Efforts blaze forward in the quest to put the next marijuana constitutional amendment on the ballot.
Trulieve, the largest medical marijuana producer in Florida, announced more than 965,000 petition signatures have been verified as part of Florida’s Smart & Safe Campaign. If passed, the amendment would require legalization of cannabis for adult use regardless of medical need.
“Our investment demonstrates our firm belief that Floridians are ready to experience the freedom to use cannabis for personal consumption; a freedom which is currently enjoyed by more than half of America’s adults,” said Trulieve CEO Kim Rivers.
“With over 965,000 validated signatures from nearly every part of our state, it is clear these voters share that belief. We are thrilled the campaign has made this milestone and look forward to seeing this initiative on the ballot next November.”
It takes 891,523 valid signatures to make the 2024 ballot, so the campaign now has more than enough verified petitions.
But the matter still must pass muster with the Florida Supreme Court. Attorney General Ashley Moody last month transmitted the ballot language to the high court for review. But she also submitted an argument that justices should reject the initiative.
“I believe that the proposed amendment fails to meet the requirements of Section 101.161(1), Fla. Stat., and will present additional argument through briefing at the appropriate time,” she wrote.
Rivers, however, expressed confidence the language complies with the law.
“We believe the language, as written, comports with the single subject and clarity requirements under Florida law and look forward to a positive ruling from the Court,” she said.
The matter will go before the state Supreme Court later this summer. Opponents may file legal briefs for consideration until June 12. Supporters similarly must file briefs by July 5.
Of note, the state Supreme Court in 2019 shot down the language for a similar adult use amendment.
If the Supreme Court approves language this time, the amendment will appear on the General Election ballot in 2024. In order to become part of the Florida Constitution, the amendment must then win support of 60% of voters statewide.
Richard Bruce
June 1, 2023 at 3:04 pm
State spends millions helping people stop smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, and gambling. Now the State wants to promote smoking MJ. Giant circle jerk of abusing taxpayer money.
Dr. Franklin Waters
June 2, 2023 at 10:55 am
Uhhh, the state depends on the heavy tax revenue from tobacco, alcohol, the lottery, and casinos my dude.
Legal MJ would just be another big source of tax income, and a win for everybody. Not to mention more law enforcement resources can be dedicated to actual crime, not silly things like cannabis.
June 4, 2023 at 12:50 pm
Marijuana is not only smoked, it is also eaten, taken in infusions and used as ointments
June 1, 2023 at 4:29 pm
Ron DeSantis is running the state including the house and I doubt very much that he with all his convictions will allow the legalization to happen. He is on a moral and ethical and religious crusade to what he perceives to be what people want. I’m not sure because after all it’s just my opinion. I will be interesting to say the least.
June 1, 2023 at 8:07 pm
The Free State of Florida so called unless it comes to getting recreational marijuana on the ballot.
Dr. Franklin Waters
June 2, 2023 at 10:58 am
DeSantis already tried to spin it as the “Freedom to Breathe” because he thinks weed smells bad and that others should have the “Freedom” to not ever be exposed to it.
His version of “Freedom” is some sick Orwellian joke.
Meanwhile, there are cigar shops all over the state and every single grocery store sells cigarettes. What about the “Freedom” to breathe there?
Dont Say FLA
June 6, 2023 at 9:07 am
Car exhaust is totally fine. We’ll build roads everywhere so cars can stink up the air everywhere. But weed? Too smelly! LOL. Republicans always want to leave it to the states whenever it’s something undesirable to GOP types, and then within the states, they won’t allow it to be left to the voters. They keep it off the ballot. Republicans are just anti-American. I just don’t know how folks can miss that fact anymore. GOP is so blatant about it. The GOP clearly thinks they’re entitled. I guess they must think their gerrymandered electoral districts are good for the foreseeable future when combined with precinct changes in liberal areas that flood the affluent liberal precincts with poors from closed precincts, and only the poors whose precincts are being relocated have to be notified about the changes. The affluent folks who could fight it, there’s absolutely no notification requirement of the change that “6,500 extra voters are being added to your precinct that normally handles a mere 1200 voters’
Politics aside…
June 6, 2023 at 10:45 am
Curious if anyone has insight on Section 101.161(1), Fla. Stat and what the attorney general’s objection to the amendment might be in relation to the statute.
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