The Florida Democratic Party waited until Friday night on a holiday weekend to condemn widely reported statements by a Pensacola Republican.
Responding to Rep. Michelle Salzman’s use of the phrase “all of them” during a floor debate on a failed resolution urging an Israeli cease-fire in the war with Hamas when the bill sponsor asked how many dead Palestinians would be enough, the state party relied on the X social media platform, rather than a formal statement with a name attached to a quote.
“STATEMENT: The Florida Democratic Party condemns Michelle Salzman’s comments made on Tuesday. No elected official in any chamber in the United States of America should advocate for the death of civilians. Israelis and Palestinians are both victims of this war against Hamas. We continue to support the Biden administration’s efforts to call for the release of hostages, minimize civilian casualties and negotiate humanitarian pauses.”
Salzman called the allegation “fake’ in an interview with WEAR-TV Friday, in the wake of Rep. Angie Nixon asserting it was Salzman and subsequent comments from Rep. Alex Andrade, saying he didn’t “believe Rep. Salzman meant Palestinian civilians. I believe her anger was focused on Hamas and anyone else who believes in the eradication of Jews and the state of Israel.”
Nixon called for Salzman’s censure and resignation not just because of “what she says” but also “what she does, and she has a history and a pattern of speaking recklessly and vile things in regards to people who don’t agree with what she believes in. And she needs to be gone. She should not be a representative in the Florida legislature.”
The Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations called for a similar sanction, as reported by The Guardian.
“Salzman’s words are incredibly dangerous and dehumanizing to Palestinians here at home and under the Israeli occupation,” executive director Imam Abdullah Jaber said. “She must face her party’s censure and a public repudiation from all Florida legislators.”
Nixon has also called for the censure of Rep. Randy Fine for comments he made during the debate on her failed resolution. Thus far the Democrats haven’t commented on his remarks this week or other “vile, hateful & incendiary things” Nixon claims “have been said in the FL House, as well as publicly & on this app.”
My Take
November 11, 2023 at 8:20 am
Republican scum.
But nowadays I repeat myself.
Paul GG
November 11, 2023 at 11:42 am
This has Nothing to do with Party Lines and everything to do with GENOCIDE~Her WORDS~
My Take
November 11, 2023 at 12:00 pm
You are right, the party doesn’t make her hate.
Haters choose that party. And it welcomes them.
GOP — the party of hate (nowadays)
Paul GG
November 11, 2023 at 12:30 pm
Hopefully one day you’ll realize they’re playing both sides of the parties and they don’t give a damned about you,.Until then , live in the Matrix and think your vote matters : (
Paul GG
November 11, 2023 at 12:31 pm
Hopefully one day you’ll realize they’re playing both sides of the parties and they don’t give a flip about you,.Until then , live in the Matrix and think your vote matters : (
Paul GG
November 11, 2023 at 12:31 pm
They have moderators here so I can’t tell you the truth,.That should TELL you the truth : (
Earl Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American
November 11, 2023 at 8:29 am
Good morning America 🇺🇸,
This is a deep reach into a hopeful fabrication of the Leftist faithful opinion that somehow this random Republican which nobody’s ever heard of before is to blaim for the mid-east slaughter rather than the leftist votes and past support for the Democratic Party which 100% produced the gruesome mid-eastern war and allow the few remaining Lefty faithful to justify yet more support of the Democratic Plantation Party which by it’s belly-up appeasement to the various Muzzy factions in the mid-east brought on the deep stink hole we are wallowing in today.
Uhhh Yeah Good Luck With That.
Rick Whitaker
November 14, 2023 at 1:17 pm
Graf von Youknowwhu
November 11, 2023 at 9:10 am
Someone pointed to the recent censure of Congressman Schiff and the more recent censure of Congresswoman (is that still a socially correct term?) Tlaib saying that now “censure” is the “coin of the realm” in American political debate. It appears that assessment is correct. My only question: does no one see the collapse of civility that is accelerating like the Hindenburg, or is it simply that no one cares, or is it really that the people in charge of the channels of communication in America actually like it this way?
Earl Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American
November 11, 2023 at 10:07 am
Thank you for reaching out for help Graf,
In response to your intelligent question based upon your correct observations in regards to the new “Hey Look At US- We’re Doing Stuff” charade of “censure”; I, Earl Pitts American, am glad you asked as it opens yet another door for the education of The American Voting Patriots.
Graf and all other American Patriot’s the new “Buzz Word Censure” is NOT what you think it is.
Graf “Censure” is (in a sports themed response) is the RINO’s last ditch effort to try and put points on the “Political Scoreboard” while they are all just sitting around in the Locker Room “playing with their wee willie winkeys”.
Graf Censure is totally meaningless and totally designed to garner RINO VOTERS along with those lamo “can’t pick a side” Independants, NPA’s, Green Party, ect…ect people.
Wise American Patriots, such as yourself, Graf von Youknowwhu, have all sensed there’s something off with this roll-out of the “Censure BS” by the RINO’s and you were all correct.
The do-little RINO’s think the public will rally behind them but Graf there’s a reason Censure was only used a few times since the founding of our Great Nation.
It’s because “Censure” don’t mean $#1t, it has never ment $#1t, and it never will mean $#1t.
Again Graf thank you for reaching out for expert and sage political advice. These RINO’s can be very tricky with the “Bovine Excriment” they love to fling out to the gullible public.
Honestly, Graf, if the RINO’s would spend 1/2 the effort looking for ways to better serve their constituents as they spend cooking up ways to pretend to work while really playing with their “wee willie winkeys” we would not even be having this conversation.
Thank you Patriot Graf glad to shine the light of Truth Justice and the American Way into the dark corners of your mind.
Earl Pitts “Political Genius” American
Beverly Brevity
November 11, 2023 at 10:26 am
November 11, 2023 at 9:28 am
And none of the crap they are being censored for does anything to help their constituents.. they have a job to do and they ain’t doing it! BS is bad no matter what it is, who says it or what you call it. All the same $h!t…
Earl Pitts "The Big Voice On The Right" American
November 11, 2023 at 10:17 am
Thank you, ScienceBLVR, for backing me, Earl Pitts American, up on my sage, wise, nuggets of political wisdom which I just blessed our newest Patriot, Graf von Youknowwhu, (above) with on the tricky subject of Censure l.
Everybody join me in welcoming our Newest Patriot “Graf von Youknowwhu” to our political forum!!!
Rick Whitaker
November 14, 2023 at 1:20 pm
Impeach Biden
November 11, 2023 at 9:33 am
Poor Angie Dixon still fuming that her resolution went down in flames. Give it up Angie.
Silly Wabbit
November 11, 2023 at 10:24 am
You ass.
November 11, 2023 at 1:19 pm
You right again, Wabbit..Peachy is always intimidated and triggered by strong women with opinions,….a real live female hater, and we know what that means…
Paul GG
November 11, 2023 at 11:41 am
She needs to be arrested, fired, and questioned,.She has Palestinian constiuents in her district,. Are they NOT at risk?,.She wants the ALL Dead,.She SAID IT,.If she isn’t,.then every other race Knows they are seconday citizens in this country~PERIOD~
November 11, 2023 at 11:43 am
Why do FL Republicans continue to vote for the most disgusting useless ignorant creeps on the planet? What a disgrace.
November 11, 2023 at 6:33 pm
You, and we, are witnessing how a cult of personality functions.
My Take
November 11, 2023 at 12:04 pm
I kind of like the open inçivility of the British Parliment.
Paul GG
November 11, 2023 at 12:32 pm
Censorship on this thread,.
Headed back to X/Twitter,.
November 12, 2023 at 12:23 pm
Telegram might be the best choice for a farfarfar-right outlier.
misinformed people
November 14, 2023 at 11:35 am
The Florida Democratic Party is full of it. How about condemning your member, Angie Nixon, for her anti-Semitic comments about “occupied Palestine?”
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