Turnabout is fair play in the ongoing feud between former allies Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis.
During a Friday night Newsmax interview with Rob Schmitt, the former President appeared to follow the Florida Governor’s lead in ruling out a Trump/DeSantis ticket.
“No, I never thought of it. I think that there are a lot of great people in the Republican Party. I never thought of it,” Trump said, responding to the host questioning if DeSantis was an “option” for a running mate.
“Some people, every once in a while, mentioned it. But that’s about it. Now, I think that would be a very unlikely alliance,” Trump added.
“I appointed him,” Trump charged, though it’s not clear what he meant there.
“He was failing badly in the polls. He was going to be out of politics and I endorsed him. I had rallies for Ron, and we got him in,” continued Trump. “And a couple of years later, they said, ‘Will you run for President against the President?’ He said, ‘I have no comment.’ I said, ‘That’s not supposed to happen.’ But that’s OK, whatever he wants to do,” Trump added. “If you look at his record, he can’t win.”
Trump’s reasoning was that the “things he voted for are devastating,” alluding to votes against entitlement programs in Congress.
“Ron was a disciple of Paul Ryan and Paul Ryan was a loser … That’s a bad person to be a disciple of,” Trump concluded.
Trump’s comments are in response to DeSantis’s own Thursday night interview on Newsmax with host Eric Bolling.
Asked if he would run as Trump’s Vice Presidential pick, an unlikely scenario given the stream of invective from the former President to the Florida Governor, DeSantis answered judiciously but clearly in the negative.
“I think I’m probably more of an executive guy. I mean, I think that you want to be able to do things. That’s part of the reason I got into this job is because we have action, we’re able to make things happen. And I think that’s probably what I’m best suited for,” DeSantis asserted.
The Governor didn’t warm up to the even more unlikely prospect of Trump serving as his Vice Presidential running mate.
“I think that that’s, it’s interesting, interesting speculation,” DeSantis said, before pivoting to remarks about how the “whole party, regardless of any personalities or individuals, you got to be looking at 2024 saying, you know, if the Biden regime continues and they’re able to pick up, you know, 10, 15 seats in the House and a Senate seat or two, this country is going to be in really, really bad shape, no doubt, no doubt.”
Running Out of Popcorn
March 25, 2023 at 8:12 am
Ugh, hate to say it but thanks to Newsmax for running both of these in full. FOX “News” would have spun and controlled to help their new golden pudding boy on top.
Looking forward to many more months of this. Unelectable Trump will forever tarnish anyone who runs against him leaving us with smooth sailing for at least the next 4-8 years. Ron needs to finish up his horrible tenure as governor and go back to private life where he can indulge his delusions of dictatorship in the privacy of his own home.
March 25, 2023 at 8:18 am
Two turds in one punchbowl. I guess that’s what passes for entertainment these days.
Earl Pitts American
March 25, 2023 at 9:48 am
Good morning America,
At this time my boys Ron and Don are putting on a show to allow the enemy to think they have a chance to drive a wedge into the fact you libs have totally failed once again at “your turn” in the White House.
We know human nature and you libs are pawns in our hands as we play out our master plan.
Here’s a clue to watch for: we already have a property just over the Florida/Georgia line. When we announce Don has become an official resident of Georgia look out ’cause the dook’s about to hit the fan for you libs. Most of you are way too stupid to figgure out what I’m talking about.
Thank you America,
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