Citrus County’s projects were a mixed bag of success in the final state budget, with some getting no funding and two projects receiving their full ask.
Crystal River City Hall received the county’s lone sprinkle boost of $5 million, on top of $5 million lawmakers had already approved. The City of Crystal River had requested $10 million to replace City Hall, which has not reopened since being flooded during Hurricane Idalia.
Three projects were totally shut out: U.S. 41 widening, the Crystal River boat ramp and the Cross Florida Barge Canal boat ramp.
Others received a fraction of their requests.
Lawmakers agreed to $25.7 million in Citrus County projects. Here’s a rundown:
— $3.6 million for the Watson Road expansion as related to the Inverness Airport Business Park. The county had requested double that.
— Halls River Road multiuse path, $2 million. The county requested $5 million.
—The county sought $22 million to speed up the widening of U.S. 41 in Inverness. It also requested $3.5 million to expand parking at the Fort Island Trail Park for a joint boat ramp project with the City of Crystal River. And it asked for $7.35 million to aid in construction of a multilane boat ramp on the Cross Florida Barge Canal. All three were denied funding.
— The City of Inverness requested $2.25 million to connect the Withlacoochee State Trail with Whispering Pines Park. The city received $1.125 million. Legislators approved the same amount the last two years, and it was vetoed both times.
— Homosassa River Restoration received $2 million after asking for $4 million. The King’s Bay restoration received $2.5 million after requesting $5 million.
— Crystal River High School’s Health Academy received the full ask of $495,833.
— The Academy of Environmental Sciences requested $84,000 for a new elevator and received half that.