Gov. Ron DeSantis decried hearings about the Jan. 6 riots Wednesday in a press conference in Madeira Beach, saying Democrats and the media continue to “beat a dead horse.”
“Why aren’t they doing hearings about more energy? Why aren’t they doing hearings about inflation? Why are they constantly beating this dead horse?” DeSantis harangued.
“Yes, we understand that, that was a year and a half ago,” DeSantis said of the riots at the Capitol that temporarily delayed the certification of the 2020 Presidential Election.
DeSantis decried the “bubble” of the “D.C./New York media” as focusing on incident at the Capitol over recent Republican election wins.
“They do not care about any of us out here in other parts,” DeSantis lamented.
“They’re showing that they don’t care what you’re going through at the gas pump, they don’t care what you’re going through at the grocery store or all these other things that have skyrocketed since (Joe) Biden took office,” DeSantis continued. “They’re trying to divert attention away from that and focus on other things that they think will help mobilize their voter base.”
DeSantis noted that recent GOP election wins, such as a Tuesday night win in South Texas, show voters agree the event was not a big deal compared to what’s going on now.
DeSantis has consistently contended scrutiny of the events of Jan. 6 — when a mob agitated by former President Donald Trump’s false argument that the Presidential Election was stolen from him — has been overblown and of no interest to Floridians.
“This is their Christmas,” he said of the media and Democrats at a January 2022 press conference in West Palm Beach, when asked about the anniversary of the riot.
“It’s not something that I’ve been concerned about in my job, because quite frankly it’s not something that most Floridians are concerned about,” he told reporters.
Describing a “nauseating display of political hypocrisy and grandstanding from Democrats in Congress and in the corporate media,” DeSantis decreed in a subsequent fundraising email that “Jan. 6th is like Christmas for the out-of-touch D.C., New York political and media class.”
While DeSantis won’t describe the Capitol riot as an insurrection, used the word in a recent diss of protesters at the Supreme Court.
Florida tops all states in arrests for participation in the Capitol riot, a dubious distinction.
June 15, 2022 at 12:59 pm
“ ‘Why aren’t they doing hearings about more energy? Why aren’t they doing hearings about inflation? Why are they constantly beating this dead horse?’ DeSantis harangued.” – Because, unlike DeSantis and Trump, “they” value democracy and truly democratic elections as the single most important aspect of the USA and its government. (Apparently DeSantis STILL believes that talking like an idiot will get him more votes than talking like the NORTHEAST Harvard law school graduate that he is would get him.)
June 16, 2022 at 3:42 pm
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June 15, 2022 at 1:25 pm
Dear Governor DeSantis,
How unAmerican of you to dismiss the January 6th Committee investigating Donald Trump’s attempted Coup.You are a daily disgrace to the office you currently hold.
We never heard you complaining about the EIGHT taxpayer funded investigations concerning Benghazi that resulted in zero indictments or convictions.
To date, the Justice Department has indicted 600 Republican criminals, many of them ex-military, who along with your best friend Donald Trump attempted AND failed a coup.
Please withhold your anti-Constitutional rhetoric until all the facts have been reviewed and revealed. Only today we learned that Publix grocery store heiress Carol Jenkins Barnett, who died of Alzheimer’s in 2021 was grifted of tens of thousands of dollars in support of Trump’s insurrection. Further, we now have multiple location video streams taken inside the Capital on JANUARY 5, 2020 taken of a Republican reconnaissance “tourist” ……escorted by lying GOP Rep. Barry Loudermilk.
Additional January 6th video of this same “tourist” screaming threats against members of Congress.
There are sitting members of Congress who are complicit in the American terrorist events of January 6th.
June 15, 2022 at 5:21 pm
You are an idiot peter h.
The Pelosi star chamber is full of Adam Schiff on a stick.
No one is paying attention to that.
Schiff, Radkkn snd likely Lofgrdm will be expelled, Pelosi will resign with new majority’s.
Grow up you total boy, stop wiping Rick Wilson’s shoes.
Texas 34 pal, plus 5 Biden. went Repub., extrapolate that across America. As a poly science, and congressional scholar your looking at 20 to 40 new house seats flipping. If recession before Labor Day, 70 house seats. Dems will be in minority for decade. Super majorities legislature in Florida. Ron wins big.
Cry me a River!
America’s Gov being encouraged to seek presidency! Rising tide for all in Florida with America’s Gov!
Vincent Inman
June 17, 2022 at 8:52 am
The idiot is you Tom. You’re a traitor just like DeSantis and Trump
June 16, 2022 at 8:09 am
Most Americans have dismissed the Jan 6. It’s a snoozer.
You are the village idiot peter h.
Schiff, Raskin, Lofgren and Pelosi will be expelled in the NEW Repub Congress. You take a Adam Schiff every time you talk. They will be expelled.
Cheney will lose her privacy, Lincoln predator Org, can’t save her. Kinzinger is gone. The Dems gerrymandered him.
Peter h, you have a new towel boy in Ryan from Tampa.
FP monitor makes me the legend I am. FP monitor is a Soros Manchurian. I suffer all you Manchurians happily.
FP Monitor
June 15, 2022 at 1:29 pm
It’s a big mistake to respond to anything Tom posts. He’s an arrogant ignorant uneducated Trumpster hack simply looking for the attention he doesn’t get from friends or family. Tom is all about personal attacks and lying. Tom will never allow truthful facts get in the way of his continuous fake news story line! Tom makes stuff up as he types. Just like his hero figures Trump and childish Madison Cawthorn, Tom vacillates in a cesspool of absurd self-grandiose magical thinking. Do yourself and ALL OF US a big favor. Ignore all of his return comments. Maybe the internet troll will go away.
Ryan in Tampa
June 15, 2022 at 1:59 pm
First off… this is hilarious, secondly, did he actually post in here or is this pre-emptive? lol
June 15, 2022 at 2:42 pm
Why is DeSantis marginalizing the hearings regarding the attempted overturning of the Presidential election results? We know there was no significant fraud that would have changed the outcome. Why did the attacked on the Capitol happen and who was responsible for this assault on our symbol of American democracy?
June 15, 2022 at 4:45 pm
FYI, real Tom here, FP monitor proves once again how I am the FP legend.
He is not marginalizing you foolish idiot! Are you Soros Manchurians all brain dead. Hello mc fly,
All the key members roll defeated in nov or expelled from Congress. Schiff and Raskin will be expelled from Congress. Possibly Lofgrdn too. Cheney wil he defeated Easily, she is losing badly. Kinzinger get F’d by Illinois Dums, Gus district is done.
Repubs wion s plus 5 Biden seat last night. Texas 34, first time 100 yrs. first Mexican woman elected to congress.
DeSantis knows what he speaks.
Whiz kid gov! Florida #1, DeSantis on his way. Big re elect.
Such idiots, 5% haters!
Thanks for making me legend! LMAO.
June 16, 2022 at 8:50 am
Tom ,,, Are you Christina Pushaw in drag?
June 15, 2022 at 4:39 pm
High gas prices and inflation are being caused by the ultra rich wanting to take more from the workers that got their grandfather, their daddy and them wealthy in the first place. Democrats and Republicans are fighting over who is right….and they justify criminal behavior if it suits their side of the spectrum. The SWAMP changes power every few years. Trump’s political party affiliation has changed numerous times. He registered as a Republican in Manhattan in 1987, switched to the Reform Party in 1999, the Democratic Party in 2001, and back to the Republican Party in 2009. That should show you what kind of person you are supporting right there. He does not care about the American people and he is presently the king of the Lilly pad, in the republican swamp that he created.
Vincent Inman
June 17, 2022 at 8:54 am
Trump was the Reform Party candidate for President in 2000. Folks don’t seem to know that.
Casey horse
June 15, 2022 at 10:25 pm
Dead horse? Did Casey finally leave us?
John Barron
June 16, 2022 at 9:22 am
Whine ‘n Cry DeSantis at it again. Trying to distract from what a disaster Florida has become. Trump hands him the keys to the sunshine state and DeSantis craps on it like. Like a character in an HBO max show (major poop fetish at that place).
June 17, 2022 at 7:19 pm
How is Florida a disaster? Please explain….Tons of people are moving here directly because of his policies.
Charlotte Greenbarg
June 16, 2022 at 10:05 am
The far left continues to desperately try to distract from the fact that they’re circling the drain. I love when they post their garbage because it shows them for what they are
Judy Handy
June 16, 2022 at 5:43 pm
You have made a mess of Fla trying to get revenge. I don’t know who is worse you or Trump. Maybe you should tax chemo too.
Republican truth
June 17, 2022 at 3:40 am
Republican men vote based on how hot the candidate’s wife is. Ronnie is no Donald and Casey is certainly no Melania.
Bob Calderaro
June 17, 2022 at 8:42 am
How long did you all beat that Benghazi horse or that Hillary email horse. What short term memories you hypocrites have
Stephen P Johnson
June 17, 2022 at 12:39 pm
Well little Napoleon is trying to make political points again with maga. Dismissing a coup to get his name in the news just like he did with Disney. With outlandish statements. The sad thing is there are so many willfully ignorant citizens that swallow all the crap he spews. It might work in Florida Ronnie but the rest of our nation will see right through you bs after putting up with trump and his ilk for the past few years.
June 17, 2022 at 4:02 pm
He is going to turn Florida into a police state. Just like what happened in WW2 in Germany and all the devastation that occurred and the murders. That is where he and Trump are headed. Especially when he tried to over throw our Government. You may not think so but think about all the lies and the voting restrictions, abortion restrictions. It’s only going to get worse.
June 17, 2022 at 7:17 pm
How is he turning Florida into a police state?
Murray Hill
June 19, 2022 at 11:46 pm
Good old Ron wants those 1/6 hearings to go away because he doesn’t want Trump to fear conviction- if he does then he will definitely announce his candidacy for 2024 and as we all can plainly see big Ron has been campaigning his tail off for over a year now for POTUS. Ron is spooked. He sees the handwriting on the wall.
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