In his latest attempt to goad Donald Trump into debating him, Florida’s Governor again is giving President Joe Biden props for winning his debate against the former President three years ago.
“Remember October of 2020 that first debate with Biden, Biden beat him in that debate. And that was really incredible that he allowed that to happen,” Ron DeSantis told Iowa reporters Wednesday.
“I think that had a real significant impact in the election. And we saw in Florida, Trump’s numbers started to decline after that,” DeSantis added, eliding the fact that Trump won Florida in 2020 just as he did in 2016.
The Governor teased allowing Trump to bring a “teleprompter” to a future debate, which does not appear to be in the offing anytime soon, given that Trump intends to counterprogram the upcoming GOP presidential debate in Miami with his own event in Hialeah.
DeSantis continues to make arguments that Trump isn’t the same candidate he was in 2016, and central to those canards has been recent contentions that Biden out-debated him in 2020.
During a September interview on Fox News, DeSantis made similar points.
“You know, I remember back in 2020 I had a big party in Tallahassee for that first debate that Trump did with Biden. And the reality is Biden beat Trump in that debate, and I don’t know how you could lose to Biden in a debate. But that happened,” DeSantis said.
DeSantis did not say that Biden won the 2020 debate at the time, of course. But his willingness to embrace that talking point is the latest attempted provocation to the former President whose endorsement made him Governor.
Previously, DeSantis questioned a poll showing Trump ahead of Biden by nearly 10 points. Earlier this year, he finally admitted that “of course” Trump lost the 2020 Election.
Dr. Franklin Waters
October 25, 2023 at 3:32 pm
Broken clock, once day, yada yada.
October 25, 2023 at 4:25 pm
And even a blind squirrel finds a nut once in a while….
My Take
October 25, 2023 at 8:35 pm
When will he get brave enough to dig into Trump, for instance to laugh (derisivly) at the ludicrousness of Trump and his lawyers calling someone ELSE a liar?
Earl Pitts "America's BIG VOICE on The Right" American
October 25, 2023 at 8:50 pm
Well America,
Despite our 2 detractors who responded above in their strange code known only to each other (We call it “Dook 4 Brains Leftist Speak”) that was a direct Desantis Cowboy Boot ” Connecting Testicular Contact Kick” by Desantis right into the crotch of Trump.
Remember that I, Earl Pitts American, got this for you my Patriots. So relax your sphincters one and all. Secure in the knowledge that I, Earl Pitts American, am on the job 24/7 and all I ask of you is to get your butt down to your assigned voting precent and vote on election day. Y’all got the easy job here I’ll be busting my 8UTT all the way thru election day.
Thanks my Patriots,
Earl Pitts American
rick whitaker
October 25, 2023 at 8:58 pm
October 26, 2023 at 11:00 am
Repeat a lie often enough, one begins to believe it. Or, minimally, the truth is beclouded. Hence, Ron.
October 26, 2023 at 12:08 pm
trump has the verbal skills and intellectual capacity of a 10th grader. Beating him in a debate would be nothing to brag about.
October 26, 2023 at 2:13 pm
It’s disconcerting when he stalks around the stage, grimacing, looking at people’s butts.
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