Rick Scott blasts ‘Rescue America’ plan critics in Heritage remarks

rick scott
'Washington's full of a bunch of do-nothing people.'

Sen. Rick Scott continues to press his case for his plan to “rescue America”, spotlighting the 11-point proposal in remarks Thursday to the right-of-center Heritage Foundation.

Scott has taken heat from the right and the left for some of the aspects of the plan, which include reviews for safety net programs like Medicare and Social Security, and a push to compel people who “live off the government” to put some “skin in the game” and pay federal income taxes.

Despite the mixed reviews, Scott continues to press forward, and Thursday found Scott willing to take critics to task.

“You all know what the critics in Washington are going to say,” Scott said. “They’re going to say I’m not woke enough and not serious. They’ll say I’m racist some way or the other because that’s what they do when they disagree with you.”

“Look, Washington’s full of a bunch of do-nothing people who believe that no conservative idea can ever happen,” Scott added. “Nothing will change for the better as long as they’re in charge, and that’s why we’re going to get rid of them.”

The Senator singled out Republican critics as well, a group that has included everyone from Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to Grover Norquist.

“Republicans will complain about the plan (with) anonymous quotes, some not so anonymous,” Scott added. “They’ll argue that Democrats will use it against us in the election. I hope they do. My response is: Bring it on.”

Scott blamed “old thinking that got us where we are today” for Republicans being swept out of power in the 2020 election, saying that his plan could be the road back to power.

The Senator also rejected the notion that he’s looking to raise taxes as a lie Democrats told and Republicans bought into.

“I’m not going to raise taxes. Democrats are lying about the plan. And Republicans are parroting what they’re saying,” Scott said. “I’m not going to raise taxes on anybody.”

However, he did offer the latest in a series of criticisms for people Scott says could have jobs, but don’t want them.

“They don’t want to work and they’ve figured out how to get on a government program. That’s wrong,” Scott argued.

A.G. Gancarski

A.G. Gancarski has written for FloridaPolitics.com since 2014. He is based in Northeast Florida. He can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter: @AGGancarski


  • Comments

    March 31, 2022 at 4:59 pm

    You knowing know those do nothing’s do not want responsibility for their actions

  • Frankie M.

    March 31, 2022 at 8:50 pm

    Is Ricky describing himself? Recycling the old “welfare queen” from the 80’s when more people are working harder than ever isn’t exactly fresh thinking.

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