Gov. Ron DeSantis is calling for an investigation to look into the Walt Disney Company and its former governing board handicapping itself before the state took over the board.
DeSantis released a letter asking the state’s Chief Inspector General to work with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and investigate the old Reedy Creek board members.
The latest drama in the Reedy Creek situation was revealed last month when the state-appointed board said the previous board members chosen by Disney had approved long-term development agreements with Disney that limited the new board’s power.
DeSantis said the last-minute agreements were “meant to usurp the authority” of his handpicked board.
“These collusive and self–dealing arrangements aim to nullify the recently passed legislation, undercut Florida’s legislative process, and defy the will of Floridians,” DeSantis wrote in the letter.
“In addition, based on initial observations of counsel, the RCID board’s actions appear to suffer from serious legal infirmities, including, among other things, inadequate notice, lack of consideration, improper delegation of authority, and ethical violations, such as conflicts of interest and self–dealing.”
DeSantis asked the probe to look into Walt Disney Company’s role in the Reedy Creek-approved agreements, if Disney benefited from the situation and Reedy Creek correspondence, including what it said to Disney. He also wants the investigation to look into whether Reedy Creek followed “Florida civil and criminal laws and ethics requirements” and “the qualifications of Reedy Creek Improvement District’s prior Board of Supervisors and the legal validity of their actions.”
Disney, meanwhile, has defended itself.
“All agreements signed between Disney and the district were appropriate and were discussed and approved in open, noticed public forums in compliance with Florida’s Government in the Sunshine law,” the company previously said in a statement.
The state’s takeover of Disney World’s government board was retribution for Disney speaking out against the Parental Rights in Education law that’s been dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” law by critics. Previously, Disney had the power to choose its own government board members, a balance of power that DeSantis and others have called unfair.
The Legislature approved legislation in February’s Special Session that gave DeSantis the power to replace the old Reedy Creek board.
Disney and Reedy Creek officials did not immediately respond for a request for comment Monday.
Wuncha liktaknowd
April 3, 2023 at 1:11 pm
That twat got outplayed. Period. The will of the people HAS been done
April 3, 2023 at 1:20 pm
Way to go, Ron. which other businesses are you going to continue trying to control in the Free State of Florida?
Not content with driving away education professionals and medical personnel with your restrictive laws and threats of imprisonment for using the best practices of their professions, you have turned your eyes on big employers who surprisingly enough know how to manage their businesses better than you and your stable of fringe state employees.
I am certain you and your owned state legislature will try to fix the term limit laws as well as the “quit when you run” laws. If your agenda of restricting freedoms of speech and action for average people continues, there will be a time you are voted out of office.
Gov deSantis, you will never win over the majority of voters in the USA with your agenda.
Dr. Franklin Waters
April 3, 2023 at 3:28 pm
“Way to go, Ron. which other businesses are you going to continue trying to control in the Free State of Florida?”
This is really it. Big Business is watching this.
He will never get their support or campaign money since he’s shown he wants to attack and try to control any corporation, even in his very own state, that dares to criticize him.
He’s gone to war with both Disney and all the cruise ship companies out of spite and his own personal warped viewpoints. That’s not going to win over any friends from Big Money donors.
Arm The Homeless
April 3, 2023 at 1:44 pm
So when the “letter” gets laughed at, and his hired gøøns further strike out, will he just quietly admit that he got outsmarted by a cartoon mouse?
Meatball is gonna return from his failing run for POTUS to abuse the rest of us in revenge for his self-imposed embarrassment.
Earl Pitts American
April 3, 2023 at 1:49 pm
Good afternoon America,
I, Earl Pitts American, have the greatest news for lefties they have ever received. A great, perhaps the Greatest gift a twisted lefty has ever and will ever receive. Its an inspirational song which upon exposure to will cure your unhealthy dangerous leftism almost instantly. Here it is:
“Ron Desantis is a man. Yes a big man.
With an eye like an eagle and as tall as a mountain is he.
Ron Desantis is a man. Yes a big man.
He is brave, he was fearless and as tough as a mighty oak tree.
From the coonskin cap on the top of ol Ron to the heel of his rawhide shoe
The rippin’est roarin’est fightin’est man the Great State of Florida ever knew.
Ron Desantis is a man. Yes a big man.
And he’s fighting for America to make all Americans free”.
So there you go lefties read it several times a day. Heck you may want to put it to music so you can remember the majic healing words better. Once you have the song committed to memory you will be a changed person for the better. Best of all your family will no longer be ashamed of having the village idiot as a family member. You will be cured of shsmefull leftisim once and for all. And your brother in law will stop kicking your @55 every time you come over.
You are welcome lefties,
Earl Pitts American
Bill McClure
April 3, 2023 at 3:18 pm
Need more pill mills located in busted out strip malls. This is the key to success in Florida.
Ron DeFascist
April 3, 2023 at 3:26 pm
Such a weird and stupid hill to die on.
Ron DeFascist never should have tried to go to war with Disney. So stupid. Soooo stupid. And all because they criticized him.
All he had to do is sit back, like a grownup, and accept the criticism like normal adult. But DeSantis is ManBaby, and he threw a tantrum.
This skinned ManBabies don’t deserve to hold any leadership roles anywhere.
tom palmer
April 4, 2023 at 11:49 am
It is hard to take talk of collusion seriously from the guy behind the New College putsch.
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