Ruth’s List Florida announced four local election endorsements in Central Florida, including backing Sandra Fatmi-Hall for Orange County Commission and Cheryl Grieb for re-election to the Osceola County Commission.
The organization drives to elect pro-abortion rights Democratic women to office at all levels of Florida government. Ruth’s List also announced it is backing Barb Girtman for Volusia County Council and Angela Eady for Kissimmee City Commission.
Fatmi-Hall is running for the County Commission’s District 2 seat in northwestern Orange County. It is a nonpartisan election and Ruth’s List took care in not making any explicit party declarations in its endorsement announcement.
Yet Fatmi-Hall is running against the only Republican on the Commission, first-term incumbent Christine Moore. There also is another candidate in the Aug. 23 election, Christopher Delgado.
“If elected, Fatmi-Hall will be the first Black and Caribbean woman to represent this seat. She is a founder of a nonprofit that focuses on bridging the gap in the family, educational, and mentoring needs of the Central Florida community,” Ruth’s List observed in a news release.
Grieb is seeking a second term for the Osceola County Commission’s District 4 seat. Only Democrats are running, so the election with Jackie Espinosa and Carlos Irizarray will take place in the Aug. 23 Democratic Primary.
“Grieb is a small business owner and serves as the first and only openly LGBTQ+ member of the Osceola County Commission,” the Ruth’s List release stated. “Grieb is also a member of the Downtown Kissimmee Area Council for the Chamber of Commerce, as well as the commission’s current vice chair.”
Girtman is running for re-election in the nonpartisan Volusia County Council District 1 race, opposed by Don Dempsey.
“Girtman is a Ruth’s List alumna and an accomplished real estate professional. She is the only Black council member, making her re-election crucial to ensuring Black representation in county leadership,” the release stated.
Eady is challenging incumbent Commissioner Felix Ortiz for the District 2 seat on the Kissimmee City Commission.
“Eady is a two-time Ruth’s List almuna whose election will make her the only Black commissioner and will flip the commission from a male to a female majority,” Ruth’s List release stated.
One comment
July 9, 2022 at 11:11 am
Ruth’s List seem to not realize that Central Florida is becoming increasingly Latino – yet I do not see any endorsements supportive of the Latino community. Get with the program Ruth’s List.
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