A new survey shows Ron DeSantis may be no threat to Donald Trump in Iowa, but the Florida Governor is at least holding on to the second-place spot.
Otherwise, though, the pollsters note it’s a “very bleak picture” for DeSantis’ campaign.
The survey of 500 likely voters, conducted Sept. 17-19 by the Trump-friendly Fabrizio Lee, shows DeSantis at 15%, 30 points behind Trump. It’s the second poll in recent days showing DeSantis at 15%.
DeSantis has lost 3 points since the July administration of the poll, and he’s now just 2 points ahead of Nikki Haley (13%), who gained 3 points since the last time this poll was in the field.
“Nearly halfway through the 60-day do-or-die turnaround deadline set by Never Back Down (NBD) Chief Strategist Jeff Roe as reported in the New York Times, this data paints a very bleak picture for Team DeSantis,” the pollsters write in a memo accompanying these results.
“Despite NBD’s latest assault on the Iowa airwaves, former President Trump has expanded his lead over DeSantis. DeSantis continues his backwards slide, and worse, finds himself in a statistical tie for 2nd place with a surging Nikki Haley.”
The pollsters continue pushing the narrative of DeSantis-Haley parity throughout the memo.
“The bigger nightmare for DeSantis is, having slipped into 3rd or 4th place in some other early state polling, he now finds himself locked in a dogfight with Nikki Haley for 2nd place here in Iowa.”
The memo also notes that only 2 in 5 DeSantis voters are firmly committed to their candidate.
“While NBD and DeSantis have put all their eggs in the ‘stone cold dead’ message basket, it appears that the only thing stone cold dead is DeSantis’ campaign,” the memo continues.
“Millions and millions have been spent by NBD on media, mail, phones, and door knocking, yet since DeSantis’ entry in the race he has slipped even further behind President Trump who now leads by 30 points. Worse for DeSantis is he is now in a dog fight for 2nd place and in real danger of slipping into 3rd in a state he desperately needs to win.”
DeSantis, as we’ve reported, is confident in his Iowa strategy.
During an interview on KCCI, DeSantis said his Hawkeye State struggles against Trump are because the Florida Governor is a “new kid on the block” against a former President with “unrivaled name identification.”
“We’re still how many months away; people haven’t even made final decisions yet. I mean, I think it’s unrealistic to think that somehow you sew it up four or five months ahead of the Iowa caucuses,” DeSantis said. “He comes into this with unrivaled name identification; people know him.”
“I’m a new kid on the block. I mean, I think people appreciate what we’ve done in Florida, but they don’t know that much about it, and so we are able to inform that,” he added.
Though polls suggest DeSantis isn’t especially competitive with Trump, the Governor is undaunted, calling himself a “clear second under any metric.”
“Everybody else is in single digits,” DeSantis said on the Rubin Report. “I wouldn’t trade places with anyone in Iowa right now.”
September 21, 2023 at 10:58 am
The only people that “appreciate what has been done in Florida” are his cronies, and his rabid FANBUIs wearing a co-opted Hindu symbol from the 1940s.
Regular folk are going, “My insurance, rent, and food are how much?” “You did what in schools?” “You gave insurance companies how much?”
And his polls show it.
September 21, 2023 at 11:05 am
I’d agree. Aside from being totally unlikable, if they had the Florida governor election again, I’d put money on his losing just because of the sheer amount of BS he’s pulled since winning last time, so he can wander around telling the rest of the country how good he is. I wish he’d resigned to run so we didn’t have to take him back.
September 21, 2023 at 11:21 am
God I hope the lunatics in FL don’t elect Matt Gaetz. The rumor is he is going to run in 2026.
But again, they elected Rick Scott.
“It’s not the heat, it’s the stupidity”
September 21, 2023 at 1:50 pm
There would certainly be some irony with the R’s calling the D’s a bunch of pedo’s then electing a pedo as Governor. You can’t make this stuff up. Better off we just go back to being the laughing stock of the country. Those were better days. Better at least than rhonda’s wet dream of a leave it to beaver, 50’s, book banning, racist utopia that we’re stuck in now.
Earl Pitts American
September 21, 2023 at 11:48 am
Good mornting America,
Facts prove the only people living in Iowa are 1. Dook 4 Brains Leftists and 2. Dook 4 Brains RINO’s.
That being totally accepted as 100% fact by everyone is the reason for the dreadfull polling numbers.
Once we are in The White House we are going to punish those ungratefull rubes in Iowa by making them drive around on John Deer tractors and plant/harvest corn all the live long day.
Thank you America,
September 21, 2023 at 12:38 pm
RINO’s? You’re far right dipshittery are the real RINOs.
Since the teaparty, there’s not been many real Republican conservatives in the group and the ones that stay were cannibalized by the authoritarians. Were tired of the buzz word tropes Shitts.
Your group is starting to lose, and you cling some manufactured nostalgia feed to you via your right sided MSM (while saying everything else is fake MSM leftist, SOROs controlled news).
Even mental health professionals are baffled because this looks like military grade brainwashing and is why I cannot believe the political leaders believe their own theater.
They’ve gone too far, and it’s tipped the scales because of the kitchen table issues. Did it to yourselves because you all were “big mad” and had to “own the libs” instead of working together. F*cking retards.
Earl Pitts American
September 21, 2023 at 2:32 pm
Wow JD just Wow,
I know you said that you did not want to become my leftist contrarian wacky leftist posting employee but my man JD thats a mighty fine wacky contrarian followup!
What I’m going to have to do JD is just force hire you thru a new program Joe Biden just brought over from China.
See JD China’s got this great workforce known as the Ueigers a proud Muzzy race and thanks to Uncle Joe I am going to use that process. We will be sending some Ninjas over later tonight to bring you in.
Congrats JD its going to be great finally being your boss.
September 21, 2023 at 4:01 pm
It’s Uyghurs DipShitts
Who’s your daddy EarL?
The Swillages
September 21, 2023 at 11:28 am
The Villages isn’t the beloved lifestyle you 21MM Floridiots have Kool-Aided yourselves into thinking it is and the USA (‘cept prolly Tejas) wants nada to do with you.
Buh-bye now.
Bye Bye Biden
September 21, 2023 at 12:20 pm
Neither does America want anything to do with Biden. He has failed at everything, bye bye Biden!
Silly Wabbit
September 21, 2023 at 1:13 pm
You kwazy.
Silly Wabbit
September 21, 2023 at 1:14 pm
Stewpid, too.
September 21, 2023 at 1:13 pm
Once Republicans shut down the government next week…. that will be the final nail in their GQP coffin for the 2024 House, Senate and White House.
My Take
September 21, 2023 at 2:13 pm
DeSScumis is a “very bleak picture” for America.
Unfortunately though, so is Trump.
Who would be worse is a bit hàrd to tell.
My Take
September 21, 2023 at 3:04 pm
Clearly, he is not saying “WOKE WOKE WOKE” enouugh anymore.
September 21, 2023 at 8:49 pm
Ron DeSantis stated today that if he becomes president of our great country that he would cut all funding for COVID vaccines.
I believe that this statement will be his political death sentence! Suicide by stupidity!
Earl Pitts American
September 23, 2023 at 2:15 am
Booger Bob and his cancer faking wife are done! America wants Trump!!
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