Florida’s ongoing battle with diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is seen as a war against Black athletes according to one civil rights group.
And now, the NAACP is issuing a warning to those athletes who may be participating in college sports in the state, or considering doing so, to look at other places to study and play.
“Florida’s rampant anti-Black policies are a direct threat to the advancement of our young people and their ability to compete in a global economy. Diversity, equity, and inclusion are paramount ensuring equitable and effective educational outcomes,” said NAACP President Derrick Johnson.
“The value Black and other college athletes bring to large universities is unmatched. If these institutions are unable to completely invest in those athletes, it’s time they take their talents elsewhere. The NAACP will remain unwavering in our efforts to hold Governor Ron DeSantis and all oppressive elected officials accountable for their attempts to unravel our democracy.”
The group asserts in a letter to current and prospective athletes that “as a result of (the DeSantis) administration’s anti-Black ideals, all state-funded universities in Florida will be forced to dismantle their diversity, equity, and inclusion programs,” noting that while “the University of Florida may be the first, they will not be the last.”
“To all current and prospective college student-athletes — the NAACP urges you to reconsider any potential decision to attend, and compete at a predominantly white institution in the state of Florida. This is not about politics. It’s about the protection of our community, the progression of our culture, and most of all, it’s about your education, and your future.”
The Alligator broke the news of the university’s DEI dissociation, publishing a memo that asserted the Office of the Chief Diversity Officer is closed, with employees tasked with roles in that effort given 12 weeks of severance and urged to apply for other roles in the university.
One of the greatest football players in the history of UF is “utterly disgusted” with a recent decision made to phase out DEI programming and initiatives.
Emmitt Smith said he’s upset with the decision, given that the elimination of DEI leaves it to the Provost to “raise money for the University and continue to advance the academic studies and programs.”
“We cannot believe and trust that a team of leaders all made up of the same background will make the right decision when it comes to equality and diversity. History has proven that’s not the case,” Smith said.
The DeSantis administration has had considerable conflict with the NAACP. Last year, the group issued a travel warning against coming to Florida, a move the Governor called a “stunt.”
Dont Say FLA
March 11, 2024 at 5:17 pm
There’s that mess, plus also they aren’t allowed to teach history either. Why would anybody at all go to college in Florida anymore? The Bible can be studied anywhere, and that’s about all Florida’s education system offers anymore.
Learn To Make A Shank
March 11, 2024 at 5:39 pm
More Prison Than Colleges: Florida
78% more prisons than colleges (2022 data)
NCAA & Disney Leave Florida. Go Work At SpaceX 😂
March 11, 2024 at 5:33 pm
You’re bankrupt, uninsurable, major billion-dollar corporations are publicly calling you dangerous.
You got EVERYTHING you wanted. You must be quite pleased. Congratulations.
March 11, 2024 at 6:09 pm
Earning $29,000. When you’re ready to give it some serious thought, start with some of the most respectable businesses that provide real work-from-home opportunities. In order to locate the ideal remote employment, ensure that the positions you apply for are affiliated with vc80 reputable businesses.
Look at this………………………….. hardcash2earn.blogspot.com
Earl Pitts "Sage Political Expert Emeritas" American
March 11, 2024 at 6:22 pm
Good evening Sage Patriots,
I, Earl Pitts American, am assisting The Great State of Florida in the preperation and implementation of a Sage Lawsuit against The N2″A”CP for slander, defamination, and a bunch of other “LEGAL-SPEAK” terminalogy way above the understanding abilities of the “TYPICAL DOOK 4 BRAINS” leftist readership.
Thank you Sage Patriots,
Earl Pitts “ESQUIRE” American
March 12, 2024 at 6:28 pm
You are typical of what’s wrong in Florida and the country. We need less racism and we definitely need fewer people like you.
Michael K
March 11, 2024 at 7:56 pm
It’s not just the NAACP. Florida is toxic to people of color, LGBTQ people, women, teachers, students, and professors. Radical right-wing legislators and the governor are destroying academic freedom, liberty, and truth for their personal political gain. A Florida degree will soon be worthless.
Maxine Waters
March 11, 2024 at 11:59 pm
Don’t let the door hit you on the way out. Perhaps you would prefer the blessings of liberty in Haiti.
March 12, 2024 at 6:33 pm
Thank you Maxine!
March 12, 2024 at 10:05 pm
Haitians were forced for over a century to make payments to French and then American banks to reimburse the former slaveowners for loss of their African chattel. There have been numerous failed attempts to occupy Haiti, and a successful one by the US from 1915-1934. Connect the dots: These were all white folks who kept a knee on the neck of Haitians.
Michael K
March 13, 2024 at 9:29 am
So clearly, you think you have special privelages to “stay” (or to decide who gets to “stay”) and anyone who is not like you should leave? Sounds very un-American to me.
March 12, 2024 at 6:33 pm
Unfortunately it’s Florida politics that are toxic. I’m really sorry you feel this way which is rooted in a factless mindset
Impeach Biden
March 11, 2024 at 8:23 pm
Is this the same NAACP that recommended black folks not visit Florida? Now how successful was that campaign? People of all colors, religions, sexes like it here. The NAACP is simply out of touch.
Linwood Wright
March 12, 2024 at 10:59 am
Very different situation. We’re talking about NAACP student athletes here. If they’re being recruited by a Florida school it’s very likely that’s just one of a several offers.
So why choose a school in a state that is trying to teach that slavery had upsides?
March 12, 2024 at 6:29 pm
I couldn’t agree more! Thank you!
Michael K
March 13, 2024 at 9:27 am
Yes, why go to a place that is not welcoming to you – or that uses people like you as politcal pawns.
March 12, 2024 at 7:25 am
DEI is a new department with unbelievably high costs due to enormous salaries of $400,000 and higher. We had diversity, equity and inclusion well before the formation of this expensive, do nothing department and we will have it now that they are gone. Put the money into tutoring programs and scholarships.
The “PRIDE” flag should not be displayed on schools and government buildings. If private citizens want to display it, that’s fine. We also need to ensure that GROOMING stops occurring in our schools!
Dr. Franklin Waters
March 12, 2024 at 11:01 am
“Grooming” isn’t occuring in schools. Where are you getting this information?
March 12, 2024 at 9:57 pm
Grooming is less likely to take place in public schools than private, religious schools and churches.
March 12, 2024 at 9:44 am
I agreee, don’t come to Florida, we don’t want ya, don’t need ya, and. your crimes
Dr. Franklin Waters
March 12, 2024 at 11:00 am
“your crimes”
I’m sorry, but could you clarify this part for me?
It almost sounds like you’re assuming that black student athletes are criminals? Is that what you’re really implying?
March 12, 2024 at 9:59 pm
Alas, Dr. Waters — blaming Black youth and young men is the default position for white losers.
Dont Say FLA
March 14, 2024 at 4:58 pm
…because the loser status of every white loser is entirely the fault of everyone on Earth except of course the white losers themselves, it’s definitely not their own faults and not a result of their piss poor attitudes toward others and even toward their own lives too
March 17, 2024 at 6:30 pm
So tired of it
March 14, 2024 at 7:18 pm
I thought when I got old people would have gotten tired of fighting about race and moved on to other things like arguing about citizenship for their robot dogs and the fact the world is owned and controlled by corporations. Now I’m an ornery old man and it seems worse to me now than 20 -30 years ago. Not everywhere, but here. And a lot of places. All this hate and identity stuff. Propped up and directed by destructive government policy and rhetoric as a means of distracting the voting base from what’s actually going on, which is the destruction of the middle class and the American dream in the name of extreme greed for a select few. Folks better open their eyes and start helping and loving each other. I’ll be dead soon enough but ya’ll got bigger things to fight over. Like being able to afford to stay alive, and water and air and food and not getting fried on the sidewalk or taken out by a plague and oh yeah, robots.
Like others have said, these athletes will make rational decisions based on their own interests and time will tell. Just like we can see the results of single party rule of Florida for the last 30 years.
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