The five lobbyists at Johnson & Blanton earned an estimated $1.2 million in the third quarter of 2022, according to newly filed compensation reports.
Led by Jon Johnson and Travis Blanton, the firm’s Q3 team also included lobbyists Diane Wagner Carr, Darrick McGhee and Eric Prutsman. The firm also recently added Marnie George to its team.
Florida Politics estimates how much firms earn based on the middle number of the per-client ranges they list on their compensation reports. Contracts are reported in $10,000 increments. Compensation reports also include firm-level ranges, which can give outsiders a rough idea of the minimum and maximum earnings.
Johnson & Blanton’s legislative compensation report shows 85 clients topped by one that paid $45,000 during the July-through-September reporting period: Multitype Library Cooperatives. Two others came in at $35,000, Advent Health and the Florida Hospital Association. Two other clients paid $25,000, including BayCare and the Florida Engineering Society. Several others spent $15,000 each on services.
Health care and related areas are the top-represented industry on Johnson & Blanton’s client roster.
The firm’s executive branch report was nearly identical, with 86 contracts. Advent Health was the firm’s top Q3 client, paying $25,000. Nine clients came in at $15,000: Alliance for Automotive Innovation, AMI Kids, BayCare, Dexcom, Florida Fire Chief’s Association, Florida Society of Anesthesiologists, Gainwell Holding Corp., and Multitype Library Cooperatives.
Johnson & Blanton’s top earnings come from its Legislative work, with an estimated $730,000 in revenue compared to $475,000 from legislative work.
The firm’s maximum potential earnings for the quarter were $1.94 million, including nearly $1.1 million in legislative work. The least the firm could have earned in Q3 is $750,000.
Johnson & Blanton ranks among the Top 15 firms in the state, measured by revenues. Their Q3 performance put them at No. 12, maintaining their ranking from the quarter prior.
Florida lobbyists and lobbying firms faced a Nov. 14 deadline to file compensation reports for the period covering July 1 through Sept. 30. Compensation reports for the fourth quarter are due to the state on Feb. 14.