U.S. Sen. Rick Scott continues to make the rounds in local markets throughout the country, and Thursday saw him on a Phoenix radio station targeting two prominent Democratic donors.
Scott, the Chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee, is attempting to push Blake Masters to a General Election victory in Arizona. Asked by a friendly interviewer why the Democrats were able to compete in elections despite Joe Biden’s economic record, Scott blamed two specific targets for big funding.
“Well, because the radical left have money,” Scott said. “I don’t know why George Soros does what he does. I don’t know why Mike Bloomberg does what he does.”
“But they do! They believe, you know, they try to promote that this is a racist country, that this is a country where you don’t have opportunity. They lie all the time,” Scott contended.
Scott did not elaborate on why he targeted two Jewish billionaires during an interview trumpeting his belief that Republicans would retake the majority in the U.S. Senate. Though the Anti-Defamation League asserts that such attacks are antisemitic, other Florida Republicans, including those who take pro-Israel positions, have leaned heavily into attacks on Soros this cycle in particular.
The most prominent of those has been Scott’s successor as Florida Governor, whose fundraising appeals keyed in on Soros more than opponent Charlie Crist.
Gov. Ron DeSantis made Soros slams central to his fundraising pitches throughout the campaign.
“My opponent is turning to Leftist Super PACs and dark money billionaires like George Soros, who are desperate to infiltrate our state,” DeSantis contended.
“George Soros is going all-in for the midterm elections. He alone makes up one-third of the donations from billionaires received by Leftists this cycle — including woke candidates running across the state of Florida,” DeSantis asserted in an email entitled “Soros-funded extremists are threatening our state.”
Elliott Offen
November 3, 2022 at 10:45 am
Rick Scott is a snake oil salesmen and a big reason why ordinary people can’t afford health care. Health care is a luxury good in the USA because of charlatans like Scott. Then when people lack health care and can’t afford education their mental health stays fked up and they don’t have the sense not to vote for him. You people see how that works?
November 3, 2022 at 11:13 am
Rick Scott is the Voldemort of politics and it still amazes me how he not only pulled off the biggest Medicare scam in history, claimed the 5th like 70 times, still landed with a golden parachute and then was vaulted to the hallowed halls of not only the Florida governor’s mansion, but also our US Senate.
The people of the great state of Florida either are grossly ignorant or just don’t care. Both are gross neglect of civic duty.
Soro’s money indeed. How about ole Ronnie’s SuperPac at over $100M?
I’ve long said SuperPacs are BS and allow for outmoding real politics “of the people FOR the people”.
Welcome to the Oligarchy…
November 3, 2022 at 11:53 am
Obummer and the Dums raided Medicare in the infamous Christmas vote on Obummer care.
I repeat only Obama and the Dums have taj em money out of social security and Medicare in 2910. Dome, Obama signed it into law!
As for Scott, Soros openly calls for change of American society. The funding of socialist DA’s had brought America to disaster!
Bloomberg had lost his mind, he’s not even objective anymore. He’s become ultra liberal. They both can do what they want with their money. It is destroying the society. People hide in their homes. Offen and corsin threaten people daily. They would be better off gifting money to needy.
Joe Corsin
November 3, 2022 at 3:38 pm
Gifting money to the needy? You bums don’t even want to pay taxes! That and the people you elect do nothing for anyone who isn’t rich…and otherwise just empty suits who merely prop up the right wing police state here in Florida. You’re on meth buddy seek help!!!
November 3, 2022 at 4:28 pm
Facts are funny.
Since they didn’t “raid” anything in Medicare. They merely reduced the future growth of the program by not paying hospitals for things like rapid readmittance (which actually encouraged many hospitals to create maintenance and lifestyle change programs).
And the $500 billion supposedly raided was savings from the anticipated spending increases over 10 years. And at the time, Medicare was what? 10-12% of the Federal budget? Any savings there is a potential deficient savings. So to paint it as a raid on what the GOP normally calls an entitlement program is pale.
I agree, facts are funny.
Come on Tom. You’re too smart to keep shilling the Christmas Obama Care Raided Medicare vote myth. I wish you well.
November 4, 2022 at 7:16 am
Good morning JD, hope you are well.
Living and enjoying in Florida freedom.
13% and 16% inflation, $5.00 gas in Arizona and Nevada, don’t bode well for Dems in both states. Unlike DeSantis’s Florida! A Mecca of freedom and liberty!
For the record, any attempt to reduce the growth of entitlements is a cut JD, Dems in Congress have stated that and attacked for decades any effort to do so. They raided it JD, they also raided the budget this past Sept on prescriptions, by capping prescriptions they’ve frozen the efforts to offer heart and Alzheimer’s other needed meds. Nothing like the Dums. Regardless JD, only one party, one potus ever signed a cut in Medicare and it was Obummer.
Did you see him being heckled twice. Oh how the mighty have fallen. Should have ignored them.
It’s the economy stupid. You ready for the House and Senate flips? We stand at the precipice ( great word) of a red tide. Miami Dade flipping? To Team D. Marco strong!
Appreciate you JD, the Dems have dropped off and the IQ without you is woeful on FP. Always much better with you!! Take care.
November 4, 2022 at 1:44 pm
I think you are thinking of 2011 GOP holding the debt ceiling hostage and finally got Obama to raise the retirement age to 67, but the deal fell apart because the GOP wouldn’t consider any tax raises on the wealthy.
Facts are indeed a funny thing.
Appreciate your insight Tom and the debate. Please try to bring the Reps back to being “for the People” and more centered. Take care and have a great weekend.
Mr. Haney
November 3, 2022 at 11:11 pm
Clueless moron
November 4, 2022 at 7:18 am
Haney, how’s arnold the pig?
I own you haney, just like Joey.
Mr. Haney
November 4, 2022 at 1:12 pm
Arnold is the Ziffel’s Tom.
If you weren’t an idiot you’d know that.
November 3, 2022 at 12:18 pm
Facts are funny things.
Obama, Harry Reid and Pelosi, and Dems raided Medicare and social security. Obama signed it in law for the Obama care. Fact, 2010 bill, no other President has raided or cut Medicare.
Dem Senators raising $30, $40 and $50 million dollars. No doubt money from China not just Soros and Bloomberg. Sorry J D no comparison.
Biden, Harris and Dems destroyed American economy.
Joe Corsin
November 3, 2022 at 3:43 pm
Soros and China conspiracy theories from an intellectually crippled man. Soros DAs are better than conservative DAs who wanna lock up the whole country. Has incarceration solved the problem? Maybe neo nazis will be satisfied when one out of ten people are behind bars… death penalty for drug possession. They’ll come for intellectually crippled Tom eventually.
November 4, 2022 at 6:56 am
You are full of manure Corsin, only in your Marxist socialist countries. America won’t be. As for Soros and Bloomberg corrupt, investigations initiated. Your name is on the list also.
Soros Manchurians, chinese boys like yourself and offen called out by me.
The only one intellectually disabled is you Joey. I am in demand, always referred to as the voice of peeps. The legend. You are a shill, hack.
November 3, 2022 at 12:18 pm
Facts are funny things.
Obama, Harry Reid and Pelosi, and Dems raided Medicare and social security. Obama signed it in law for the Obama care. Fact, 2010 bill, no other President has raided or cut Medicare.
Dem Senators raising $30, $40 and $50 million dollars. No doubt money from China not just Soros and Bloomberg. Sorry J D no comparison.
Biden, Harris and Dems destroyed American economy.
Joe Corsin
November 3, 2022 at 3:44 pm
Yeah when conservative neo nazis gain total power you’ll be put in the mental hospital. I can already tell you’re mental hospital material/fodder.
November 3, 2022 at 12:38 pm
Google Rick Scott Medicare Fraud
November 4, 2022 at 9:25 am
LMAO, corrupt corsin. The peeps don’t agree with you.
Crime, fear are number one in several states voters minds. Not Florida, thanks to Gov Ron. Florida a bastion of economic growth, not soros DA dominated. Peeps love it.
You are the village idiot corsin, haney your asst. LMAO. No one born from there mother, us coming for me, you incompetent socialist whore! I own you.
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