Florida’s former Governor didn’t hold back when asked about the latest “disaster” in the state’s troubled property insurance market.
U.S. Sen. Rick Scott said the departure of Farmers Insurance was a “wake-up call” to the state.
“Stop and think about it, here’s what happens for a company like Farmers to leave,” Scott said during a press conference. “They’ve spent years and decades to build up that clientele and just walk away. So this is a wake-up call to the state.”
The departure of Farmers comes after seven other insurers went insolvent in the last year, and is an indication to many homeowners and observers that the state’s insurance market is in crisis.
Scott is urging talks with companies leaving the state.
“What you have to do is you have to sit down with the companies,” Scott said. “State Farm had left the state before I became Governor. I sat down with State Farm and said, ‘What are your issues?’ It always comes down to fraud. It always comes down to, there’s fraud going on in the market and guess what? If there’s fraud you pay for it because insurance is a shared cost.
“So I think what the state has to do is it’s got to sit down with Farmers, State Farm, all these companies and say, ‘What are the problems?’ Then what legislation do you need to get rid of it?” Scott continued, adding that “everybody involved needs to sit down with all these insurance companies to find out why are their costs going up so much.”
It’s unclear if Florida’s current state leadership shares the same sense of urgency.
Gov. Ron DeSantis urged Florida homeowners to “knock on wood” and wait out the crisis during a radio interview last week.
“I think they’re going to wait through this hurricane season and then I think they’re going to be willing to deploy more capital to Florida,” DeSantis said last Wednesday on the Howie Carr Show. “So, knock on wood, we won’t have a big storm this summer. Then I think you’re going to start to see companies see an advantage.”
CFO Jimmy Patronis called Farmers the “Bud Light of Insurance” recently, accused them of “virtue signaling,” and said he would “hold them accountable.”
DeSantis has taking a page out of the Nazi playbook
July 18, 2023 at 1:08 pm
I don’t agree with Rick Scott, most of the time, but this particular case I agree with him 100%. Ron DeSantis has a leader ship problem and fails time and time again to sit down and actually listen to what people are saying Weatherton insurance company, the LGBTQ, community, blacks, women, etc. he fails time and time again to adhere to the basic principles of leader ship, and listen to the people that you were to serve. Ron DeSantis has this we are serving him and he’s gonna do whatever the hell he wants regardless of what it cost Floridians.. in my book DeSantis is right up there with Trump and criminality, and he needs to be held accountable
Natalie Smyth
July 19, 2023 at 12:31 pm
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July 18, 2023 at 1:13 pm
Let’s remember that Rick Scott forbade legislators and Florida government employees from speaking about global warming.
Ocean Joe
July 18, 2023 at 2:18 pm
He still doesn’t get it.
He thinks sitting down and talking with insurers can resolve the problem. The problem is that Republicans have either ignored or blocked all effort to mediate climate change impacts. Beyond property damage from storms, growing seasons are impacted, the cost of food, heat as a vector of disease, greater energy demands, more pressure on our drinking water supply…but when you are guardians of Big Oil, Developers and the NRA, it’s easier to just call it all a hoax.
And today, as it was when Scott was governor, Lake Okeechobee is too dangerous to swim, boat or fish in.
Earl Pitts"Dont Whizz Off Earl" American
July 18, 2023 at 1:13 pm
Good Afternoon America,
This should have been a “pick up the phone and talk with the Next POTUS Ron “The Ronald” Desantis moment” rather than a “Back-Stabbing” “Fake @55” public presser.
Rick Rickey Richard Dick you have Desantis cell # on speed dial. Just pick up the phone and call The Govorner, why dident you, Rick Rickey Richard Dick?
I’ll tell America why:
Its because Rick Rickey Richard Dick thinks he smells blood in the water and Rick Rickey Richard Dick is signaling his desire to be an early Trump bu++ kisser.
C’mon Rick Rickey Richard Dick your Mom raised you better. Well speaking for the Desantis campaign: “There will be retrabution for your insolance, Rick Rickey Richard Dick,”.
Thank you America,
Earl Pitts American
Earl Pitts is a Pedophile
July 18, 2023 at 2:04 pm
You deserve the gas chamber for what you did Earl.
For those unaware, Earl Pitts is a groomer, a pedo, and convicted child molester.
Ignore what he says. He’s pedophile and a criminal and he deserves life in prison, or worse.
Link is in my username for proof.
My Take
July 18, 2023 at 2:26 pm
“FLAdjudication Guilty/convict”
One fewer GOP vote.
Dont Say FLA
July 18, 2023 at 2:01 pm
Insurance is just a big Socialist pool of money, right? Except that the people in charge of the pool keep 80% for themselves. Other than that, making a few people very rich, insurance is just Socialism and Socialism is Woke.
People are saying Ron is running these Socialist insurance companies out of Florida intentionally. Reportedly it’s a prong in his politically motivated War on Woke.
July 20, 2023 at 7:51 pm
What a foolish comment.
Woke is utter bullshit.
If home owner insurance keeps increasing it will diminish the buying power of all but the wealthiest prospective home owners.
It’s time to forget about all of this culture war bullshit and zero in on what is necessary for Floridians.
The right wing media needs to keep its listeners frightened and angry so they will reliably vote Republican against their best interests.
Ocean Joe
July 18, 2023 at 2:29 pm
I think there are 12 “Earl Pitts” in Florida alone, so calling one of them a groomer is a bit out of line. Something a puffy-faced Desantis staffer might do,
Remember, as Melanoma says, “Be Best.”
July 19, 2023 at 4:59 am
Ins Companies that drop or raise premiums on their customers are going to lose in the long run.because they will cancel their Ins and the Companies that pick them up and keep their premiums lower will win in the long run.and become the top Insurance companies that stick with their customers in good,bad times.these companies will out stand the greedy price gouging companies that go under for not standing by their customers. It all comes down to greed or sticking to your values and staying true to your customers. I just changed from Security First been with them for a while no claimes ever they went up triple in the last 3 years that’s was it for me.had new roof,meditation, 4 point did not matter.customers are leaving in droves with these companies that are raising these high premiums. We just can’t afford higher cost it’s causing people to drop their policies, no where to go.
July 20, 2023 at 7:52 pm
Dream on
Mark miller
July 19, 2023 at 6:10 am
Just wait till all of those folks who fell for this governors BS and moved to south fl. When all their possessions are blown away by a hurricane and homes flattened maybe the lying gov will come to their aide in his white boots.
July 20, 2023 at 7:53 pm
He’s too busy running for president.
Michael K
July 19, 2023 at 8:34 am
Priorities, Rick Scott! There are drag queens to hate, books to ban, voters to disenfranchise and women to control. It’s far more important to “own the libs” than actually govern for all Floridians and do something about soaring insurance costs. And by the way: what did you do to help this situation? And how much money have you and the current governor pocketed from the insurance industry?
July 20, 2023 at 7:55 pm
The guy who became wealthy off the largest Medicare scam in history should shut up and go hide in the corner.
castles made of sand will fall in the sea eventually
July 19, 2023 at 9:15 am
Maybe Alien Rick should save all of his hot air so that he can stay on the shoreline and blow away all of the tropical cyclones that are headed to Florida. Rick and his GOP cronies are just fine with risky development along the coast and wetlands and, guess what, tropical cyclones will destroy or damage such developments. It’s just plain dumb, and a bad bet, for an insurance company to insure such risks. Hence, the smart insurance companies are voting with their feet. Climate change can only be expected to increase such risks. Rick has done nothing to solve the problem; creating Citizens Property Insurance just was a Hail Mary to spread the risk to the smarter, more prudent residents who live inland. Wake up call, my Butt, Rick. The writing has been on the wall for decades.
July 19, 2023 at 12:35 pm
Rick Scott talking about fraud is ironic, no? I mean after he and his company committed one of the largest Medicare frauds in its history.
July 19, 2023 at 3:18 pm
My home insurance was raised from 900 to 2400 and now it’s 5200 and this is a kitchen table issue for Florida. The governor says it’s because of fraud but more likely greed. Every insurance coming abandoning Florida should be blacklisted from serving FL again. And by the way being woke is waking up to the truth. We know the GOP can’t handle the truth.
Margarette Hayes
July 19, 2023 at 4:52 pm
Totally agree!! Homeowners insurance should have been at the top of the legislative agenda! “Knock on wood” comnent is unprofessional,
cruel, insensitive, and simply dumb comment coming from
a person responsible for the well being of Florida
residents!! We, the residents
of Florida arw paying for him &
his family to be safe during a
PLUS if his premium goes up,
we pay for that as well! The
average resident is left to fend for themselves and “figure it
out”. Not good leadership!
ed gruscyk
July 20, 2023 at 8:46 am
Even the State funded Citizens Insurance is losing money. The one idea sb that every homeowner must have a high deductible and be prepared to look after the minor damages. The State must approve contractors to be on County lists for repairs and then by law contractors not on any approved lists cannot deal with the consumers. By Law, the insurance companies must be in contact with policy holders within 48 hours of a major disaster assigning one of the State Approved contractors to do emergency repairs . Repairs to homes must not always include a complete replacement but repairs to the damaged areas. If folks want complete replacements then. the policy holder pays the difference. Folks must reconsider their attitudes and work to stop the fraudsters taking advantage of policyholders and insurance companies.
July 20, 2023 at 8:00 pm
In the event of a large storm there is no, repeat NO guarantee that they will have funds to settle claims.
Canned Ham
July 22, 2023 at 9:05 am
A housing crash is coming.
M Foss
July 24, 2023 at 11:05 pm
Florida has been under Republican control for decades. They are hellbent to deny the climate emergency until voters wake up and kick them out of office. What will it take to wake people up? Get woke Florida!
July 29, 2023 at 1:22 pm
Scott should be able to recognize ‘insurance fraud’ and insurance disasters’ since becoming an expert at defrauding Medicare!
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