colors of this irremediable disease here are some last minute reading:
The defeat of 1940, a badly healed wound in the national consciousness despite the victories of the poilu in WWI, just 22 years earlier. It evokes the debacle, the exodus, the Armistice. To misfortune is added shame, because a widespread opinion is that the French army had suffered this defeat without a fight. And yet … Do we know that in forty-five days fighting, the German daily losses were greater than those of the Russian campaign from June 22 to December 10, 1941? The first tank battle of World War II, in Hannut, was a French victory? The village of Stonehouse, called by the Germans the Verdun of 1940, changed hands seventeen times in three days? That at Landrecy two French heavy tanks destroyed a hundred German tanks in a few hours? General de Gaulle, commander of the 4th Armored Division, broke to Abbeville German positions, but could not exploit his success due to lack of reserves ? The stubborn resistance of the French troops in Lille and Dunkirk helped save the capture of 340,000 Allied soldiers, on their way to sanctuaries England? On the Loire, Saumur cadets blockaded 40,000 enemy soldiers? At the time of the Armistice, 45 of the 53 items of the Maginot Line remained undefeated? And most importantly, nearly 100,000 French soldiers died on the battlefield in forty-five days of combat? German general von Block must confessed that the 14th panzerkorps have lost 196 tanks south of Amiens against the 16th and 24th DI! A real bloodshed. 136 are the credit of the 16th DI and 60 to the 24th DI. The 10th panzerdivision has only 60 tanks left on 180. The potential of the 14th panzerkorps is reduced to 45% for the tanks and 60% for the infantry.The German general von Reichenau, commandant of the 6th German army write: « the French troops engaged on the Somme in June 1940 fought like lions! »Bleeded lions. The 16th and 24th DI have lost 70% and 60% of their staff in this battle.
All of this is captured in a captivating book which follows closely the evolution of the troops on the ground, the top edge errors of French high command and outmoded strategies. It is based on many testimonies of both German, French and English soldiers;
The internet was not there in June of 1940 for millions of us to cowardly hide behind a nickname and uncover our ignorance to insult these brave soldiers. Please Let’s have some respect……they deserve to rest in peace !
March 5, 2022 at 7:29 am
Claude the Frenchmen. 70 years ago.
Nice try you mental moron, what kind of mental disease have you? Spare me your W W 2 examples.
We Are talking the past 70.
Frenchies undies twisted.
March 5, 2022 at 4:30 pm
Definetely missing some education there based on the vocabulary being used….Looks like you love history as well so here you are :
When marking the centenary of the terrible events of 1917, some of the most devastating of World War I, it is perhaps understandable that the British have focused their attention on the Passchendaele offensive and the Americans on their entry into the war against Germany. Unfortunately, their desire to commemorate the heroism of their own service personnel often has an ugly flip-side: the denigration of the courage and skill of their French allies.This attitude is best captured in the phrase “cheese-eating surrender monkeys”, coined in a 1995 episode of The Simpsons and popularised by journalist Jonah Goldberg in a 1999 column for The National Review. It suggested, among other things, that the French “surrendered Paris to the Germans [in 1940] without firing a shot”.Doubtless the piece was satirical in intent, but the seriousness of the underlying prejudice became all too obvious in 2003; witness the invective directed at the French by US and British politicians and media following France’s (retrospectively, wise) decision not to support military intervention in Iraq.
If the British and Americans are serious about remembrance, then let’s remember France’s military performance fairly.From August 1914 to early 1917, it was the French Army that bore the brunt of the fighting on the Western Front – and with astonishing stoicism. In one two-week period – August 16-31, 1914 – they suffered 210,993 casualties. By comparison, British casualties numbered 164,709 in the opening month – July 1916 – of the Somme offensive. The French Army also adapted effectively to the challenges of trench warfare, perfecting artillery “barrage” fire and pioneering innovative platoon-level infantry tactics, centred on automatic weapons and rifle grenades. While the first day of the Somme – July 1, 1916 – was a disaster for the British, the French took all of their objectives.
In early 1917, 68 French divisions suffered mutinies. But the soldiers taking part in what were effectively military strikes neither refused to defend their trenches nor abandoned France’s war aims. The army itself rallied magnificently from this near collapse and played a pivotal role in the Allied victory of 1918. From July to November 1918, French troops captured 139,000 German prisoners. In the same period, the American Expeditionary Force captured 44,142 Germans.In the interwar years, the French invested heavily in massive defensive fortifications, the Maginot Line, along the Franco-German frontier. This decision has often been derided as indicative of a defeatist attitude. Yet France had a smaller population than Germany and could not hope to match its field army in size. Fortresses could make good the deficiency. The key point of the Maginot Line was to protect France’s industrial heartland from a rapid German offensive and funnel a German invasion through Belgium. It worked.
The German Army won the ensuing campaign in May and June 1940, through its audacious “sickle cut” through the Ardennes Forest, which was thought impassable by Allied commanders. This cut off the British, French and Belgian armies to the north and doomed them to defeat. French strategic planning must bear much of the blame for this catastrophe, yet this was an Allied defeat, not simply a French one. The Dutch and Belgians had been reluctant to risk their neutrality and so there was little coordination before the Germans struck. And the British clearly assumed that France was to bear the main brunt of any land fighting. The British Expeditionary Force of 1940 had a maximum strength of just 12 divisions. In 1918, it had numbered 59. Small wonder that the Nazi propaganda machine used to taunt their enemies with claims that the British were “determined to fight to the last Frenchman”.
Although their generals were outclassed in 1940, French troops fought courageously and skilfully. For example, at the Battle of Gembloux – May 14-15, 1940 – elements of the French First Army checked the vaunted German “Blitzkrieg” and won enough time for their comrades and allies to withdraw. Without such tenacious rearguard actions, there would have been no “Miracle of Dunkirk” and the war might have been lost in 1940. Having crossed the Meuse River, the German Panzer divisions only had to advance 150 miles to the Channel coast to trap the bulk of the Allied forces – 1.8m French soldiers were captured, and 90,000 killed or wounded.In the opening phase of Operation Barbarossa, the German invasion of the Soviet Union the following year, the Red Army suffered nearly 5m casualties, including 2.5m who surrendered. The Russians also lost 600,000 square miles of territory. Yet, as Charles De Gaulle observed to Stalin, in the aftermath of this colossal defeat, the Soviets still had 5,000 miles of Eurasia into which they could retreat. The French did not lack courage in 1940; they lacked space.
The French military contribution to Allied victory in World War II did not end in 1940. There were 550,000 Free French soldiers under arms in 1944 and they made a major contribution to the liberation of Western Europe. In particular, Operation Dragoon – the invasion of southern France in August 1944 – was effectively a Franco-American operation, with limited British involvement.
Many of the French soldiers involved were recruited in France’s African colonies, but this was no different to the British reliance on 2.6m Indian soldiers to support their empire’s global war effort. By all accounts, the French units serving in Italy and Western Europe between 1943 and 1945, fought well, in the best traditions of the French Army.
March 6, 2022 at 4:14 am
Claude, It’s good to read your examples from 100 to 80 years ago and yes the American scorn for France in 03 was real.
Again, Francis the last 60/70 plus years is no comparison. Gov Ron is correct.
FP Monitor
March 6, 2022 at 5:29 am
It’s a big mistake to respond to anything Tom posts. He’s an arrogant ignorant Trumpster hack simply looking for the attention he doesn’t get from friends or family. Do yourself and ALL OF US a big favor. Ignore all of his return comments. Maybe the internet troll will go away.
March 5, 2022 at 5:05 pm
Lets try just a few years back .…but again I am sure that your diseased brain will ignore the facts….
Oct. 4, 2017, a team of 12 U.S. Army Special Forces operators and 30 soldiers from the Nigerien Security and Intelligence Battalion were departing the village of Tongo near the Nigerien-Malian border, when they were ambushed by insurgents from an “ISIS-affiliated group” riding in a dozen technicals—pickup trucks armed with heavy machine guns, mortars, rocket-propelled grenades and small arms. The Green Berets requesting air support until an hour after the ambush began. Once the request was received, two French Mirage 2000 fighters based at Diori Hamani Airport in the Nigerien capital of Niamey scrambled within 30 minutes, according to a statement by the French military. It took them another half hour to arrive over the battlefield, around 110 miles to the north.
The French jets performed a “show of force”—the French-language statement actually spells out the term in English—buzzing low over the insurgent technicals. The intimidation tactic worked — and compelled the enemy forces to withdraw.
An hour later, armed French helicopters swooped in, deploying French and American special operators. Finally, two Super Puma helicopters flying from Gao, Mali arrived to transport two injured Green Berets and eight Nigerien soldiers to hospitals. The wounded Americans were later flown out of Africa by private contractors…
By the way if you search for these places , make sure that you don’t try to look for them in the US or even in florida….it happed in Africa….hope it helps you in your google search …and by the way I served as a veteran and was based in Djibouti….you can google that place too….
Claudius zgreat
March 6, 2022 at 11:39 am
Desantis’ grand parents were Italians and had relatives leaving in Italy during WWII collaborating alongside Bennito mussolini…Buffons will be buffons and nothing else. desantis is another one of these and will end up just like Trump, retiring in a camp filled with buffons in a place called Florida.
March 12, 2022 at 11:03 am
I know you’re just a teen trying to troll but we don’t have to go back 70 years ago to see yank undies twisting : tell us more about your runaway from Afghanistan
March 12, 2022 at 10:55 am
thanks for this remarquable input of magabilly knowledge and education.
now explain to us why 90% of military vocabulary in English comes from French.
Kenneth L Gallaher
March 2, 2022 at 9:52 pm
DeathSantus has no idea what he is talking aobut.
March 3, 2022 at 5:09 am
America’s Governor is the whiz kid Gov who will whiz upon Manchurians such as you Kenneth, peter h, Emma marsh, Ron, and the rest of Manchurian nation. Ignorant wipes.
March 3, 2022 at 8:56 am
What a show of ignorance of 20th Century history …Stay in FL Ron, you will fail elsewhere..
March 3, 2022 at 9:08 am
If would be nice if Rona spend more time trying to help Floridians with real issues such as sea level rise, property insurance, red tide, manatee extinction threats, food insecurity, maintaining the right of privacy for a woman to make her own health decisions, and so forth; instead he is campaigning to be our “commander in chief.” Well, after shaming high school students trying to protect their lungs from viruses, maybe Rona should just resign and move to Texas, France, or Russia.
March 5, 2022 at 7:33 am
Rass my ass.
You are ignorant.
Please stop using Rona you disrespectful fool.
It’s America’s Governor that’s the reference. You are a fool.
Sebastian Tellier
March 3, 2022 at 11:34 am
Dear Governor Ron, Your great great grandparents caved to pressure and fled Italy in 1904 and 1917,with your great great granny carrying an anchor baby. You are the last person to have an opinion of any kind of this subject. France has nukes,which makes the threat of Russian invasion,unlikely.. You just worry about Florida’s meth and oxy problem,and all will be well. Merci et Meilleures Salutations de France!
Linwood Wright
March 3, 2022 at 2:18 pm
Ron DeSantis is a complete moron and a failure. It’s amazing that anybody out there can actually look at this fool and say “Yep, I support that guy!” unless they’re a knuckle-dragging idiot.
Can’t wait until Florida kicks this guy to the curb. He’s a disgrace.
March 3, 2022 at 2:25 pm
You defend that lil Gov. of Fla? TRUMP is a Moron who thought Finland was located in Russia, while that lil dingleberry Gov. has no recollection of WW1 WW2 and ummm the Statue of Liberty as well as perhaps are closest partner in Europe. But in the land of the Boberts, Taylor Greenes, Gomert and other neonumbskulls this is just par for the course.
March 3, 2022 at 2:37 pm
Manchurians, you make my day.
I suffer you gladly, easily. I am the FP legend.
U Haters of DeSantis, America’s gov are in the ash heap in history. As Prez Reagan said, you are corrupt in mind and spirit. You all are French Dems, which means you are liberal extremists.
March 12, 2022 at 2:01 pm
You do know France is a multi-party political system with plenty of sourmouthed right wing jerks who talk just like you do and think muslim children are all rapists? Geez, America is the most ignorant nation on earth.
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