Down by 50+ points in Texas, Ron DeSantis slates campaign trip

DeSantis Texas
The Governor has lost more than half his support in the last few months.

Ron DeSantis is headed to Texas next week, where he won’t just fundraise but will also campaign in a state where the latest poll shows him more than 50 points behind Donald Trump.

The Governor plans to hold a presidential campaign event in Midland, best known as the childhood home of former President George W. Bush, on Sept. 20. The event will kick off at 10:15 a.m. Central Time.

The trip was set weeks ago for the Lone Star State, where the Governor will hold a number of fundraisers next week.

On Sept. 22, DeSantis will be in Alamo Heights near San Antonio at a luncheon hosted by former U.S. Rep. Lamar Smith and current U.S. Rep. Chip Roy, per San Antonio Reports. Roy is one of the few members of Congress endorsing DeSantis, who served three terms in the House representing constituencies south of Jacksonville.

Dallas businessman G. Brint Ryan will host an event Sept. 21 in Dallas, one the Dallas Morning News says will charge couples up to $13,200, with individual contributions topping out at $6,600.

The Governor’s week in Texas comes as his worst poll numbers in the state ever were just released.

The Defend Texas Liberty PAC Texas Statewide 2024 Likely Republican Labor Day Issue Poll shows Donald Trump ahead of the Florida Governor, 61% to 10%, among the 406 likely voters surveyed by CWS Research.

This is by far Trump’s biggest lead over DeSantis in the state. DeSantis was at 13% in July, 19% in June and 23% in May, meaning the Governor has lost more than half his support in the last few months.

DeSantis’ 10% matches the share of undecided voters, and puts the Governor ahead of the non-Trump field, including Nikki Haley and Mike Pence, tied for third place with 5% each.

The Race to the White House polling average shows Trump dominating Texas, ahead of DeSantis 48% to 14%.

Texas has been central to the Governor’s border security pitch. When DeSantis brought his campaign to Texas earlier this summer, calling attention yet again to undocumented immigrants entering at the Mexican border, he vowed to use “deadly force” via the U.S. military when asked during a news conference after his campaign event, saying that if some “cartel operatives” got “dropped,” it would change their attitude.

A.G. Gancarski

A.G. Gancarski has written for since 2014. He is based in Northeast Florida. He can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter: @AGGancarski


  • PeterH

    September 14, 2023 at 12:00 pm

    Not that I want to see more of him and his ridiculous antics here in Florida….. I think it’s pretty clear DeSantis will never be President and he should drop out and terminate his political career and endless grifting at public service jobs.

  • Richard Russell

    September 14, 2023 at 12:44 pm

    Ronny, aren’t you our Governor? Chasing rainbows are not indicative of a smart person. Did we make a mistake in 2022? Should we have voted for a flake over you? Maybe he would spend his time in Florida instead of chasing rainbows, as you have been for the past several months. Lame ducks usually only exist the last couple of months, not almost 3 years!

    • Silly Wabbit

      September 16, 2023 at 11:13 am

      You Twumpsuckew.

  • My Take

    September 14, 2023 at 3:26 pm

    He’s a political zombi.
    Filled with silver bullets and driven wooden stakes–terminal for other paranormal political parasites and predators–he gets up again and again to lurch . . . though not ahead.

  • My Take

    September 14, 2023 at 5:39 pm

    Can Runty see ANY hope other than the external fall of Trump?

  • ZZTX

    September 14, 2023 at 6:40 pm

    First of all, consider the source for this poll. This PAC is hardcore conservative and as biased as they come for Donald Trump. I am a lifelong citizen of Texas, and there is no way in hell I believe the margin of Trump’s lead as indicated by this poll. Trump may lead but the margin is grossly exaggerated.

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