While the No. 1 spot in the Republican presidential race is currently a fixed proposition, Vivek Ramaswamy’s campaign is telling supporters they could be in the second position.
“Vivek has seen rapid movement in polling and is on track to eclipse Ron DeSantis,” reads a 14-page memo to supporters that cites four polls that indicate Ramaswamy surging, including a Kaplan Strategies poll that shows him tied with DeSantis at 12% support.
The memo contends that “over the last 45 days,” the campaign has had the most “sustained growth and success” of any operation in the Republican field, offering the “best return on investment” as measured by “ballot growth” and “image growth.”
“Vivek is spending significantly less than his competitors on traditional advertising per percentage point in national polls, proving his message and vision lands with the GOP electorate. This is a likely prediction of who will succeed in the 2024 election when comparing spending in 2015 to 2023.”
Back in 2015, Donald Trump surged from 1% in June polling to 39% by December.
The campaign also contends Ramaswamy’s favorable rating is only behind Trump and DeSantis as the candidate has “vaulted to a steady third place in most recent national polls.”
Earned media is another venue in which the campaign claims success, noting Ramaswamy has had more “earned media hits” in the last 45 days than DeSantis.
Talking to the “grassroots” about “what they care about” has translated into 70,000 small-dollar donations, including 40,000 from “new donors to politics,” the memo adds.
The momentum has also been reflected in online searches: “Earlier this month, Vivek has passed Ron DeSantis in total Google Search traffic for the first time since DeSantis entered the race.”
Thus far, DeSantis’ campaign hasn’t engaged anyone in the field but Trump (though his super PAC has targeted Nikki Haley over the Disney issue). The ultimate proof of the memo’s claims will be when the Governor goes on the attack against Ramaswamy.
Dont Say FLA
August 3, 2023 at 8:45 am
When Ramasmarmy talks, you have to listen for 2 or 3 minutes before realizing he is just as full of shit as Rhonda. Vivek delivers his bullshit like a boss. Rhonda delivers his bullshit like Kermit the Frog but without the ukulele.
Earl Pitts "Most Loved Most Hated" American
August 3, 2023 at 9:17 am
Good knowing stuff about Vivek beloved offspring,
America is not ready for a Ramaswamy in The White House. We just loved Apu Ramaswamy in The Simpsons though. And if Vivek were running for …say President of The National Mini Mart Managers Assocation, The NMMMA, we as a nation of fair minded folks would of course rally behind Vivek. Or say…President of the National Roadside Roach Motel Owners Assoacation, The NRRMOA, we as a nation of fair minded folks would of course rally behind Vivek.
And again and its just the facts – with no discrimination intent being dumped on any Indians whatsoever – be they Indians with Dot or Indians with Feather.
America loves all Indians.
Just not so much in The White House.
Thank you beloved offspring
Dont Say FLA
August 3, 2023 at 10:58 am
You might be right, pops. That said, Vivek wouldn’t be the first brownish guy elected president, so there is that brownish president precedent.
That said, sounding a lot like unhelpful Help Desk Guy can’t help Mr Vivek with the American electorate. And I don’t (just) mean the accent. It’s the know-it-all delivery aka “like a boss” lol.
Top 3 GOP Primary candidate rankings as of 3 Aug 2023:
#3 Kermit the Frog aka Rhonda
#2 Miss Piggy aka Vivek
#1 Beaker aka {don’t need to say}
Earl Pitts "Most Loved Most Hated" American
August 3, 2023 at 11:06 am
So proud of my girl.
Dad who loves you.
August 3, 2023 at 11:02 am
Vivek is running TO THE RIGHT of both Trump and DeSantis. He will NEVER be president!
Republicans are America’s biggest problem!
Vote all Republicans out of office!
August 3, 2023 at 2:42 pm
Democrats are America’s biggest problem.The Democrat Party HATES America.
Fred Gevalt
August 3, 2023 at 3:43 pm
Pro constitution, bright, financially independent, unafraid to speak out, honest, hard working, decent…..and most important: not a career politician.
You want more than that? Dream on.
August 6, 2023 at 2:06 am
One! One sensical comment in the whole comment section!
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