Florida’s Governor again is weighing in on where residents of the Gaza Strip went wrong.
During an interview with Victor Davis Hanson this week, Ron DeSantis suggested Gaza residents should have taken a tip from Singapore.
“Israel pulled out of Gaza in 2005. They forcibly removed Israeli citizens from there. It was a very traumatic event, but the idea was, let the Gazans do kind of what they wanted. It’s actually a very nice stretch of coastline,” DeSantis said.
“Did the people of Gaza try to make the most of that and maybe create like a Singapore on the Mediterranean? No, they elected Hamas. And when people say in the media, oh, well, not every Gazan likes Hamas. Yeah, maybe not. But you know, a lot of them were cheering on Oct. 7 when this happened,” the Governor added.
DeSantis hasn’t been shy about indicting the population of the Gaza Strip for Hamas’ actions, and the comments to Hanson are arguably his mildest of late.
Appearing on Oct. 17’s “Hannity,” the Governor strenuously argues against accepting refugees from the region, explaining why he believes “the idea that we can kind of separate like a terrorist from someone that may be a freedom lover, that just doesn’t work.”
DeSantis’ take is that they are essentially programmed to “hate Jews” and “there’s no reason to be importing that into the United States.”
“My position is very clear as the first President to say, ‘No Gaza refugees, period, we’re just not going to do it.’ And why? Because we don’t want to import the pathologies from the Gaza Strip and other places in the Middle East to the United States of America.”
“They are taught to hate Jews. They are taught that Israel has no right to exist. The textbooks that they use don’t even have Israel on the map at all. And so this is just endemic to their culture. It’s a really toxic culture that’s developed,” DeSantis told Fox News viewers.
“It’s not saying everyone in the Gaza Strip is a member of Hamas, although they did elect Hamas back in the day. And I guarantee (that) support amongst the population in the Gaza Strip for those attacks on Israel probably is very, very high in terms of public opinion. But it doesn’t even matter if they’re part of that. I mean, if they have this embedded in their worldview, which they do. And it’s sad and it’s nasty but it’s true,” DeSantis opined on Monday’s Guy Benson Show.
DeSantis has used the purported “worldview” of Gaza residents to preemptively justify impending Israeli war tactics at campaign stops also.
“That is Hamas’ fault if they’re killed,” he said in Council Bluffs, Iowa earlier this month. “It is not Israel’s fault if they are killed.”
“If you look at how they behave, not all of them are Hamas, but they are all antisemitic. None of them believe Israel’s right to exist. None of the Arab States are willing to take (them), you know, any of them, the Arab States should be taking them. If you have refugees, you don’t fly people and import them into the United States of America,” he argued in Creston, Iowa.
Ocean Joe
October 28, 2023 at 8:34 am
If Israel disappeared tomorrow, the Sunnis and the Shia would start slaughtering each other immediately. Iran will empower the Shia and Saudi Arabia and Egypt will prop up the Sunnis.
rick whitaker
October 28, 2023 at 8:35 am
desantis’ statements prove that he is not fit to be a presidential candidate. when he said ALL of the palestinians are anti semantics, that was stupid. using the word ALL is a bigoted statement. if i said ALL maga cultist’ were christians , that would also be stupid. if i said most of the maga cultist were christians, well probably so.
Checkpoint Cheryl
October 29, 2023 at 2:52 am
anti semantic … omg … if you are a resident of Florida then I guess DeSantis needs to do more work on the education system.
October 28, 2023 at 9:30 am
It beggars the imagination to believe that Gazans — the ordinary folks in the street — couldn’t foresee the massive blowback that would occur when Hamas went on its rampage. What could they do to stop it?
Many Americans did not support US military intervention in Southeast Asia nor the invasions of Iraq and Afgahistan. But, there was little we could do beyond protest verbally because the hawks controlled our nation.
Ron Dee runs off the mouth because he is one of the hawks who imagines he can — with impunity — hammer anyone who disagrees with him.
The longer this conflict lasts in the Mideast, the more likelihood that the nihilists overseas will be able to widen the conflict.
Michael K
October 28, 2023 at 9:50 am
Are we sick and tired yet of DeSantis mis-using Florida taxpayer funds for his pretend excusrions onto the world stage, in a these feeble attempts to add “relevancy” to his failing campaign and miserable personal ambiution?
Asking for a friend.
October 28, 2023 at 9:54 am
Where do you start with such an intellectually vapid DeSantis comment?
“ No, they elected Hamas.” DeSantis stated when in fact Hamas made themselves the leadership in Gaza in 2007! No elections necessary or since 2007!
Singapore has been a centrally located trading power center in Asia for about 1500 years! There is absolutely no similarity to Gaza.
May B. Knott
October 28, 2023 at 9:54 am
DeSantis, of course, is correct and deserves praise for speaking plainly. A month ago there may have been general unhappiness and sporadic rocketry, but then all HAMAS had to do was say, “Ahhh, mebbe not.” All Iran had to do was say, “Ah. to hell with it.” All the Left had to say was “Ah, let’s just stick to our knittin’ here in the US and Europe.” We have to keep reminding the proggie activists in this world it is just as easy not to make war on others as it is not to get pregnant, just not so much fun. And as long as the dead babies belong to someone else, say our proggie friends, who cares.
rick whitaker
October 28, 2023 at 5:26 pm
you make no sense. what are you saying, it’s hard to even guess. saying ” desantis icorrect and deserves praise is where you lost me. what’s a proggie activist? is that a maga cult phrase? i’m not in the cult so i don’t know much about all that demonizing of anything they don’t like.
Silly Wabbit
October 28, 2023 at 5:57 pm
You kwazy.
Silly Wabbit
October 28, 2023 at 5:58 pm
Weally kwazy.
Silly Wabbit
October 28, 2023 at 5:59 pm
Stewpid, too.
Checkpoint Cheryl
October 29, 2023 at 2:55 am
The Singapore analogy was extremely appropriate. Singapore started out as a swamp occupied by mutually hating ethnic groups – in one generation they capitalized on their access to the sea and turned themselves into a prosperous, peaceful mini-state. Gaza, which would have enjoyed international support and funding had they taken a good road, could have done the same. Can they still? Maybe, if Hamas were totally and absolutely gone and the population abjured terrorism.
October 29, 2023 at 10:18 am
One source says Singapore was a British colony for 144 years. It is positioned on major shipping lanes between the Pacific and Indian oceans. In any case, it was contested by the European imperials powers since shortly after the time of Magellan.
It also is a place where people are still publicly caned for minor offenses, a practice combining British private school sadism and Sharia law.
rick whitaker
October 29, 2023 at 9:55 pm
so abjuring terrorism is all you have to do? oh you explained it, now i know what the solution is. how myopic can you get.
October 28, 2023 at 9:58 am
The man does not have one original thought in his fat head:
“But you know, a lot of them were cheering on Oct. 7 when this happened,” the Governor added. Remember when Trump said he saw on the TV news where thousands of American Muslims were cheering as the Twin Towers went down? The only problem being, not one TV news outlet possessed any footage of that. It was all in his hateful head.
“And it’s sad and it’s nasty but it’s true.” Oh boy, and now like Trump he’s using “sad” and “nasty” and telling us what is “true.” It’s as if he and his aides can’t get off the Trump track when it comes to public statements.
Earl Pitts "America's BIG VOICE on The Right" American
October 28, 2023 at 10:01 am
Good mornting America,
I, Earl Pitts American, advise all Dook 4 Brains Lefty’s & RINO’s to study The Next POTUS’s sage words of wisdom in this fine and informative article (above) which was graciously brought to us by our beloved on-line host, F. P. to the “Free State of Florida” as our “All Time” favorite political Go-To-Publication-For-The -Latest-And-Greatest in political opinions and information.
I, Earl Pitts American, will be testing you on Monday mornting on your reading comprehension and scoring each and every one of you for possable induction into the prestigious and highly desirable Earl Pitts American Fan Club.
I advise you slow learners (that’s everyone of you, except my Besty Lefty, Ocean Joe) to basically cancel all your weekend plans and read and re-read The Ronald’s sage words of wisdom.
Say for instance your sitting down in the restroom relaxing your sphincter …. what should you be doing? Thats right reading and re-reading The Ronald’s (Your next POTUS’s) sage words of wisdom.
Or say for example one of your perverted friends calls you and wants to play some gay pickle ball or gay golf with you …. you should say: “no way you big perve, I’m studying all weekend for Earl”.
Again there will be an exam on Monday Mornting.
Beverly Brevity
October 29, 2023 at 3:27 pm
rick whitaker
October 29, 2023 at 9:59 pm
My Take
October 28, 2023 at 10:20 am
When Hamas was elected it was attributed to Hamas not being corrupt like al Fatah or the Palestinian Authority, being religious based, ànd actually concerned about delivering basic civil or social services. But DeSScumis lies for his convenience.
DeSScumis and his ilk can’t differentiate the Hamas missile commander from the guy in charge of garbage trucks or water pipes. He’d execute them all.
Get the BAD guys.
mitchell hazouri
October 28, 2023 at 3:36 pm
israel would have never allowed Gaza to thrive. Its goal for several decades has been to destabilize Palestinian existence by making it very difficult to for them to sustain themseves and to disrupt communities by seizing land and and closing key access
points,. In addition, heavily armed settlers often serve
as extra-legal gangs destroying crops and sometimes brutalizing arabs.
Gaza has half the the population of singapore and half the land mass. It woulld make a great nation state but it would have to be secular, not Islamic.
D My Take
October 30, 2023 at 12:58 pm
“israel would have never allowed Gaza to thrive.”
Did never.
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