Sarasota Republican Martin Hyde made clear to Fox News he is still running for Congress. He’s doing so even after a video went viral of him accosting a police officer in a Valentine’s Day traffic stop.
Fox News host Tucker Carlson hosted Hyde after the Sarasota Herald-Tribune printed a front-page apology from him in which Hyde appeared to drop out of the race in Florida’s 16th Congressional District.
On Fox, he discussed why he thinks incumbent Republicans in Congress, like his opponent Rep. Vern Buchanan, are worse for America than Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi or liberal New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.
“The reason I’m running for Congress,” Hyde said, “…the biggest issue in this country is not the wokes. It’s not the people with the mass. It’s easy to spot the Pelosi’s, the AOC’s. The real problem that we’ve got — and I’ve seen this a lot with you on this show … you talk about it a lot — it’s the RINOs.”
But what’s most notable about the interview isn’t that he trashed the establishment, but that he made clear he’s still in the race. His letter to the local newspaper was credited to “a former Republican Party candidate for Florida’s 16th Congressional District.”
Political consultant Roger Stone also told the Herald-Tribune that Hyde was out.
“I got a message indirectly from him last night that he had decided to withdraw his candidacy,” he said.
At the same time, Hyde was dodgy when asked directly by Florida Politics about his candidacy. “You’ll just have to wait and see.”
Hyde has switched gears before.
In 2019, Hyde announced he would drop out of a Sarasota City Commission race after a different video went viral. That one showed Hyde berating Puerto Rican teenagers for using courts at the Bath & Racquet Club in Sarasota. Both videos resulted in Hyde being flooded with intimidating phone calls from across the country.
But days after Hyde dropped out of the Sarasota City Commission race, he said he would continue his candidacy.
“I did what I did,” Hyde said. “It’s not the first time I’ve done it. I’m one of those people that people like to have in their corner when there’s a fight because I don’t shy away.”
But since news of the traffic stop broke, Hyde has disappeared from listings at Republican events.
Paul Rickert
March 5, 2022 at 7:21 pm
A man like Hyde has no respect for authority or his constituents, he is best not running. He is a pig.
Bobby bollox
March 5, 2022 at 7:42 pm
Utter cunt.
lani tiki
March 6, 2022 at 3:49 pm
Are you talking about the asshole or the policewoman?
Ryan Lamp
March 6, 2022 at 4:34 pm
I would assume Bobby is talking about the douchebag politician. I’m a republican, and the last thing we need is power tripping assholes like that POS in office. Hell, the average republican voter is on a mission to rid our party of pathetic ass-hats like him. I;m a huge fan of Tucker Carlson’s. SHAME ON YOU Tucker Carlson for giving this dirt-bag even a second of air time. He obviously believes he’s above the law and better than everyone else, so leave his ass in the gutter.
Bill Johnson
March 6, 2022 at 4:40 pm
Why are you a huge fan of Tucker? Heck, why even be a huge fan of Fox? Tucker is a grifter. After being sued his lawyers defended him by saying any reasonable person wouldn’t believe what he says.
You gotta wake up man. These people go on speaking out against vaccine mandates when Fox News requires them.
They are millionaires making their money off of grifting people and you have apparently fallen for it.
Ryan Lamp
March 6, 2022 at 5:03 pm
You do realize Tucker Carlson is a commentator, right? He’s not a news anchor or a reporter, he’s a commentator. He’s paid to give his opinion. It’s literally the platform on which his show is build. Or can you not tell the difference? Obviously you’d prefer we only had leftist opinions being heard though, right?
Oh, and as for Fox’s vaccine mandate, do YOU agree with everything YOUR employer does? The difference between Fox and the rest of the mainstream media, like CNN, is CNN would fire an employees that dared to complain about vaccine mandates, or speak off script at all. Fox actually allows their talking heads to speak their minds, even when it goes against the companies stance. You sure as hell can’t accuse CNN or MSNBC of that. Anyone who dared to go on air and not read from the leftist scrip would be fired by the end of the day. Which is why they all regurgitate the exact same lines. Flip through any of the other MSM channels they’re literally all saying the exact same thing, almost verbatim. They’re all reading from the same script.
Hahahaha… I need to wake up? I woke up ten years ago and left the Democratic Party after 35 years of loyal support. I’m not the one who bashes the one major news outlet that actually allows more than one opinion to be spoken on air. If you’re still supporting the Democratic Party, and getting all of your information from the leftist media, ESPECIALLY NOW, then it is you who’s in a coma.
Steven Allison
March 7, 2022 at 8:52 am
Thank you! Martin Hyde appears to be a case study Sociopath. The entire body cam video shows a pathetic political bully who obviously see’s himself as an authoritarian tough guy who assumes he’s “above the law”! There is an epidemic of politicians like him! No wonder Roger Stone is his handler. He’d be better suited running along side of Putin in Russia! He’ll likely be appointed to a non-elected position in the DeSantis administration.
March 14, 2022 at 2:57 pm
WHY are you listening AT ALL to tuck em up Carlson? He lies nonstop and when hes not lieing, he is delibratley spinning the crap out of a “Story”. He’s sympathizing with the RUSSIANS! No doubt he would have been licking hitlers boots nonstop.
March 6, 2022 at 2:12 am
Everything on this interview is carefully orchestrated by Fox to salvage this horrible man’s image. Do not be deceived. We’d be wasting the opportunity to send the establishment a message if we elected this guy into office again.
Ryan Lamp
March 6, 2022 at 4:41 pm
I’m a registered republican, having left the Democratic Party nearly ten years ago, after more than 35 years of loyalty, but I must say, I 100% agree with you. We need to rid our government of these monumental power tripping ass-hats, and get back to a government of the people, by the people and for the people. That dirt back is for no one except himself.
Carter Roesch
March 6, 2022 at 8:00 am
Well these idiots are everywhere Hyde in Fla., Gomert in Tx., Mushmouth Kenedy in Lo and that`s not to mention. Then there`s the MORON SISTERS, America Putin waited as long as he could for Trump to try and overthrow the U.S. government. Can you imagine Trump`s stand if he was still president. Oh it’s a beautiful little war marvelous. Putin’s giving me some hotels that I can brand with the family name.
Ryan Lamp
March 6, 2022 at 4:45 pm
Have you ever seen or heard of John Kennedy treating ANYONE like that? I certainly haven’t. The people of Louisiana absolutely LOVE Kennedy, because he’s literally the exact opposite of dirt-bags like the one in this video. You’ll never find Kennedy disrespecting anyone like that.
Isie Ned
March 9, 2022 at 12:35 am
I love Cassidy. He is a man of great valor. He reminds me of the GOP members, who used to be of moral courage and vote bipartisanship when the issue involved doing what is best for the people of both parties. Now we have angry, lying, money grabbers GOP with the mentality ability of T.Rex .
Sandy Gilmour
March 6, 2022 at 11:33 am
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to you about the person running for Florida House of Representatives. I am a UK citizen and the person, Martin Hyde who is running is from the UK too. This may sound very emotional, but it is because I feel really strong that this candidate should not be given the chance to run for a public office.
I had never heard of him until over a week ago when I came across youtube videos, being an awful human being. He threatened the police office, he was racist to her, he blatantly lied, He superiors gave her no support but kowtow to the ‘would be politician’. Each time he has denied the accusation when there the proof is on camera.
I also found information on youtube videos being racist, misogynistic and rude. Again. Each time he denied the accusation when there is proof on camera.
There are other articles online that point out the kind of person he really is and, in my opinion, would not vote in a person of his unworthy standing.
The final straw was seeing him on Tucker Carlson, who practically praised the man. Did ‘Tucker Carlson’ see the full video with the police woman???
Tucker Carlson recently made apologizing for his behaviour. I did not really understand what he was saying but they were not sincere.
This man is from my own country and I am sorry you have such a man who think he is above the law and has no human decency going for a seat in your government.
Your sincerely,
Sandy Gilmour
March 6, 2022 at 7:55 pm
Stopping pulling God into your worst!
Alfonso Brena
March 6, 2022 at 10:27 pm
Martin Hyde needs to go period, I’m a Republican and I will not tolerate this behavior in any way shape or form.
Blanca Barragan
March 7, 2022 at 1:36 am
What a piece of crap.
David Gerden
March 8, 2022 at 8:42 am
Doesn’t matter which side of the line you consider yourself in, anyone with this kind of attitude discredits the political system and real democracy. No sense of morality, integrity or decency in this individual. Wake Up USA and clean out the rot on both sides!
March 8, 2022 at 7:10 pm
March 8, 2022 at 4:28 pm
This man is the poster child for everything that is wrong with the political system today. The only thing this piece of shit regrets is being caught showing his true colours.
March 8, 2022 at 7:08 pm
I’m not woke. In fact, I’m anti woke. I think this country is going down the tubes. I’m a life long Republican. I just watched the video on Youtube and I am embarrassed by this man. I was hoping he was a Democrat. I don’t care that he thinks it’s funny that he apologized and tries to make it sound like his apology, admitting he’s a complete and utter power drunken jerk somehow makes him special person among other politicians that keep their dark sides somewhat more private. Utter embarrassment doesn’t even cover it. “She won’t see an 8th year”. What a vile man. I’m not from Florida, but why is this English guy even representing anyone there? Take your $125,000 rover and go home.
Isie Ned
March 9, 2022 at 12:41 am
Your words are proof that regardless of party affiliation.
The real party embrace Grace and Justice for ALL. Thank you!!
March 10, 2022 at 1:50 am
Agreed! Disgusted by both Tucker and Hyde. Unacceptable.
March 8, 2022 at 7:12 pm
I’ll add to my above statement, I don’t normally seek out articles to comment on. I didn’t find this article by accident. I was so shocked by this man’s behavior, I actually got up almost immediately, went into my office and looked him up online to find out more about him, which led me here. That’s how utterly disgusted I was with this trashy douchebag.
March 8, 2022 at 11:04 pm
Wow! Looks like Tucker just showed his true colors and that he’s really a puppet. He mauled Ted Cruz for a very bad slip of the tongue and rightfully so! Yet Martin Hyde gets praised for being one of the worst human beings to one of the most professionals police officers. Her supervisor was a chump too who did not have her back! He was almost apologetic to Martin Hyde. I’m sure there isn’t a day that goes by tomorrow that the supervisors peers or karma let him forget about his spineless behavior. People of Florida…..keep being a great example to the rest of the USA by giving Martin Hyde a swift kick in his super tight unzipped pants. .
Linda Tower
March 10, 2022 at 6:35 pm
Well Tucker did say it was the most unbelievable apology he’s ever heard.That could be taken either way and when tucker knows which way the wind is blowing he has his ass covered, ha
Steve Smith
March 10, 2022 at 7:02 am
Martin Hyde fits right into the Putin-Trump wing of the Republican Party.
Mike hunt
March 12, 2022 at 11:25 am
This is the start of corruption. I’m above everyone else, I’ll scratch your back you scratch mine. Just another piece of shit that thinks he’s better than everyone, bragging about his money. I’d never vote for this fool.
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