Speaking to a crowd in Iowa, Ron DeSantis invoked the song of the Summer to make his populist pitch.
“This song that’s come out that we were asked about in the debate really talks about how the people that are in power benefit from policies that hurt the rest of Americans,” the Governor said in Rock Rapids at a Never Back Down meet and greet.
“And so you do have these rich men north of Richmond who have done very well plunging this country into debt. That’s going to stop on Jan. 20, 2025 when I take office.”
This is his latest attempt to use the song as a metaphor for the larger situation domestically.
During Wednesday night’s debate, DeSantis and the other candidates also were charged with responding to the message of “Rich Men North of Richmond,” the grievance country tune of the moment. The Governor found a way to turn it into an attack on the President’s son.
“We cannot succeed as a country if you are working hard and you can’t afford groceries, a car, or a new home while Hunter Biden can make hundreds of thousands of dollars on lousy paintings. That is wrong. We also cannot succeed when the Congress spends trillions and trillions of dollars. Those rich men north of Richmond have put us in this situation,” DeSantis said.
During a Never Back Down rally in Fort Walton Beach on Monday, Ron DeSantis quoted the twangy troubadour of the moment, Oliver Anthony, in one of the few new lines in a speech that showcased the greatest hits to a home state crowd.
“We are not going to let a bunch of rich men north of Richmond spend us into oblivion any longer. We’re going to hold them accountable,” DeSantis said, spotlighting spending in reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Jay Smif
August 25, 2023 at 11:46 am
Somehow the guy that wrote that jingoistic bit of trash happens to be both “woke” and a QAnon nut as well.
DeSantis is an evil shitweasel.
August 25, 2023 at 1:28 pm
Terrible song pushed briefly to the top by far-right astroturf.
Terrible candidate pushed briefly to the top by far-right donors.
Bert Stimson
August 25, 2023 at 1:30 pm
Those same rich men north of Richmond are the ones who benefited most from the Trump tax cuts, and who are currently pouring their dark money into the Trump and Desatanis campaigns.
Poor dumb ginger Oliver Anthony could not be more misguided in his sad musical rant.
My Take
August 25, 2023 at 1:35 pm
The dumb MAGA red-staters in rural and small-town America are being screwed by rich men lots closer than the NE US
tom palmer
August 25, 2023 at 5:47 pm
Based on Tallahassee’s performance in deference to moneyed interests instead of the public in recent years, maybe someone should write a song titled “Rich Men North of Perry”
Michael K
August 25, 2023 at 6:43 pm
The joke is on Ronda. The singer despises Republican gifters.
Adulthood Disobeys Smoothness
August 25, 2023 at 11:32 pm
More pandering to the smoothbrains.
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