Sen. Rick Scott started running a second ad Thursday in which he touts his “11-point plan to rescue America” and blasts the President as unable to perform the duties of the job.
The “Our Policies” ad will have a seven-figure spend behind it, following up on another ad running that covers much of the same territory.
“You know with Joe Biden as President, all Americans have one thing in common. We all have less and everything costs more. More for gas. More for food. More for rent. We have mortgage rates rising, 401(k)’s shrinking, and a baby formula shortage,” Scott says.
“Joe Biden is incompetent, confused, and forcing us into a recession,” the Senator adds.
The Scott ad is the Senator’s latest attempt to counter-message a President who flogs him as a stand-in for the rest of the Republican Party.
President Biden has invoked what he calls Scott’s “ultra-MAGA agenda“ as a cautionary tale of how things could be worse under Republican leadership. Biden has focused on Scott’s proposals to make sure more people paid income tax, demonstrating what Scott called “skin in the game,” as well as potential reviews that could sunset programs like Medicare and Social Security.
Scott is spending money as new national polling shows him underwater in terms of popularity with everyone but the base.
According to a national survey of 2,005 registered voters from Morning Consult and POLITICO, Scott is regarded favorably by just 16% of poll respondents, with 27% disliking Scott. Another 21% had no opinion on Scott, with a full 36% having never heard of him.
Independent voters were notably sour on the Senator. Just 12% of them approved of Scott, with 29% disapproving. Men particularly were opposed to Scott, with 36% of male independent voters regarding him unfavorably, a staggering -25 with the demographic.
See the new Scott ad below.
Impeach Biden
May 19, 2022 at 7:40 pm
Joe Biden is incompetent. Rick Scott is completely correct on this. I have to wonder who these 30 per centers are that think that old fool is actually doing a good job. You guys can flame Rick Scott, but remember who is the CIC the next time you go to the gas station, look at your 201k, shop at the grocery store, etc. etc.
May 21, 2022 at 8:57 pm
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working america
May 22, 2022 at 1:46 pm
flagged as bullshit from a drunken slob
Claude Kirk the younger
May 19, 2022 at 8:29 pm
Imagine how the minority confused left will react if Scott gets elected as the 47th President. They will litterly loose their minds. Y’all thought the left lost it over Trump with all their screaming at the sky, wailing, and gnashing of teeth.
Just wait and watch. Right now Scott is just yanking on y’alls chain and getting his kicks watching you babies squeel. Wait untill Scott ramps the heat up. Its going to be such fun to watch the perdictable leftist freak out show.
May 19, 2022 at 9:30 pm
Biden and his team are terribly inept, incompetent and destroying our country. It’s reached grossly concerning. Sen Scott is correct, along with America’s Gov are willing to call it straight. More importantly we are suffering.
The Dem, dum left are trying to destroy the country so as to recast it. This is not an accident. It’s all purposeful. I hope you incompetent morons who are spoon fed Dem. Dum Adam Schiff on a stick are happy. Boy you really got a hate someone or country to bring this miserable Potus pud, his inept v Potus, and incompetent cabinet. Your spoon fed, talking points Manchurians are scurrilous. How you like this misery now! Disgusting.
May 22, 2022 at 7:36 am
Were you drunk when you wrote this comment? To say it is incoherent would be an understatement.
May 22, 2022 at 10:18 pm
How ignorant are you to not comprehend. Such a fool.
Colt Seavers
May 20, 2022 at 6:12 am
Democrats are so dead in the water they have no intelegant response to the truth Scott is pushing out. Grancarski is trying so hard but former diehard Democrats are running from the party like rats on a sinking ship. Scott continues to have sport with the leftist talking heads and they cant figgure out why Scott is doing it. Does Scott want the White House is Scott just trying to keep his Senate seat is Scott just an honorable American pushing back on the idioticy of the left????
You leftists just dont know. You were hopefull you could win by digging up Trump hate but now Scott threw a monkey wrench into the left’s plan. You just dont know how to deal with the unplanned Scott.
May 20, 2022 at 6:29 am
Yawn.. as usual Tom and Peachy have nothin substantial or truthful to add to any conversation. Just juvenile insults and Fox talking points. They remind me of the 10 year old boys I used to teach whining at the schoolyard gate.. too bad Mama didn’t pay enough attention to them.
May 20, 2022 at 9:16 am
Go F yourself you dumb ass fake moniker. You have no balls, using a fake name. I am legend of FP.
Only socialist morons like you non believer , AOC, Sanders, and rass my ass would differ.
Biden is the worse Potus since Hoover, depression. He’s surpassed jimmy carter. I present facts. Our country is being destroyed. 2.5 million illegals Sw border. Destroyed economy, gas, food, etc. Dums have brought suffering to poor, middle class. Hispanics have abandoned the Dums, watch Texas CD 34 next month.
Independents and school moms, sub women, want nothing to do with the Dum extremist party. Dums support abortion last trimester, up to birth! Schoener’s vote last week. Extremists like dum dum demings too.
None of this is a mistake, this is purposeful by incompetent, inept Biden and greens. Where is AOC hiding, Ron Klain, WH CoS must have put a big one in her mouth!
Socialists getting your ass kicked in Nov. Biden’s Florida approval 36% is now the National approval, we are looking at 50 of more new House seats. 8 SenAte seats. Chameleon crispy going down! Fraud had no chance. Marco wins! Enjoy morons!
May 20, 2022 at 8:34 am
President Biden has honor and dedication, something that “I plead the 5th” Rick, carpetbagger, Scott knows nothing about. Screw you, alien loser! Why don’t you quit and leave Florida?
May 20, 2022 at 9:21 am
LMAO , Wah Wah rass and fake moniker.
Biden is worse Potus since Hoover depression.
Facts are funny things. My previous truths stand! I am legend of FP.
Enjoy! Dum Biden, Harris party, the party of new depression.
tom palmer
May 20, 2022 at 9:24 am
I guess we could also talk about the corrupt and arrogant Rick Scott, but that would get the usual suspects on this site flapping again.
May 20, 2022 at 10:36 am
“During Scott’s 2000 deposition, he pleaded the Fifth Amendment 75 times. In settlements reached in 2000 and 2002, Columbia/HCA pleaded guilty to 14 felonies and agreed to a $600+ million fine in what was at the time the largest health care fraud settlement in U.S. history.”
And then was he was elected to the hallowed halls of the FL gubernatorial, and further onto a National stage.
Perhaps it’s telling of the FL populace at large.
May 20, 2022 at 8:34 pm
Sorry JD.
Really bad news today on multiple fronts.
Robbie Mook, Hillary’s campaign manager in 2016, testified in federal court today in DC today. He stated, unsolicited that HRC approved of the fake alpha bank lie. Which gave us RUSSiA, fake mueller and Steele dossiers. Just a sack of Adam Schiff in a Nancy Pelosi nanny pack.
Just saying. Unriddle me that one JD.
You also remember James caraville ? Ragin Cajun for Slick Willie. He coined it’s the economy stupid.
Florida announced 59,000 new jobs. 3.0% unemployment, and America’s Gov announced $21 billion in reserves per state revenues.
Really bad day for Florida Dums. Just saying JD. Biden’s approval is 38% nationally and at 36% in Florida.
Really pathetic. Chameleon and fraud, are In the Everglades sinking.
May 21, 2022 at 9:25 am
Sure I remember the Ragin’ Cajun and his infamous tagline.
Here’s your dissertation.
I’m untrusting of Scott’s moral character. You don’t invoke the right not to incriminate yourself 75 times if you have done nothing wrong.
And after reading his 11 Point plan, it is going to be a tough sell even with his buzz word topics. It’s doesn’t seem to have substance (no How).
For one it’s isolationist (and the supply chain issues shows that debacle is causing pain – in the economy).
For two, it’s injecting religion into the mix way too much – I seem to recall something about separation of church and state in our government?
For three, it’s very culture war pandering – they are all talking head talking points that are to just “start shit” (mostly on FP).
“Men are men, women are women, and unborn babies are babies. We believe in science:” (I’m not buying the “science” part frankly – but is this is a culture war topic that potentially could bite him in the ass).
Or the “We will grow America’s economy, starve Washington’s economy, and stop Socialism.” Really? give me a break – nobody is holding a workers party meeting, at best they doing unionization meeting, which is what built the middle class wages. His party’s Populism and Authoritarianism is closer to socialism than the Dem’s scattered ideology, so there’s cosmic irony in the authoritarian Reps calling the Dems socialists – it’s just people don’t know how to look up anything any more to know the difference.
However, I do recall Scott’s FL 7-7-7 plan and it made good on the GDP growth, and job growth, but not sure about much else (the universities becoming world class, wage growth was stagnant, and I believe the state reserves were pretty decimated).
He needs to show more the How on each of his points and for some of the points the Why.
I still maintain there needs to be a balance between Red Meat Politics to drive people to vote and the Public Good with the scale more to the “Public Good” side.
Just saying and condolences as well
May 23, 2022 at 11:28 pm
J D, my compliments on this one.
You are gifted with the prose! Well articulated. Your dissertations are well crafted.
Scott is an enigma to me. Incredibly wealthy, I believe he and wife are worth, we’ll over $300 million I believe.
I defer to others on him except to say I tend to agree with him most times.
1. I think the plan is to challenge orthodoxy bin both sides of aisle, McConnell isn’t happy either. Challenging the swamp.
2. Supply chain, we desperately need to relocate core industries back to America. Growing up in the Midwest, we had factories and warehouses in neighborhoods, blue collar jobs. These were FDR and JFK Dems. Both parties sold America out. Bring back the factories, jobs!
3. Why is it Ok when the Dems campaign from pulpit? Repub. do rely on evangelicals, no apologies. Or as you say, church and state.
4. Roe v wade was awful court invention. Difference in first 12 or 14 weeks and right up to birth.
5. I disagree on this one about economy. Dems govt funding is overwhelming the private market place. I still see the Repub. trying less interfering in private sector compared to Dems.
Repubs are the party now of blue collar, middle class, and working class Americans. Hispanics and married couple families are supporting the GOP.
Regrets, as it took so long but I’ve had Manchurians bombarding me know multiple articles. Take care J D.
May 20, 2022 at 5:07 pm
$16,000 or even more is very simple and easy to earns while staying and working online. start receiving paychecks every month simply by doing work online.dfv i recently received $17493 in my bank of my last month’s working. i just gave this job 2 hours maximum from my day. simple and easy home based job.
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The old days.
May 21, 2022 at 11:47 am
Why are all these old people in politics calling each other confused?
That’s pretty much what being old is.
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