Gulfport City Council member Michael Fridovich will not serve another term, voters decided in Tuesday’s municipal election.
Fridovich fell to challenger Ian O’Hara, who secured more than 55% of the vote.
Fridovich has served on the Council for the past 10 years. This would have been his sixth two-year term representing Gulfport residents on the dais, a job he’s held almost as long as he’s lived in the city.
O’Hara’s platform focused on what he perceived as the city’s lack of clarity, communication and accessibility, as well as its inadequate lobbying in Tallahassee. His message appears to have resonated with voters, who opted for a new direction.
Fridovich has boasted of an interesting life, which includes a combat tour in Vietnam, running with the bulls in Pamplona, living on a sailboat, selling real estate, driving a taxi and owning a tapas restaurant, according to the Tampa Bay Times.
He earned his bachelor’s degree in urban studies from Georgia State University.