Fresh statewide polling shows most independent voters back Gov. Ron DeSantis’ controversial decision to fly migrants to other states.
A Spectrum News/Siena College Poll released Monday shows 50% of independents support Florida sending migrants to other states, specifically naming Massachusetts and New York. Just 44% oppose the flights, which include a controversial charter flight of migrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard that took place last month.
Independent support essentially mirrors the overall poll, which shows 49% in favor and 44% opposed, with partisan splits in play.
Democratic politicians have called the transit “human trafficking.” And by an overwhelming margin, Democrats agree: 79% oppose it, while just 10% of Democrats back “Air DeSantis.” Meanwhile, 87% of Republicans back the migrant relocation scheme, while just 9% oppose it.
A gender gap is in play with the migrant transit program, with 55% of men supporting it against 39% opposition. But with women, it’s underwater, with 44% support against 49% disapproval.
White voters favor it, with 56% approval, compared to just 15% of Black voters who back the program. It’s underwater with Latino voters, meanwhile, with 42% support and 51% disapproval.
Regional splits are also in play. While migrant relocation has majority approval in North Florida and Tampa Bay, it is underwater in both Miami-Dade and Orlando metros.
With Hurricane Ian fostering disaster-driven cooperation between DeSantis and President Joe Biden, the migrant flights have been drastically downplayed in the re-election campaign messaging. Yet there was a sign the controversy was chafing DeSantis even before that, with a fundraising email last month blasting Biden’s immigration “crisis” but not mentioning the Martha’s Vineyard charter flight.
“As the crisis at our southern border worsens, DeSantis contended, “the Left seems to be up in arms and offended about everything except the crisis itself.”
Ahead of the hurricane, defiant DeSantis told friendly interviewer Sean Hannity that both travelers and those in Martha’s Vineyard “wanted” the plane to land.
“They said they wanted this; they said they were a sanctuary jurisdiction,” DeSantis claimed.
The undocumented immigrants had “all signed consent forms to go,” he added.
With Florida now dealing with a natural disaster that few imagined weeks ago, the migrant flights have receded from the headlines. But in at least one poll, they were a political winner.
This survey of 669 likely voters was taken before Hurricane Ian, between Sept. 18 and Sept. 25. Republicans made up 34% of respondents, Democrats 33%, and Independent/Other 28%. The poll had a 4.5-point margin of error.
Impeach Biden
October 3, 2022 at 5:23 pm
Wow look at that. Independent voters like border security as well. It’s only the Corsin, Offen, Crist stooges and the Democratic leadership that supports this insanity. Scream abortion louder you knuckleheads. It’s all you got and no one is listening.
Fat Cammack
October 3, 2022 at 5:32 pm
You just remember to vote for me baby doll. I might even throw in a naked greasy face sit, bare assed face scrub, raunchy rug grind

October 3, 2022 at 8:07 pm
Wah, wah degenerate Joey Corsin!
Tom Dumbass
October 3, 2022 at 8:44 pm
Tropical 2 wah wah ocean whirlwind? “Dum dum” ding dong Soros Manchurian ping pong king kong shlong?
October 3, 2022 at 9:36 pm
LMAO, I’ve made you crazy Joey!
U are fried. You are against the people’s of the USA.
Tom Dumbass
October 3, 2022 at 10:31 pm
You are against humanity because you’ve not dealt with your intellectual disabilities. Just don’t vote or post about stupid sht on the internet and you’ll be doing your duty.
Juanita Mendoza
October 3, 2022 at 5:23 pm
DeSantis men made us sign paperwork. Also stripped us naked and hurled vulgar obscenities at us. One lady was led into the bathroom with one of DeSantis men. An hour later, we saw her being wheeled out of the bathroom on a gurney. She was naked and lifeless. She was never seen again.
Ocean Joe
October 3, 2022 at 6:11 pm
Toying with human lives is not a virtue.
We are a nation of immigrants.
‘Impeach Biden’ probably claims to be Cherokee, but the rest of us came here for a better life and to build the most incredible country in the history of nations.
Quit with the immigrant bashing. Quit reading Mein Kampf.
Remember who you are and how you or your ancestors got here.
More Golden Rule, not golden showers.
Ocean Joe
October 3, 2022 at 6:36 pm
As the rebuilding and repairing starts in storm damaged areas
watch and see who does the work. Who provides the labor.
Who puts your roof back on.
Impeach Biden
October 3, 2022 at 6:38 pm
Unlike Elizabeth Warren I didn’t have to come up with a minority status to get into school. So no, I do not claim to be a Cherokee Indian. I am for LEGAL immigration into this country not the illegal chaos that has been going on ant record levels since Joe took over.
October 5, 2022 at 11:15 am
Why is DeSantis kidnapping migrants from Texan and not Florida? Is it because he can not find migrants in Florida? Perhaps the immigration issue is not a problem in Florida.
Next time if he does the same political theater, will he send migrants from our great state of FloridaI
October 3, 2022 at 8:11 pm
“Legal” immigration Joe ocean
Spare us your liberal elite lies!
Not impeachable offenses against the people’s of the USA. This illegal invasion of 5 million later is against the country. Sorry ocean.
To stupid to be voting...
October 3, 2022 at 8:46 pm
“the people’s of the USA” – Intellectually disabled Tom
Too stupid to be voting
October 3, 2022 at 8:47 pm
Meredith Lee Ayling Shaw
October 3, 2022 at 6:27 pm
Now that Pearla is a known entity, the fraud and deceit and simple political grandstanding behind the move becomes clear. And less clear is the legality. Why wasnt DeSantis working to solve insurance issues, climate issues, both of which will massively impact cost of living in Florida. As homeowners in Florida, we are lost in these important matters under this clown.
Impeach Biden
October 3, 2022 at 6:45 pm
Exactly how is DeSantis suppose to solve the homeowner insurance crisis? Is he suppose to force companies to write policies here? I see you are one of those “climate” people as well. You follow John Kerry as he zips around the country in his private business jet? Do you travel abroad? Go to Central America, South America, Mexico and many other countries around the world. What kind of fuel do these vehicles burn? Do you know? Do you know why? Do you think they will give these up for electric cars? Years ago I lived in Europe. Did you know back then the countries in Europe were still burning leaded fuel while the US was unleaded. If you are all in with your climate change then stop flying on airplanes, stop taking cruises , turn off your home A/C and start walking to work.
Frankie M.
October 3, 2022 at 7:16 pm
I already do all those things. What else you got? Ron “Perla” DeSantis throws red meat at his base to distract from the real issues affecting our state.
Elliott Offen
October 3, 2022 at 8:56 pm
There are plenty of things the government can do to solve the insurance crisis. For one, they can deter people from building back in dangerous areas that are sure to be wiped out again. But DeSantis and the GOP doesn’t think outside the box when it comes to those things. Rule number one is that the government should not interfere with the market in any real way. They believe in unbridled freedom for the hogs to exploit through real estate, insurance, disaster, you name it everything is an opportunity for some azzhole to get rich even if people die in the long run. Money runs them…they don’t run money.
Concern Citizen
October 5, 2022 at 11:21 am
After reading your baseless defense of DeSantis, on the insurance issue, please don’t blame Biden for inflation. Is it not interesting how most advance economies are facing high inflation rate and gas cost?
October 6, 2022 at 4:09 pm
Check out what a Florida Senator is stating on what DeSantis should be doing to fix the property insurance issue. You will have to do a little research , but his plan to fix the property insurance problem makes sense. He got DeSantis to have a special session for this matter, but very little was accomplished by the Republican legislatures.
The name to follow:
Senator Jeff Brandes, who represents St. Petersburg —- one of the loudest advocates for an insurance-focused special session
October 3, 2022 at 7:12 pm
Where’s the poll that shows Democrats are fleeing their party en masse and voting Republican and registering as Republicans? They have had enough of the Democrats nonsense.
Charlie Crist
October 3, 2022 at 8:49 pm
October 3, 2022 at 7:19 pm
Abstaining from debates, voter suppression, cultural wars, racist dog whistles, controlling women’s reproductive health decisions and irrational gun legalization are all weapons in the Republican arsenal to win elections.
Impeach Biden
October 3, 2022 at 7:34 pm
You truly are a diehard, no matter what, I vote for Joe Biden / Andrew Gillum Democrat. How do you defend the buffoonery of the last year and a half and that wild drug induced boy orgy in Miami. Yet you keep coming back for more. Now we have Kamana Wanna Lei U telling the American People that hurricane relief will be issued depending on your racial and or economic profile. And then there is Pelosi. I could go on and on about that wicked witch.
Joe Corsin
October 3, 2022 at 8:57 pm
Let’s hear about Trump for once…
Impeach Biden
October 13, 2022 at 3:50 pm
I wish DeSantis would send me one of those hot, sweaty young migrant men. Droool. But until then, I just have these photos of Trump’s feet to get off too.
October 15, 2022 at 8:49 pm
Every election the White Spiteful Demon,are brought out by Republicans,too rear their ugly heads, blaming minorities,I do know any minority in their right minds , would vote for Republicans,you have a lots of people from Latin America and Cuba,their nothing the governor of Florida can do help , politically in those situations
Sonja Fitch
October 16, 2022 at 3:44 pm
Desantis kidnapped Texas immigrants and flew them and left them in Martha’s Vineyard on Florida tax payers money Damn scum Desantis ain’t notin but a human trafficker!!!!! Lock up Desantis! Lock up Duffus Desantis!
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